In the past, these events were just shrugged off as the rantings of some whack-a-doodle leftie. Now we have the leaders of the Democrat party calling for violence. Things aren’t getting any better.
(Article by Don McDougall republished from
The left seems to think that calling for people to be killed and attacked is a good election strategy. A few years ago the left used swatting to harass those they disagree with; several people got killed by these actions. Now they are back in force and for some reason don’t seem to care about who gets killed.
The violence you see on cable is only the tip of the iceberg. Anyone who has organized or helped a Friends of the NRA event has seen the protests and death threats 1st hand. The sad fact is the left knows no boundaries, and hate drives them.
The new face and leader of the Democrat party Maxine Waters called it an uprising and praised the gang banger thugs who pulled Reginal Denny out of his truck and tried to beat him to death. 50 people died during the riots, and the value of the buildings burned exceeded $1 billion. I was downtown during the riots. It was rampant looting and a block party. The breakdown of civilization that only ended when the “locals” realized that their welfare checks were not going to be delivered because the post office didn’t want their mail carriers shot at.
A recent poll shows that 59% of people fear violence from Trump haters. Here is a link to the Rasmussen article.
Why the link? So you can see the raw numbers for yourself. No spin no bias.
The man who shot up the Republican congressmen practicing for a baseball game. He fired more than 60 rounds before law enforcement stopped. He met with the DNC and members of Bernie Sander’s staff the day before the shooting. The FBI concluded he acted alone. Still – he had enough ammunition to wipe out all the GOP congressmen present. He hated an idea so much he threw away his life and caused immeasurable hardship to many. Why all the hate?
I was going to end this article with a call for all of us to learn to get along, to remind everyone that the ties that bind us are more than the ideology that tears us apart. The fact is I cannot do that. I like most Americans in the poll above don’t believe the left is peaceful, rational or sane. The left in America views anyone who they disagree with as evil; and an evil that must be destroyed. In other words, they’ve lost they're minds.
Practice weekly, I’ve always shot once a week or more, but now there is a purpose to my shooting. Add a battlefield quality rifle to the mix with a respectable supply of ammunition. A bug-out bag should live in the corner of your bedroom, and there should be extra water and a trauma kit in your car.
Honestly, I hope not to need these things. I advise you to prepare them all the same. I hope you never need them either.
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