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The Ben Armstrong Show: Vaccines more dangerous than COVID – Brighteon.com
01/22/2022 // Mary Villareal // 10.9K Views

On the January 20 episode of the Ben Armstrong show on "The New American" channel, the host and his guest, Dr. Gina Loudon of "Dr. Gina Primetime" discuss how the vaccine is much more dangerous than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) itself. "All the numbers that they gave you about the deaths of COVID-19 were extremely inflated, and they are way underreporting the people who are dying of the vaccine," Armstrong said on the get-go. (Related: Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon declares covid vaccines are “toxic by design” – they’re weapons to reduce global population.)

Armstrong explained that the updated numbers of vaccine injuries have already passed the one million mark, and out of those numbers, 21,000 are vaccine-related deaths. He then used data from Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Steve Kirsch, who calculated the numbers based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules, and came up with the conclusion that VAERS, the self-reporting vaccine system by the government, underreport adverse events by a factor of 41.

"Now, some people have multiple adverse events," Armstrong said. "So, one person could have three or four different things happening to them that they report, and that's why that number is so big, but it's very accurate."

Government inflates COVID death rates, underreports adverse events

What the government has been doing is that they inflated the COVID death numbers to trick people into thinking that COVID-19 is a deadly disease, but how can something that has a 99 percent survival rate for healthy people be called deadly?


What happened is that the government had been using the numbers of people who were already on the path of dying, who died with COVID. A little over a year ago, the CDC admitted that 94 percent of patients who died from COVID had other health issues, and only six percent didn't have those issues.

What's even more interesting is that of 800,000 deaths in the U.S., only six percent of the cases can be said died from COVID. More likely, the other 96 percent were people who were dying from other causes.

However the government still labels them as COVID deaths, and hospitals were getting paid extra to say that these people died of the virus, so the more "COVID cases" they had, the more money they can get from the government. So hospitals label as many people as they can who are coming in as COVID patients, even though they weren't there for COVID treatment, or weren't dying. Others even have cancer. But hospitals test them and say that they have COVID, to inflate the numbers. "So if there are 800,000 deaths from COVID, only 6% of that is real," Armstrong said.

It does not mean, however, that those people who supposedly died from COVID were healthy. It just means they weren't diagnosed with something and died with COVID, so there have to be others in there that died with a heart condition or something else, they just never were diagnosed with it.

The point, according to Armstrong, is not the numbers, the point is whatever VAERS says, you can multiply by 41 to get a more accurate picture of vaccine-related deaths. However, for media, just take six percent of the total number of deaths reported by mainstream media to get an accurate number for COVID deaths.

"The vaccine is the dangerous thing. The vaccine is the bioweapon, and COVID-19 is nothing. That's the accurate picture you get. It's frustrating," Armstrong said.

They also discussed Dr. Michael Yeadon, who served as a scientist in Pfizer, and who revealed that there are super toxic batches of vaccines that are especially designed for mass murder and destruction. With the help of verified hackers, he was able to identify all the lot numbers and codes that are associated with high levels of vaccine toxicity. Unfortunately, big pharma companies like Pfizer have been given immunity by the government, so they can continue doing their experiments, many of which can kill large numbers of people.

Watch the full January 20 episode of "The Ben Armstrong Show" below:

You can catch "The Ben Armstrong Show" on The New American channel at Brighteon.com.

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