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Poland surrenders entire fleet of MIG-29 fighter jets to latest escalation of NATO war against Russia
03/09/2022 // Ethan Huff // Views

Caving to pressure from NATO, the government of the Republic of Poland has announced that it will now hand over the country's entire fleet of MIG-29 fighter jets to the United States to aid in the war against Russia.

Following consultations between the president and the rest of the country's government, Poland decided to immediately send all of the jets – free of charge, it is important to note – to Ramstein Air Base, a United States Air Force base located in southwestern Germany.

Once there, the U.S. military-industrial complex will be allowed to use the aircraft however it pleases.

In return, Poland is asking the U.S. to provide the country with used aircraft that has corresponding operational capabilities. Poland has said it will purchase these used aircraft, despite giving its own aircraft to the U.S. for free.

Poland is clearly getting the short end of the stick, but this seems to be how things go when the world's bully decides it wants to fight another war. America's "allies" end up getting pressured into cooperating, or else.

As if that is not enough, Poland has also requested that other NATO allied countries hand over their MIG-29 jets for free as well.

Would Poland's former government have acted this way?

In light of this, one cannot help but recall the mysterious 2010 president plane crash that left former Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his cabinet dead in a field.

Many conspiracies arose out of that incident while the corporate-controlled media blamed Vladimir Putin since it occurred over Russian territory. But was it really the former Soviet Union that was at fault?


One wonders how that government, were it still governing Poland today, would handle the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Would that government have so willingly handed over its military planes to the U.S. – and for free, no less – like the current one is doing?

As you may recall from the time when the plane crash first occurred, one of the conspiracies that arose contended that someone wanted Kaczynski's administration removed in order to replace it with one better suited to the goals of the new world order's architects.

If that was the case, then it is no wonder that Poland's government today is capitulating to the demands of NATO, which seems hellbent upon protecting the puppet regime in Ukraine from being unseated by Putin.

Or, if the conspiracy runs even deeper than that, the powers that be are simply trying to ignite another world war to usher in the great reset that will predicate this new world order. For all we know, Putin is just another actor playing a role.

All the world's a stage, after all, as William Shakespeare famously said. The makings of the great and final world war to end all wars seems to be taking shape, and Poland is handing over its weapons.

"Clearly we are promising them modern U.S. equivalent attack aircraft as replacement hardware," suggested a commenter, offering a different take. "More money to be made by our industrial complexes, years of training / certification and support infrastructure."

"Always a profit to be made in arms dealing: 'Get rid of that rusty ol' Russian piece of junk and buy American!"

Another person speculated that the "deep state" would rather "rule over radioactive ashes than lose an election."

"As a result of this proxy war with Russia the American people must suffer Biden policies on gas and closed shipping harbors along with open borders," said someone else. "He is worse than any Russian army by factors of 10."

More related news can be found at WWIII.news.

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