Is communist China planning to attack the United States?
06/01/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views

It has become apparent that Hispanics are not the only people illegally rushing through America's porous southern border, especially now that Title 42 has ended. There are also Chinese infiltrators that appear to be possible members of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the military arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

According to eyewitness accounts, a disturbingly large number of "unaccompanied, fighting-age men who appear to be fit" are making their way through Latin America and into the United States via the nation's open borders. Could it be that some of these men are CCP infiltrators planning to unleash hell against America?

For a long while now, communist China has maintained an "unrestricted warfare" policy," the aim of which is to take down the United States through a violent military conflict. This is the plot of dictator Xi Jinping, we are told, who in addition to targeting Taiwan and other Indo-Pacific countries has also set his sights on the U.S.

(Related: Did you know that communist China has a censored version of Google with only CCP-approved search results?)

It is only a matter of time before CCP "sleeper cells" are activated to unleash hell on America

On May 26, 2023, the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) held a webinar called "Kinetic War on the U.S. Home Front: The CCP's Plans to Attack America" that addresses this potential threat – you can watch it at

The presenters estimate that as many as five battalions' worth of what could be PLA special operations personnel, or about 5,000 men, have already been ushered into America and are now insulated, meaning they are ready and awaiting their next orders.

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These organized units were quietly allowed into the country over the past several months – and they continue to pour in day after day. Time will tell what they attempt to do next, but it will almost certainly not be good in terms of maintaining the best interests of everyday Americans.

Just like everything else that comes out of Washington, D.C., these days, the open-borders policies of both Democrats and Republicans spanning many years have allowed a quiet invasion to occur. And these "sleeper cells," if you will, can be activated at any moment, unleashing hell across the land.

The webinar explains the doctrinal basis for China's "surprise" attack style and how this tactic could be used at a moment's notice by the CCP to wage war on America from within. The presenters also discuss the many vulnerabilities in the U.S. that make it easier than many people think to disrupt American life and overthrow it.

There are likely many CCP spies embedded within key organizations, both public and private. Chinese assets are likely posing as "businessmen," "scientists," or "researchers," not to mention the more than 300,000 Chinese "students" who are enrolled in American colleges and universities.

The webinar's panelists include:

Michael Yon, a former Green Beret, combat correspondent, author, and photographer.

Todd Bensman, author of "Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History" and "America's Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration."

Richard Fisher, senior fellow for Asia, International Assessment and Strategy Center and author of "China's Military Modernization: Building the Global and Regional Reach."

J.R. Nyquist, author of "Origins of the Fourth World War."

LTC Tommy Waller, USMC Reserves (Ret.), president of the Center for Security Policy and director of the Secure the Grid Coalition.

Brian T. Kennedy, chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China; president of the American Strategy Group; and former president of the Claremont Institute.

The latest news about communist China can be found at

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