National Geographic flies millionaires around the world on exotic trips while claiming that climate change is “the greatest threat to human health in recorded history”
06/15/2023 // Lance D Johnson // Views

National Geographic (a media conglomerate that has recently been pushing out climate change hysteria) routinely invites millionaires and billionaires onto their private Boeing 757 jet for exotic excursions to “far-flung destinations" around the world. Since last September, National Geographic has been promoting climate change as the “the greatest threat to human health in recorded history."

This sanctimonious posturing is all theater, however, because Nat Geo needlessly and hypocritically jets their elite donors around the world on their gas-guzzling, fossil-fuel burning, private jet. Funny enough, Nat Geo lectures its readers about their “carbon footprint” and instructs readers to think about how much time they fly, while doing the exact opposite in their pursuit of global mega-donors.

Nat Geo being bought off by globalists who seek to exploit nature for their own corporate interests

National Geographic is slowly being bought out by globalists who seek to plunder sovereign nations, promote their own interests, and advance their own enterprises. In order to achieve their goals, the globalists need obedient media outlets to pump out propaganda and mass hysteria. Nat Geo is the perfect publication to ramp up climate hysteria and appeal to people's interest in nature. In this way, globalists can exploit the natural world and corporatize environmental issues for their own gain. To do so, they will buy up once-respected publications like the National Geographic so they can instill fear in populations and compel changes to governments on a global scale.

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Nat Geo jets their elite donors around the world on trips that cost roughly $100,000. According to National Geographic, their “specially outfitted jet” offers a “plush, sleek interior design and features “comfortable VIP-style leather seating” for their largest donation partners. The jet also offers a private chef and a “dedicated luggage handler.” Elite donors can “fly in exceptional comfort” as they visit “far-flung destinations” to encounter “legendary wildlife.

These trips include the $108,000 “Wildlife of the World by Private Jet” tour, which takes the elite on a trip to see elephants in Malaysia, Bengal tigers in India, mountain gorillas in Rwanda, exotic marine life in over-water bungalow in the Maldives and back to Rome.

Propagandists who push climate hysteria are often responsible for hundreds of times more CO2 emissions than the average person

These elite excursions include trips to the coral reefs, the same coral reefs, we’re told, that are dying off because of man-made climate change. These same globalists never address the real issues that are causing damage to the natural world. For instance, Nat Geo claims that the coral reefs are dying off because of “climate change.” But according to studies, coral reefs are harmed by sunscreen chemicals like oxybenzone. The same globalists who push climate change hysteria don’t care about the real causes of  environmental issues. They can travel the world in their private jets, get together at their summits to virtue signal to the world about “climate change” -- while polluting the air with hundreds of times the emissions that an everyday person would use.

These elites travel about 30,000 miles during these 24-day “expeditions.” If these jets produce an average of 53.3 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile, then these needless excursions emit more than 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide. According to carbon research, the average American puts out a yearly carbon footprint of approximately 32,000 pounds. These needless excursions put out the equivalent carbon footprint that 47 Americans put out in an entire year’s time.

Currently, Nat Geo has 16 more excursions scheduled between now and the end of 2024, and they have no plans of stopping. They don't care how much they are being bought off, and they obviously don't really care much about the carbon, the climate, or the environment, which they pretend to champion.

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