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The Midnight Sentinel: Food shortages are about to get worse
04/25/2022 // Zoey Sky // 10.9K Views

"The Midnight Sentinel" host JD Rucker has warned that people should start prepping as food shortages are about to get worse.

In a recent episode of his program, Rucker shared information that old and new preppers can use to prepare before SHTF. Rucker also warned against two potential outcomes:

  • First is a "creeping anarchy," where the degradation of society will occur over an extended period of time. In this scenario, more and more people will be unable to take care of themselves and their families until they become desperate.
  • Second is a quick, sudden domino effect. Within a couple of weeks or even several days, society will start to break down.

After a complete societal collapse, there will be martial law and anarchy and chaos in the streets. If you haven't stocked up on supplies, your whole family might starve.

There might be food shortages and supply trucks could get hijacked as stores run empty. Eventually, President Joe Biden will impose martial law and there will be a lot of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) trucks and camps trying to handle the situation, which will then spread across the globe.

This worsening problem isn't unique to America.

Before things get worse in your city, start preparing and stock up on food, water and other supplies. If society does collapse, survivors will be crucial to ensuring that things eventually go back to normal.

Rucker said it's unwise to underestimate just how badly things can go. The country will need patriots, particularly people who can take care of themselves.


Don't count on the government, the Biden regime or the powers that be who are controlling the Biden regime. Don't let all your hard work go to waste because of needless sanctions for a plandemic.

If things are only starting to get bad in your area, they could still get worse. Whatever happens, it's better to prepare now than starve later.

Aside from the war between Ukraine and Russia, food prices were affected by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Government COVID-19 responses have damaged the global supply chains, causing disruptions that continue to this day.

In 2022, Ukraine ceased exports of buckwheat, cattle, millet, oats and wheat, while Russia has banned exports of fertilizer. Both Russia and Belarus provide nearly 40 percent of the global exports of potash, a key fertilizer ingredient.

Russia also exports 48 percent of the global exports of ammonium nitrate. Combined with Ukraine, they export 28 percent of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Experts have warned that fertilizer prices may double as a result of Russia's ban on fertilizer exports.

Stock up on food and water to prepare for food shortages

If you're not a prepper yet, now is a good time to become one.

Before SHTF, prepare for multiple major disasters, supply chain issues, food shortages, cyber-attacks and rumors of war. Don't wait for the government to take care of you and your family. (Related: World Alternative Media: Global food shortage is part of Great Reset agenda.)

For your water supply, consider stocking up on clean drinking water. If you have space in your garage or homestead, set up a huge water tank, like one 300-gallon tank or several tanks.

Alternatively, you can stock up on five-gallon buckets or five-gallon water containers.

Here's a list of food items that you should also stockpile before SHTF:

  • Baking powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Brown and white rice
  • Canned food (fruits, vegetables and assorted meats)
  • Cooking oils
  • Dried pasta
  • Hard red winter wheat
  • Honey or sugar
  • Oats
  • Peanut butter
  • Pinto beans
  • Powdered milk
  • Salt and other spices
  • White flour

Experiment with these foods so you can come up with a list of easy-to-prepare meals that you can make for your family when dealing with a long-term survival scenario. Don't waste money on food your family doesn't like to eat, but make sure you also stock up on nutritious items so you get the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

If you have pets or livestock at home, don't forget to stock up on pet food, treats and toys for them too.

To ensure that the food in your stockpile doesn't go to waste, rotate your supplies. If SHTF, start by eating the short-term food in your pantry, freezer and refrigerator. Always go through the food based on when it expires.

Visit FoodCollapse.com to read more articles about food shortages.

Watch the full video below of "The Midnight Sentinel" with host JD Rucker to learn how to prepare for food shortages.

This video is from the JD Rucker channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

12 Signs that food shortages are already here.

Farmers are reducing how much food they produce due to surging fertilizer prices.

Food supply tips: 7 Vegetables to grow for your food stockpile.

Food supply 101: Minimum calories needed for survival.

Food supply 101: What to cook when SHTF.

Sources include:



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