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Report: College suspends student for innocuous comment on genders
03/02/2021 // News Editors // 4.9K Views

Sin darkens the intellect, so maybe that’s why the atheistic left is susceptible to believing the fantasy that men and women can change their gender.

(Article by Christine Favocci republished from WesternJournal.com)

Either that, or it’s some yet-to-be-understood phenomenon that is currently throttling the U.S. toward its own demise as basic biology is jettisoned in favor of the pseudoscientific radical gender theory.

If that sounds hyperbolic, consider that a student in the education program at State University of New York Geneseo has been suspended for pointing out the irrefutable and self-evident fact that "a man is a man, a woman is a woman," the Daily Wire reported.

"A man is a man, a woman is a woman. A man is not a woman and a woman is not a man," Owen Stevens bravely proclaimed in an Instagram video posted last November that was brought to the university’s attention by fellow students.

"If I’m a man and I think I’m a woman, I’m still a man. If I’m a woman who thinks I’m a man, I’m still a woman," he continued.

"Regardless of what you feel on the inside, it’s irrelevant to your biological status."

"It doesn’t change the biology. The biology is very clear. It’s very, very, very clear. And it’s binary and easy," Stevens said.

What should be indisputably considered a mainstream position, supported by science and understood since the beginning of human history, has become a punishable offense.

In an email to Stevens, the university said he would be removed from his education major’s field study programs because his views "call into question" whether he’s able to "maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all of [his] students," the Daily Wire reported.


The suspension report provided to the outlet revealed that Stevens would be barred from opportunities in the education department until he satisfied a "remediation plan" that included taking the videos down, backing away from social media and participating in what Stevens called a "re-education" program.

The dean of the School of Education admonished Stevens in an email that he didn’t "consistently demonstrate behaviors required by the Conceptual Framework of the School of Education."

"You continue to maintain, ‘I do not recognize the gender that they claim to be if they are not biologically that gender,'" the email continued.

"This public position is in conflict with the Dignity for All Students Act requiring teachers to maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all students."

The university president sent an email to all students and staff about the situation, which may have encouraged retribution against Stevens.

"Yesterday, I was made aware of a current student’s Instagram posts pertaining to transgender people," the president wrote.

"I want to take this opportunity to publicly restate my deep personal commitment to promoting social justice."

"There are clear legal limitations to what a public university can do in response to objectionable speech," the president added, lamenting there were "few tools at our disposal to reduce the pain that such speech may cause."

Stevens said he’s "received threats and horrible incidents of students who all feel like they are making the world a better place by becoming the woke thought police."

"Overall, I want justice and the right thing to be done," he said.

A university spokeswoman told the Daily Wire that "SUNY Geneseo respects every student’s right to freedom of speech and expression," but that "choosing to enter into certain professional fields, students agree to abide by the professional standards of their chosen field."

The spokeswoman added that sometimes "professional standards dictate that students act and behave in certain ways that may differ from their personal predilections."

But this is more than a "personal predilection" or some sort of affront to the dignity of the students Stevens may someday teach — believing that men are men and women are women is a fact of nature that, until very recently, wasn’t in dispute.

Rational people are grappling with the fact that roughly half of the country is now buying into this convoluted, destructive concept that gender is somehow fluid or changeable at will.

Unfortunately, it isn’t just that people believe these crackpot notions, but that those in power are trying to force society to accept and perpetuate the lie — and that there will be no daring to dissent without facing consequences as Stevens did.

The fact that the university is doing this to a young man who is training to be an educator is especially alarming given the overall reach others in the program — who will either believe the gender theory lie or at least shut up about it — will go out into the world and spread the errors to young, impressionable minds.

Insanity is one way to explain the sudden, pervasive subversion of basic truths of life, but it’s more sinister than that.

Radical gender theory is diabolical because it strikes at the very heart of humanity, ignores the complementary relationship between the sexes written in our biology by the Creator and forces a lie on society.

This error has already taken hold in so many corners of society — and institutions like SUNY are doing their best to make sure the madness spreads to the next generation.

Read more at: WesternJournal.com and CampusInsanity.com.

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