TRUTH: Lab-grown “meat” produces 25x more carbon dioxide “pollution” than traditional animal husbandry
06/13/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views

Despite claims that it is better for the environment than real meat, laboratory-grown fake "meat" produces 25 times more carbon dioxide (CO2) "pollution" than traditional animal husbandry, new research shows.

Every kilogram of lab-grown meat generates anywhere from 542 pounds (246 kg) to 3,325 pounds (1,508 kg) of CO2 emissions, rendering it anywhere from four to 25 times more harmful to the environment, based on global warming rhetoric, than conventional beef.

From "cradle to gate," as they call it, the process of culturing and growing fake meat in a lab is far more energy intensive than simply letting real animals roam on natural pastures eating grasses and producing meat the natural way.

Lab-grown meat is great for the corporations that produce it, along with their shareholders, but it is anything but good for the natural environment.

"While the fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world, the true intent is to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and others achieved through patented GMO seed development," writes Dr. Joseph Mercola.

"In the end, lab-created meats are worse for the environment than livestock and will undoubtedly deteriorate human health to boot, just like GMO grains have."

(Related: We have been warning you about the threat of lab-grown meat for at least a decade.)

"Climate friendly" claims for lab meat are fake, based on ideas and technologies that don't even exist

The primary source of CO2 emissions in lab-grown meat comes from the "purification" processes, which require lots of earth-based fuel (fossil fuel) to complete.

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"The bacteria used to produce the 'meat' releases endotoxins, and these must be eliminated from the growth medium or else the cells won't reproduce properly," Mercola explains about how the process works.

Research into lab-grown meat explains that the economic and environmental costs associated with creating the bacteria, or what is described as "pharmaceutical products," are very high "since they are both energy and resource intensive."

The fake meat industry is also notorious for lying about the "climate friendly" aspects of its technology, some of which is hypothetical and does not even exist. For instance, the industry claims that cyanobacteria hydrolysate used in fake meat production can occur in open concrete ponds to then be "harvested, sterilized, hydrolyzed and used as an animal cell growth medium," even though such a process is not even possible.

"In short, the claims propping up the cultured meat industry are a sham, as the idea that cultured meat is a greener option is based on nonexistent technologies rather than the technologies that are in use," Mercola warns.

Another lie of the fake meat industry is the idea that switching to cultured lab-made meat will help to cool the planet. The data shows that the opposite is actually true, especially over the longer term.

Then there is the gross factor of lab-grown meat, which contains fetal bovine serum or FBS, a growth medium obtained from unborn calves that are cut out of the womb and drained of their blood while still alive.

"Hence, most claims of cultured meat being animal-free or free of animal cruelty are false," Mercola notes.

Pretty much everything the fake meat industry claims about its products is fake, from the environmental "benefits" all the way to the health "benefits." Fake meat exists for the same reasons genetically modified organisms (GMOs) exist: to make a select few very rich while allowing these same select few to control the food supply and thin the human "herd" by feeding people poison presented as "food."

The latest news about the lab-grown "meat" agenda can be found at

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