Not just in Ukraine: US also running BIOLABS in Africa, Asia-Pacific region
06/09/2023 // Kevin Hughes // Views

A report has revealed that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is also running biological weapons laboratories in both Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, not just in Ukraine.

Russia initially disclosed the existence of the said biolabs in Ukraine. However, recent reports state the disappointment of many nations in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa over these experiments.

Back in December, lawmakers part of the Makabayan (Nationalist) bloc of the Philippine House of Representatives called for an investigation on the U.S. DoD's biological weapons activity. The American agency had been doing experiments at the Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in the province of Tarlac. In a resolution, the bloc pointed out that the DoD's Defense Threat Reduction Agency is in charge of countering chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-explosive weapons of mass destruction.

"A civilian laboratory was constructed using funds of a foreign military agency, which has the responsibility of managing and integrating the U.S. Defense Department's chemical and biological defense science and technology program," the measure stated.

"Allowing the U.S. DoD to influence civilian agricultural initiatives gives rise to reasonable suspicions on the true objectives of these projects in the Philippines," it continued. According to the lawmakers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ought to be in charge of civilian cooperation on bilateral agricultural concerns, not agencies under the DoD – a concern shared by many Filipinos.

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Indonesia also voiced out its opposition toward the presence of the Naval Medical Research Unit Two (NAMRU2)  in the country. Officials dubbed the unit, which is led by the U.S. Navy, as "inexpedient" and "useless." Thus, Jakarta ordered the immediate cessation of operations at NAMRU2, forcing the transfer of the unit's unfinished Indonesian operations to Cambodia.

Nations in Africa, former Soviet Union also hosting Pentagon biolabs

The DoD-operated biolabs are also present in Africa, which has prompted the health ministry of an unnamed Central African state to remark that this facility is likely responsible for the outbreak of an Ebola-based virus in September of last year. The pathogen reportedly created in Sudan was fully identical to a virus circulating throughout Africa back in 2012.

Aside from Africa, the Eastern European country of Georgia also hosts one such facility. The so-called Lugar Center in the capital Tbilisi is funded by Washington. Its operations are overseen by the U.S. Army Medical Research Unit in Georgia and some private companies linked to the DoD and DTRA under a state contract.

Only American citizens who have access to classified information and possess diplomatic immunity under the U.S.-Georgia Agreement on Defense Cooperation are allowed to access the Lugar Center, a Level III laboratory. Aside from collecting unspecified biological agents, the facility works works with a number of biological agents – including anthrax, tularemia and a number of highly contagious hemorrhagic fevers.

Lt. Gen Igor Kirillov of the Russian Armed Forces (AFR) disclosed last April that Washington is developing biological weapons in close proximity to Russia's borders. He cited more than 2,000 documents of various plans and projects examined by Moscow to back up his claim. (Related: Russia says U.S. government working on "universal" GMO bioweapon at Ukrainian biolabs that would cause MASS DEATH of humans, animals and crops.)

"We have no doubt that the U.S. – under the guise of ensuring global biosafety – conducted dual-use research, including the creation of biological weapons components in the immediate vicinity of the Russian borders," said Kirillov, the head of the AFR's radiation, chemical and biological defense unit.

According to the Russian general, the work on bioweapons was carried out in laboratories in the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and in the Kherson region. Formerly under Ukraine, the three areas are now under Russian control.

Head over to for more stories about U.S. bioweapons laboratories around the world.

Watch this video that discusses the presence of U.S.-funded biolabs near countries known to be America's enemies.

This video is from the Global Agenda channel on

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