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Catholic university professors are now supportive of murdering babies
02/05/2020 // Ethan Huff // 5.4K Views

A cohort of 44 Catholic professors from King's University College in London, Ontario, is demanding that the school issue a public apology for allowing the pro-life film Unplanned to be screened on campus.

Even though abortion is forbidden within the Catholic religion, these professors contend that the film created "furor and fear" within the student and faculty bodies because some found its screening offensive.

In their demand letter, these 44 faculty members openly condemn King's University College for its "public endorsement of an anti-abortion stance." They further express "great concern" about the "viability of our institution as we work to recruit and maintain excellent students, staff and faculty."

In other words, it's just not "cool" in 2020 to be pro-life, even if you're a Catholic. It's also not okay to show movies to students and faculty that might persuade them to become pro-life – because murdering unborn babies is the epitome of "progress."

Responding to this demand letter, Principal David Malloy expressed that King's University College "does not have any official position on abortion," despite claiming to be a Catholic institution.

"The presentation of the film and the belief of life beginning at conception is the stance of Campus Ministry and not of King's as a whole," he further explained in an official statement.

"King's employees, faculty and students do not need to prescribe to the tenets of the Catholic Church. King's does not have a position on abortion."

For more related news about abortion, be sure to check out Abortions.news.


Unplanned filmmakers say they're sorry it even has to be explained to Catholic professors that "fetal dismemberment is intrinsically evil"

That professors at a Catholic institution would take issue with the presentation of a film exposing the abortion industry for what it is says a lot about the moral decline of modern society.

Unplanned, in case you didn't know, is a powerful film about the life of a former Texas Planned Parenthood manager by the name of Abby Johnson who quit her job back in 2009 after discovering the truth about abortion – it's murder – and renouncing her former career.

You can learn more about the film at this link.

Its creators, Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, upon hearing about this fiasco at King's issued an apology of their own – but not in the way you might think. In a sarcastic rebuttal of these professors' demands, the duo told LifeSiteNews that they are only "sorry that it has to be explained to the professors of a Catholic university that fetal dismemberment is intrinsically evil."

"We sincerely hope that among the professors calling for the apology, there are none from the theology or philosophy departments," they added.

While LifeSiteNews was unable to reach the Diocese of London for an official response, it did get a hold of Michael Bechard, the pastor and chaplain for King's University Campus Ministry, who stated that his organization "supports without reservation the sanctity of life from conception until natural death."

He further explained that Unplanned was screened as part of the Veritas Series for Faith and Culture on campus, prompting "a challenging but necessary conversation where individuals with varying points of view were allowed the opportunity to express their thoughts on the movie and on the complex realities surrounding abortion."

This same Veritas Series for Faith and Culture also hosted a pro-LGBT Jesuit by the name of James Martin, who gave a presentation about "Showing Respect and Welcome to LGBT People in the Church."

"Fire them or remove it from the list of 'Catholic' colleges," wrote one LifeSiteNews commenter in response to this news.

"How did a so-called 'Catholic' college get 44 people on [its] payroll that object to Catholic teaching?" asked another.

Read DemonicTimes.com for more news about the Catholic Church being run by demons.

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