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You know what’s even more destructive to human life than the coronavirus? The Chinese Communist Party
05/20/2020 // Ethan Huff // Views

Has the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) won? It would seem as though America's response to the pandemic has been far worse than the virus itself with politicians racing to see who can trash the Constitution the fastest, plunging our once great nation into the same totalitarian paradigm as communist China.

While China was the first to impose extreme draconian measures to supposedly reign in the novel virus, the United States has been more than happy to carry the torch of authoritarianism much further than many probably anticipated, setting a chilling precedent as the rest of the world looks on in horror.

What was once thought to only occur only in dictatorships has quickly spread around the world in the name of keeping people "safe." And perhaps no group is prouder about what has been accomplished than the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which we now know is orders of magnitude more threatening than any virus.

Human rights activist Chen Guangcheng said it right when he recently called on the world to "come together to confront the CCP," contending that it "is the biggest and most serious virus of all."

Speaking with William Saunders on Faith and Law's Friday Forum, Chen emphasized that the time is now for the world to recognize "the threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to all humanity." And now that many of the CCP's doctrines are manifesting here in the West right before our very eyes, his statements ring truer than ever with each passing day.

In China, dissidents are not allowed to express their opinions vocally, for fear that they might be arrested or worse. Peaceful protest is largely a no-no in China, and thanks to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) it is also becoming a no-no in some places here in the states, particularly in leftist enclaves where governors are telling people that they cannot gather to speak out because that breaks "social distancing" guidelines.


China also does not like human reproduction and has put extreme measures in place to restrict people from having babies. Well, the same thing is now happening here in the United States as some doctors are reportedly chastising their patients who wish to get pregnant, warning them that doing so is not acceptable due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Coronavirus is also a virus of the mind

In many ways, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a virus both of the body and of the mind because the fear it is generating among some is fueling a type of hatred against the freedoms and liberties this country has long cherished. Suddenly it is no longer acceptable to go to church or to spend time in nature, at least not without everyone wearing masks and being six feet apart at all times.

The types of things that freedom-minded folks used to only hear about taking place in some faraway land are suddenly becoming commonplace here in America, in other words. A mass surveillance police state the likes of which communist China only could have dreamed about implementing here in the U.S. is now being welcomed and even demanded by many of our own citizens thanks to fear and paranoia about the pandemic.

Oh, come on, many of them argue, it will not last forever! Except that it will if history is any indicator. As it turns out, those who become drunk on power tend not to give it back, in this case defying the rights of the American people that, sadly, are no longer unified in a common understanding of what those rights even entail.

"No matter how nice the free world tries to be, dictators will not change," Guangcheng warns about how authoritarians need to be treated. "The reality you have to face is that dictators see you as the enemy. And it's not only the people directly ruled by dictators who face harm, as you now see from the coronavirus."

For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out Pandemic.news.

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