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Psychological social engineers claim you are “dehumanizing” people if you refuse to date transgenders
06/25/2019 // Ethan Huff // 8.5K Views

If you find yourself not at all attracted to mentally ill people who've convinced themselves that they're some other gender besides what their DNA and reproductive organs dictate, also known as transgenders, it's not because you're a normal human being with natural sexual attractions.

According to a recent "survey" published in Psychology Today, normal people who have absolutely no desire whatsoever to date transgenders are actually ignorant, prejudiced, and transphobic "haters" who presumably require "sensitivity training" in order to learn how to "love."

In the estimation of Karen Blair, founder of LGBTQ Psychology Canada and chair of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues (SOGII) section of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), it's now "intolerant" for straight men to be repulsed by the idea of having a sexual relationship with a transgender "woman," also known as a gender-dysphoric biological man who dresses in women's clothing.

After asking 1,000 everyday men and women about their dating preferences, Blair discovered that nearly all of them would only date actual members of the sex to which they're attracted. And it was this overwhelming consensus of normality that ultimately caused Blair to become triggered during the process of her "survey."

Rather than recognize and accept the fact that it's completely natural for normal human beings to be attracted to other normal beings, and not sexual deviants with severe mental issues, Blair instead decided that normal people are "dehumanizing" the LGBTQP community – P stands for pedophiles – by refusing to date transgenders.


"If very few people are willing to date trans people, what does this mean for their health and well-being?" Blair laments. "If trans and non-binary people lack access to one of the most stable sources of social support, this could explain some of the existing health disparities within trans communities."

For related news, be sure to check out Gender.news.

Karen Blair is now looking for ways to "increase contact" between normal people and transgenders

While stopping short of saying that normal people should be willing to date transgender and non-binary people, Blair is clearly triggered by the fact that many transgenders and non-binaries are unable to find dates, let alone life partners.

In her mind, this can all be changed by "improving general education about the diversity of gender identities and what each identity means," as well as by "increasing accurate media representations of trans and non-binary people."

Another tactic Blair hopes to implement involves "finding ways to increase contact," whatever that means, between normal people and trans and non-binary people. This, she believes, will increase the "dating prospects for transgender and non-binary individuals."

In response to Karen Blair's absolutely deranged perspectives on the subject, RedState's Brandon Morse penned a rebuttal that cuts right to the chase.

"That is some backward, and frankly, bizarre thinking," Morse wrote about Blair's efforts and desire to recreate all of humanity in the image of LGBTQP.

"Pushing the idea that people putting reality first and desiring biologically driven outcomes are somehow advocating for the dehumanization of people with disorders is, to put it bluntly, pure lunacy. It is, in essence, an attack on natural norms in order to promote a fantasy that has a high rate of doing harm to those who engage in it."

It's important to always keep in mind that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that, if not encouraged and embraced as normal by LGBTQP perverts, can, in most cases be overcome. It's when vulnerable individuals, and especially children, are encouraged to embrace this mental illness as their true identity that we find ourselves in a culture where some people actually take seriously the "research" conducted by the likes of Karen Blair.

"The American Psychiatric Association still classifies gender dysphoria as a mental disorder; studies indicate that more than 80 percent of children experiencing gender dysphoria outgrow it on their own by late adolescence, unless their confusion is reinforced by adults," writes Calvin Freiburger for LifeSiteNews.com.

"Even full sex 'reassignment' surgery often fails to resolve gender-confused individuals' heightened tendency to engage in self-harm."

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