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A closer reading of Comey’s memos indicate briefing on “Russian dossier” was just a Deep State SET UP
04/24/2018 // JD Heyes // 10.4K Views

Fired FBI Director James Comey is currently traveling around the country attending book signings and pretending as though he is the model of federal integrity. But the more his recently published memos are scrutinized, the more we learn he is little more than a devious Deep State scoundrel who may wind up behind bars when all is said and done.

As you are no doubt aware, President Donald J. Trump and his Election 2016 team have been under constant investigation for going on two years now over alleged criminal dealings and “collusion” with Russia. 

In the two years that the FBI, the Justice Department, Congress and a special counsel have been looking into those allegations, absolutely no evidence has been found to substantiate them. None. 

Not even a hint of evidence.

Of course, that’s because the allegations were fabricated as part of an elaborate scheme to either keep Trump out of the White House altogether or undermine his presidency so badly, should he beat Hillary Clinton, that it would be impossible for him to govern the entire country effectively.

Enter these memos. A closer examination by The Federalist’s senior editor Mollie Hemingway indicates that Comey’s early briefing of Trump regarding the so-called “Russian dossier” in January 2017 was little more than a set-up to ensnare him.

She writes:

Newly released memos written by former FBI director James Comey indicate that an early 2017 briefing for then-President-elect Donald Trump about the contents of an infamous dossier was held so it could be leaked to media outlets eager to report on the dossier’s allegations. In multiple memos, Comey specifically mentioned that CNN had the dossier and wanted a “news hook” that would enable the network to report on its most salacious allegations even though they had not been verified.


“I said the Russians allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes at the Presidential Suite at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow from about 2013,” Comey wrote of his conversation with the president-elect in a classified memo that was released late last week. “I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted him to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands.”

Up to that point, Hemingway noted, no media outlets had reported anything about the dossier, though, according to previous news stories many outlets either had a copy or were aware of its existence — but held off publishing any details because nothing in the document could be verified. It’s not clear whether establishment media outlets knew then that the dossier was a concoction of the Clinton campaign as opposition research.

“I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook,” Comey added in a memo regarding his Jan. 6, 2017, briefing. In a separate classified memo dated Jan. 28, 2017, Comey writes that Trump said the alleged tape of prostitutes at a Moscow hotel was “fake news.”

“I explained again why I thought it important that he know about it,” the then-FBI director wrote. “I also explained that one of the reasons we told him was that the media, CNN in particular, was telling us they were about to run with it.”

Buzzfeed had beaten everyone to the punch; the news site published the document in full on Jan. 10. And strangely, on the same day, CNN — citing unnamed sources — that “Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him.” 

The publication of both stories was likely timed; they went up within minutes of each other.

As for the information contained in the CNN story, it could have only come from one of a few sources, Comey being one of them. In one memo Comey wrote, “I said there was something that [then-Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper wanted to speak to the PE [president-elect] about alone or in a very small group.”

The House Intelligence Committee has said it found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Hemingway’s analysis is further proof that it was all a hoax to begin with. 

Now, what will Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions do about it?


See more at JamesComey.news.

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

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