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Does anyone honestly think the Democrats will stop calling for violence against conservatives if Americans give up their guns?
08/14/2019 // Ethan Huff // 6.1K Views

According to the liberal narrative currently in circulation, disarming America is the only way to stop all of the gun violence we keep hearing about from the mainstream media. Once the Second Amendment is completely abolished, many leftists insist, all crime will cease, and the world will live in peace. But is anyone, including the left, actually buying this tripe?

Writing for Town Hall, Kurt Schlichter recently took some poignant jabs at this utopian fairy tale, suggesting that the leftists trying to peddle it aren't at all interested in bringing about true peace and safety. Instead, their goal is simply to further denigrate their political enemies by disarming them, allowing themselves to seize even more power over the masses.

Even though both of the recent alleged mass shooters espoused leftist ideologies, liberals are insistent that conservatives and President Trump are to blame. Consequently, liberals now want to eradicate people's gun rights in the name of "ending violence," even though there's no shred of possibility that doing this would ever bring about the stated outcome.

"Remember, everything the mainstream media tells you at the behest of the liberal elite is a lie and a scam designed to increase their power and wealth by diminishing your power and wealth," writes Schlichter.

"Global warming? It's such a crisis that they need to fly their private jets to fabulous resorts to discuss how you must trade in your Ford Expedition for a Schwinn and how millions of people like you who support their families in the petroleum industry better learn to code. And now the crisis of two left-friendly mutants out of 335 million people means you need to be disarmed. Oh, and you're also racists so you should be disenfranchised too."


For related news, be sure to check out Libtards.news.

Does anyone really think that depriving law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights will actually stop gun violence?

Schlichter is right when he states that the liberal "solution" to every problem always involves depriving Americans of yet more of their rights, whether those be gun rights, free speech rights, or health and medical rights. Every "crisis," whether real or manufactured, begs the same response from leftists, who almost always call for bigger government and less freedom.

And the irony of it all is that the more freedom that leftists abolish, the more their hatred towards conservatives, Christians, and white people grows and festers, like a nasty case of herpes. There's simply not making leftists happy or content with anything, save for continually stripping the human objects of their hate of their God-given rights.

In truth, what leftists want for everyone else besides themselves is a society of defenseless, silenced, and robbed citizens (and preferably illegal non-citizens). Abuse and disrespect is what liberals have deluded themselves into thinking constitutes "love" and "tolerance," and it's now evidenced in pretty much every vile thing they say and do as they press forward with implementing their authoritarian agenda.

"It will never end. They will always hate you. Always. Nothing you can do will change that. Nothing. So get used to it and invite them to pound sand," Schlichter further adds, illustrating the authoritarian tendencies of leftists.

"They are always going to hate you, so get any idea out of your head that if you just surrender then this endless tsunami of lies will finally be over. It won't, because it has nothing to do with what you actually think or have actually done. Nothing. It's a means of oppression, a tactic to stop you from exercising your right to be a citizen instead of a serf."

The Second Amendment is a non-negotiable, even when so-called Republicans are pushing for it. To learn more about the importance of maintaining our gun rights, be sure to check out SecondAmendment.news.

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