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New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter… some stored in democrat-run government buildings including East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento – Block 174
07/03/2020 // Mike Adams // 110.6K Views

We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.

Summary of what you'll find in this article:

  • Communist China is supplying full auto AR-15 "mods" to Black Lives Matter militants in America, and a shipment was recently interdicted by Customer and Border Protection (CBP).
  • California Gov. Newsom is involved in a trillion-dollar money laundering operation with communist China to keep him in power. He's funneling taxpayer money to China, and they are laundering it and funneling money back to him. (See Los Angeles Times link below.)
  • Using the laundered money, Gov. Newsom is stockpiling automatic weapons, ammunition and gold in the underground storage complex at 1616 Capitol Ave. in Sacramento, the East End Complex building - block 174. (Sourced from a former employee who worked there.)
  • Gov. Newsom is plotting with China to have communist troops invade America (via California and other states) and to overrun and occupy the United States, turning it over to communist Chinese rule.
  • China's EMP weapons, developed using technology stolen from the USA, are planned to be the first wave "Pearl Harbor" event that sets it all off. (Official report to the White House, see link below, or visit https://emptaskforce.us ).
  • Obama helped set up a civilian military force using Operation Fast and Furious gun smuggling to arm the narcos. (Full timeline link below.)
  • Brighteon.TV

  • Those same narcos are now trained by communist Chinese military instructors and are prepared to invade America with the aid of heavy weapons. (DHS sources via Hodges, link below.)
  • The civil war America is facing won't be lightly-armed "soy boys," but rather heavily armed, full-auto wielding Black Lives Matter militants, Mexican narco gangs and communist Chinese troops operating under the protection of Gov. Newsom.
  • Hundreds of companies across corporate America are now directly funding or overtly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists as part of this civil war effort to destroy America. See the full list of 269 companies here.

We begin with the recent news that China was caught attempting to smuggle "10,800 assault weapons parts" into Louisville, Kentucky. This news was announced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on June 26, 2020:

At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country.

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination.

The official CBP announcement did not offer any specifics on what exactly the "assault weapons parts" were, but we have since learned from another source that the parts were drop-in full-auto mods for AR-15 rifles.

Full auto drop-in parts are very simple but highly illegal parts which turn a semi-auto AR-15 into a full-auto AR-15, which is illegal for civilians to own. Such parts replace a small number of existing parts in the AR-15 trigger mechanism and safety selector. Because the parts are very small, a high number of them -- such as 10,800 -- can be hidden in shipments that claim to be other things such as machinery parts or samples.

This means China was sending 10,800 full-auto rifle mods to Melbourne, Florida, which no doubt serves as a distribution hub for moving those pieces nationwide.

You might reasonably wonder, then, why China would be sending full-auto rifle mods to the USA. The answer is that China supports the civil war attempt by Black Lives Matter, and China is coordinating with BLM terrorists to arm up their militant troops across the country, upgrading their legally-acquired AR-15 weapons to "full auto" status, which makes them far more formidable in a kinetic assault.

Melbourne, Florida, is known as a human trafficking, drug trafficking and weapons trafficking mecca, with smuggling routes that are well established across both land and water. With easy access to both Orlando and Miami airports, contraband that comes into Melbourne is easy to distribute across the USA within days. The human trafficking is so bad in Melbourne that every law enforcement officer working the area has had contact with human trafficking operations there.

We now believe that some of these full-auto weapons mods end up under the control of Democrat governors like Newsom, the California Governor who actively seeks to see America destroyed.

Weapons, ammo and gold storage: East End Complex - Block 174 - Capitol building, Sacramento, California

Several weeks ago, we learned from a source in California that the East End Complex - Block 174 - of the Capitol building in Sacramento, California, has a vast underground storage complex that consists of multiple floors, much like a giant underground parking garage. The construction alone cost a quarter of a billion dollars:

From JohnsonFain.com, the firm that designed the facility:

...this project is an ambitious multi-block mixed-use development to consolidate the headquarters operations of three major departments of California State government. 6,400 employees of the Departments of Health Services, Education and General Services are housed in the five-building, 1.5 million square foot development, along with 1,500 parking spaces...

The Department of Health Services and General Services are housed in the second portion of the Capitol Area East End Complex, known as Blocks 171-174. This design-build team is made up of Clark Construction and Gruen Architects who completed this $225.6 million complex.

Here's a link to the official web page for this building.

And here's a satellite map of its location:

Our source, who served as an employee inside the building complex for several years, tells us that the underground storage facility in this building houses "vehicles, firearms, ammunition and gold bullion." You'll hear more from this source below...

Governor Newsom send half a billion dollars to China for completely fabricated "covid-19 mask" deal

Governor Newsom is fully aware of this operation and has been bought off by China, which is covertly providing loans to Newsom to keep him in power and prevent California from defaulting in an epic financial collapse. As Paul Preston reported on Agenda21Radio.news:

(Washington DC)-Sources in Washington DC speaking under condition of anonymity have revealed to AENN that California Governor Gavin Newsom has entered into discussions with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) to loan the state of California $1 trillion dollars by way of a collateralized loan.

Newsom is making "payments" on the loans from China by funneling money to China through other corrupt means, such as this recent bombshell that finds Newsom helping communist China receive $1 billion in coronavirus aid. Via WesternJournal.com:

California announced a $1,000,000,000 outlay to purchase N95 respirator masks... “The governor’s advisors have so far declined requests for information about the agreement with BYD, the Chinese electric car manufacturer hired to produce the masks, though the state has already wired the company the first installment of $495 million,” the Times reported.

“Newsom, who has been praised for his efforts to slow the spread of the disease, bristled on Saturday at suggestions that his administration has been too slow to explain a deal that will cost California taxpayers 30% more than his January budget would spend on infectious disease prevention for an entire fiscal year.”

Furthermore, he hasn’t bothered to brief the California Legislature on what, exactly, he agreed to.

That's because this isn't a billion dollars for "masks." It's part of a massive money laundering operation to funnel money to China, so that China can funnel money and weapons back to Newsom in preparation for the civil war that they're launching. (Nobody believes Gov. Newsom is spending a billion dollars on N95 masks... it's absurd. Just a cover story.)

Even the Los Angeles Times was shocked by Gov. Newsom agreeing to send a billion dollars to China for N95 masks. As reported by the LA Times:

Gov. Gavin Newsom‘s decision to spend almost $1 billion in taxpayer funds to buy protective masks drew national attention as an aggressive move by California to solve one of the most nagging problems of the coronavirus crisis.

But almost two weeks after he announced the deal during a cable TV interview, very few details have been disclosed. The governor’s advisors have so far declined requests for information about the agreement with BYD, the Chinese electric car manufacturer hired to produce the masks, though the state has already wired the company the first installment of $495 million.

Seriously? An electric car company in China? Folks, this is as corrupt and dirty as it gets. But it's all part of the money laundering operation that sends money to China, so that Chine can send "clean" money back to Newsom, which he diverts and uses to buy weapons, ammunition and gold.

Gov. Newsom is stockpiling weapons, ammunition and gold at the Capitol building in Sacramento

Back to the Easy End Complex in Sacramento, our source says they personally witnessed "insane amounts" of ammunition -- pallets at a time -- being delivered and stored there, harkening back to the DOJ purchases of 2 billion rounds of ammunition under President Barack Obama, who also said that he wanted to build a civilian army that was just as powerful as the U.S. military, by the way. Obama called this his, "Civilian National Security Force," as AmericanThinker.com explains, Barack Obama said:

We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set... We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

One pallet of 5.56 ammo is well over 50,000 rounds, by the way. So the ammo stockpiling by Gov. Newsom is off the charts, and it appears he got ammo from the DOJ under Obama as well as new ammo funded by communist China. Essentially, Gov. Newsom has been stockpiling weapons and ammo in preparation for a civil war that he's been helping to make reality.

Back to Obama, how do you create a civilian military force? You stockpile weapons in Democrat-controlled cities like Sacramento. You work with communist China to import full-auto weapon mod parts to upgrade your civilian forces to military-grade automatic weapons. And you put more weapons into the hands of your loyalists through legalized gun-running operations like Operation Fast and Furious.

Listen to this bombshell interview between Dave Hodges and Bob Griswold, start playing at 17:15


Griswold: If you look closely at CHAZ, they were passing out AR-15s, where did they get those AR-15s from? They were in a closed area... where did all these AR-15s just miraculously appear from?

Hodges: Well I can tell you what my intelligence sources tell me: Pre-stashed weaponry... suspected courtesy of communist Chinese money and backing.

Griswold: Of course! We've mentioned this many times, that Long Beach, California was the Chinese way of bringing it into the country, the Southern border was [also] the way of bringing it in, and they funded these people... I was wondering why the FBI and the ATF didn't go in when they were passing out AR-15s to minors [in CHAZ].

Obama's "Fast and Furious" gun-running operation

Barack Obama, a "sleeper cell" president who had been meticulously plotting to see American overthrown and destroyed, launched Operation Fast and Furious in 2009, under the control of DOJ AG Eric Holder, a treasonous criminal who continues to work to undermine America today. Under operation Fast and Furious, the ATF was ordered to allow Mexican drug gangs to purchase high-caliber weapons from U.S. gun dealers in Arizona. These guns, Obama and Holder knew, would later be used in gun crimes in the United States, allowing President Obama to decry "gun violence" and call for new restrictions on the Second Amendment.

CNS News publishes the full timeline of Operations Fast and Furious at this link.

In essence, this operation was a way for Barack Obama to put heavy weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. We have since learned that the narcos are being trained by communist Chinese military instructors, completing the circle of anti-America warfare tactics that involve both China and Mexico.

Remember that China has, for many years, been engaged in chemical warfare against the United States of America through the manufacture and distribution of fentanyl, a highly toxic drug that is right now killing over 60,000 Americans a year (that's more than all the U.S. casualties of the Vietnam War combined). But how is fentanyl brought into the United States? Mexican drug cartels and smuggling routes which are protected by Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom as part of their "open borders" policies. (The narcos pay tens of millions of dollars each year to California Democrats to maintain the open borders policy for drug smuggling and human trafficking.)

Importantly, these same routes will be used by the communist Chinese to invade the United States of America once the civil war achieves sufficient destabilization. That's why China is dumping full-auto weapon mods into the continental United States -- because it's a destabilizing vector that will lead to mass chaos, death and blood in the streets. This will set the stage for Chinese-trained narcos to invade Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, aided by the guns they acquired via Obama's Operation Fast and Furious.

At the same time, Democrat-controlled areas like Sacramento will activate their stored weapons and ammunition, handing out guns and ammo to left-wing loyalists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, urging them to kill conservatives, Christians, Whites and Trump supporters.

The multi-faceted attack that's about to hit the United States while 99% of Americans are totally oblivious to reality

Dave Hodges at TheCommonsenseShow.com has extensively documented the interactions between Mexican drug cartels and Chinese military troops. See some of his analysis in stories like, "Mexican Oil Official Says UN-Mexican Cartels and Chinese Are Provoking a Border War" or, "Leaked Document Shows Chinese Intent to Commit Mass American Genocide Followed the Occupation of America."

In effect, America is about to be hit with a multi-faceted attack that has been largely funded by communist China, consisting of:

  • A domestic civil war uprising of Black Lives Matter militants who have been heavily armed with automatic weapons and are intent on killing Whites, Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters. In addition, Black Lives Matter is already receiving enormous funding through U.S. corporations such as McDonald's, Netflix, Google and others who have pledged almost half a billion dollars so far.
  • A border invasion consisting of armed Mexican narcos who have been trained by Chinese military instructions and given heavy weapons paid for by China.
  • The release of financial weapons against America, including China selling off U.S. Treasury debt and announcing its own gold-backed currency.
  • The unleashing of emotionally charged, drooling left-wing "zombies" who have been whipped up into a frenzy by the treasonous left-wing media pushing deliberately fake news such as claiming that America is a "racist" nation or that Trump himself is racist.
  • The continued chemical warfare against America via fentanyl, heroin and other drugs that are devastating America's young males who might otherwise be capable of serving in a military draft, if not for the fact that they are now trembling drug addicts.
  • The likely deployment of EMP weapons against America, using stolen technology, unleashing a "Pearl Harbor" attack that could kill 90% of the American population. This was the subject of a recent bombshell authored by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and filed under the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security. You can read my coverage of this at this link on NationalSecurity.news. See the official website of this task force at https://emptaskforce.us - from that article:

The EMP weapons that China is perfecting would destroy the power grid, collapsing the United States of America into mass starvation, chaos and economic collapse. Although this seems to be exactly what Democrats want for America, it’s obviously a very dangerous scenario. This achieves China’s goal of eliminating the American people without destroying the natural resources and farmland through the use of nuclear weapons, which contaminate soils for three centuries with radioisotopes.

As Pry explains in the report, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Once the American people begin to die off in large numbers, China will stage a military invasion to occupy America and kill any remaining resistance. At that point, China will claim America for itself and begin a mass migration effort to colonize America with communist Chinese.

All this has been meticulously documented by people like J.R. Nyquist (JYquist.blog) and Dave Hodges (TheCommonsenseShow.com), both of whom I have interviewed about these critical issues:

And here’s a recent interview with Hodges about the coming invasion of America by Chinese troops:

I've also just posted an interview with "Scout" from BrushBeater, who warns of the coming civil war and makes specific recommendations about communications gear, night vision, training protocols and much more. If you have any desire at all to survive the civil war that has already begun, you need to listen to this interview:

Now you know why this website is blacklisted by Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter: Because Big Tech is in on the plan to destroy America, and they are all working with communist China to achieve this end game.

That's why you need to immediately move to alternative platforms such as Parler.com, Spreely.com, Gab.com, Brighteon.com, etc., where you can share critical stories without censorship.

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Share this important story everywhere you can, and get geared up for the coming war, because you will literally be fighting for your own survival.

Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of NaturalNews.com, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.

Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.

In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.

Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.

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