In case you haven't been keeping track of the lunacy of the biological subjectivism being aggressively pushed by the "progressive" Left, its advancement has become a dangerous militant movement spearheaded by cultural crybullies and victimizers who demand we all bow down and accept an entire series of insane, anti-science delusions that we are not allowed to question without being accused of engaging in "hate."
Below, I've collected just a few real examples of the sheer delusion of the progressive Left and its LGBT mafia, which now demands the outright censorship of all "non-believers" and uses bullying tactics to label anyone a "hate group" if they don't surrender to their insanity. My entire YouTube account, I've recently learned, was terminated by YouTube because I stated there are only two genders. Yes, merely questioning the outright lunacy of the LGBT narrative now gets you censored and banned by Google. If this insanity continues, soon stating something like "only women can get pregnant" will become a criminal offense and land you in prison.
As you read this list, note that every item in this list really is believed and demanded by left-wing progressives in America today, who have collectively become a deranged cult that I call the "Left Cult" (see for many more examples and daily news).
Human beings can magically and spontaneously switch their gender from male to female (or the other way around) at will, with no jedi training required. Merely wishing to alter your gender accomplishes it to such an extent that Leftists actually believe biological men can get pregnant (see below).
Leftists believe that men can have periods, which is why tampon dispensing machines are being installed in men's restrooms across university campuses in America, including at Brown University, where students and faculty actually think men can menstruate. (Did the word "menstruate" confuse them because it starts with "men?" Someone call the language police...)
According to the Left, genetics has no role whatsoever in biology, because genetics can be nullified or overwritten by wishing to be something other than what your genetics expresses. This is the new position of quack science libtard Bill Nye, who now argues against genetics and claims that wishful thinking determines gender, not chromosomes. Right in step with left-wing lunacy, Netflix began memory-holing genetics science chapters in their videos, removing all the parts that used to teach XX / XY chromosomes. Y'know, because teaching children about genetics is apparently dangerous in today's progressive schools, where social justice is apparently far more important than teaching actual science.
White people who want to be black people can magically claim to be black at any moment, after which it is perfectly okay for them to apply for black scholarships, financial aid and college entrance positions that were reserved for African-Americans. According to the insane Left, this is also called "equality," even when white people steal black scholarships from black people. But you can't challenge it, or you're "racist."
Old white women who want to be considered "women of color" can magically claim to be Native Americans. Elizabeth Warren already pulled this off, climbing the ladder of academia under the guise of being a "woman of color" even though she refuses to take a DNA test to confirm even 1% Native American heritage.
Since people can magically claim to be male, female, black or white by merely wishing it so, the Left must also accept "trans-ageism," which allows old men to proclaim themselves to be 13-year-old girls and demand to join the girls' volleyball team in middle school, for example. The "reality" of trans-ageism is now actually being claimed by LGBT lunatics who somehow believe that biological age is entirely subjective and can be overcome by simply deciding to be decades younger. (Gee, why didn't anybody in the history of the world think of that first?)
Similarly, the biological subjectivism of the delusional Left also demands embracing trans-animalism, which encourages people to proclaim themselves to actually be animals, animal-human hybrids or even extraterrestrial aliens. According to the Left, a person who self-identifies as a Zorgian humanoid from Planet Zorg must be accepted and greeted as Earth's first visitor from outer space. In a hilarious new video, Steven Crowder crashed a SXSW "gender fluid" panel with an intern dressed like a robot who claimed to self-identify as a computer (see video below).
Surgically maiming the genitals of young children is a way to climb the social ladder as "progressive parents." You simply talk your kids into believing they are transgenders, then bully anyone who disagrees by calling them "intolerant haters." Once your children are maimed and altered by surgeons, you can then parade them around at parties like little LGBT trophies to prove how progressive you are as an "inclusive" parent. (Yes, this is actually a whole new level of child abuse in the name of tolerance...)
As you peruse this list, keep in mind that most of these Leftists are the very same people who denounce Monsanto for genetically altering food crops using scientific methods. If these people believe that genetically altering food with science is wrong, then how can they simultaneously believe that completely nullifying the genetics of a human being with wishful thinking is somehow "progressive?" In other words, if altering the natural genetics of food crops is evil, then why is altering the natural biological gender expression of a human being somehow an act of LOVE? In truth, there's nothing more natural than the male / female dynamic which has given rise to our entire species. Without biological men being men, and without biological women being women, the human race would cease to exist. And according to left-wing logic, isn't Monsanto merely engaging in trans-botanism?
Genetics science education must be exterminated from school textbooks, according to Left-wing ideology. It contradicts the magical thinking of biological subjectivism, upon which the entire LGBT agenda is based. In fact, all science rooted in cause and effect must soon be memory holed by the deranged Left for the simple reason that belief in cause and effect violates the delusional subjectivism of liberalism. The very foundations of science must be ripped up and shredded to make way for the libtard logic that's now spreading like a cognitive cancer across our cultural landscape. One of the first steps in this process it the elimination of gender-specific language to transform all words containing "man" or "men" into neutered nonsense stupidspeak such as "peoplekind" (uttered by the libtard-in-chief of Canada) or even "herstory" instead of history. Even terms like "husband" and "wife" are now under constant attack by the LGBT mafia.
According to the Left, practically every activity pursued by white people is inherently racist. That's why left-wing professors have denounced farmers' markets as being racist, because too many white people attend them. Women who practice yoga are also called racist for engaging in the "cultural appropriation" of yoga without being sufficiently Indian. A recent Washington Post op-ed also declared that spinning classes are racist because they're attended by too many white people; a Texas university recently launched a "no whites allowed" magazine; and a Huffington Post author just celebrated the systematic suppression of white authors on that site. Got it yet? Anything white people do is automatically racist by definition, and it's all part of the extension of left-wing lunacy that eventually targets everyone. According to the deranged Left, white people have no inherent right to do anything at all, and they should all be eviscerated, ostracized, censored and silenced. And yes, this insane belief is pushed by white people who have been brainwashed to hate themselves.
The deranged, lunatic Left can push anything it wants by attacking those who resist as being "intolerant"
Keep in mind that anyone who disagrees with every radical new shred of lunacy pushed by the ever-more-bold LGBT community is instantly labeled a "hater," even when those individuals are citing biological reality and established scientific principles of cause and effect. The LGBT mafia has no tolerance whatsoever for thoughtful, rational skepticism or debate. Only complete obedience to the latest round of mass mental illness spreading across the LGBT crybully landscape will earn you "acceptance" from these cruel authoritarians.
Even then, those who started out supporting gay marriage and individual choice soon find themselves outpaced by the ever-expanding list of absurd demands being leveled by the LGBT cultists. For example, even gay couples are now being ostracized for not obediently supporting the transgender genital mutilation of under-age children. "Tolerance" is never enough... You have to go all-in with total worship of whatever latest mental illness the LGBT nut jobs come up with, including pedophilia and "man-boy love" scenarios that openly endorse adult gay men preying on young boys. And on top of all this, by the way, the LGBT community magically pretends that anal cancer is somehow not a runaway epidemic in their own community. (Even when it is, actually.)
In essence, being a Leftist now requires the complete abandonment of logic, reason and attachment to reality. To believe all the absurd things the progressive Left now demands you believe, you have to be mentally ill, self-deluded or medically retarded.
Watch the following videos for more details on the runaway insanity of the LGBT mafia, which now even offends many scientists who are beginning to wonder just how far this will go... and will science survive at all once the radical Left is done destroying every last shred of logic and reason?
Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.