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Let’s Talk America: Government is a divinely ordained institution God created for a purpose, Alex Newman tells Alan Keyes – Brighteon.TV
10/18/2022 // Kevin Hughes // 3.3K Views

Veteran journalist and "The Sentinel Report" host Alex Newman argued that government is a divinely ordained institution created by God for a purpose.

"Government is a divinely ordained institution. God created civil government as surely as he created family government and church government," Newman told "Let's Talk America" host Dr. Alan Keyes during the Brighteon.TV program's Oct. 11 episode. He added that civil government, family government and church government are different spheres or realms of authority.

According to Newman, God put civil government in place as a restraint on the impulses of sinful people. He cited Apostle Paul, who said in his letter to the Romans that government authorities are ministers of God who impose justice on the wicked.

"So, we need to get back to the understanding that there is no proper secular understanding of government. Government is an institution that God created for a specific purpose," Newman explained. "If you want it to function properly, you have to follow the instruction manual that the author of this institution gave us and that is the holy word of God."

He noted that for hundreds of years, Americans understood that God is the source of law and author of all objective laws which can be seen in Congress and the court buildings in Washington, D.C. – the federal capital.

Keyes mentioned that the U.S.'s federal form of government is being replaced by a form of government founded on the power, wealth and intelligence of a small elite cabal whose members claim their knowledge is better than the common sense of Americans. (Related: Government now "greatest threat" to U.S., warns Pastor MacArthur.)


Newman said the U.S. is the most significant target because it has the largest and most significant example of principles inspired by the Bible that are being implemented and entrenched. He added that once America goes down, any smaller experiments where these ideas have taken root will be very easy to discredit and destroy.

Newman: America needs to return to its biblical principles

A return to biblical principles in the Bible is needed, according to Newman. He explained: "Without that, I don't believe it's possible for us to restore that because I actually don't believe that individual liberty or self-government can exist apart from a population that has, generally speaking, a biblical worldview. And I don't mean that every single person needs to be a Christian."

The "Sentinel Report" host said belief in the godly revelations from the Holy Bible has resulted in the emergence of America. He added that the founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were a direct result of the biblical worldview of the people who created them.

"That's how you end up with what happened in America. A system of self-government where individuals get to rule or individuals get to select their leaders and where the laws of that regime reflect the proper biblical principles that God has revealed to us."

He also noted that people can look at human history or any place in the world where the gospel has not taken root does not have a free society.

Newman pointed out that the principles spoken in the Declaration of Independence are Christian principles that are self-evident from an examination of the historical record.

He added that the Founding Fathers – such as Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson – understood that the purpose of government is to punish evil, and it was bound to help protect the right to life of every person. Given this, he remarked that they had to go back to Jesus Christ – the author of these principles – as the source of these ideas. These principles, Newman added, are not ideas from the Age of Enlightenment but are enshrined in the Bible.

Watch the Oct. 11 episode of "Let's Talk America" below. "Let's Talk America" with Dr. Alan Keyes airs Monday to Friday at 2-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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