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University professor declares all libertarians and conservatives to be “autistic” … has no idea she sounds BRAIN DAMAGED
02/25/2018 // Jayson Veley // 19.6K Views

There’s a lot of things that liberals are, but perhaps it’s more relevant in this case to start off with a quick review of everything that liberals aren’t. Liberals aren’t tolerant. They aren’t compassionate, understanding or accepting of others. Take Nancy MacLean of Duke University, for example, a history professor who recently suggested that many conservatives and libertarians “seem to be on the autism spectrum.”

MacLean made the comments during a lecture on February 7 at the New York City Unitarian Church of All Souls, where MacLean was delivering a presentation on her controversial book titled “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America.” After discussing how she believes the American libertarian movement originated with Nobel Prize-winning economist James Buchanan, a member of the audience asked her “where his motivations” and ideas came from.

“As an author, I have struggled with this, and I could explain it in different ways. I didn’t put this in the book, but I will say it here,” MacLean replied. “It’s striking to me how many of the architects of this cause seem to be on the autism spectrum – you know, people who don’t feel solidarity or empathy with others, and who have difficult human relationships sometimes.”

“I don’t know, that is speculation,” she told the audience, but later on during the presentation, an audience member asked a question using the phrase “autistic libertarians.” At another point during the lecture, MacLean called the federal judges that President Trump has appointed “illegitimate.”


First and foremost, the idea that conservatives and libertarians “don’t feel solidarity or empathy with others” is nonsense. It’s important to understand that liberals like Nancy MacLean believe that someone can’t possibly be empathetic if they don’t believe in big government. In their minds, the more one advocates for an expansive welfare state and free government handouts, the more “empathetic” they are. Conservatives and libertarians, on the other hand, define empathy very differently. While we understand that life contains many hardships and struggles, we believe that teaching people how to be independent and become successful on their own is best not only for their individual situation, but also for America as a whole. (Related: A lunatic liberal college professor has claimed that meritocracy is rooted in white racism… hard work is now being condemned as intolerant.)

Second, the fact that Nancy MacLean is a professor at one of the most well-known universities in the country is a disgrace. The school administration and faculty members at Duke should be ashamed of themselves for having a professor on their team that refers to conservatives and libertarians as being “on the autism spectrum,” and quite frankly, disciplinary action should be taken against her.

Sadly, this type of anti-conservative rhetoric and left-wing bias has been on full display on college campuses for many years now. Back in 2014, creative writing professor Brent Terry of Eastern Connecticut State University launched into a vicious rant against those on the right, calling republicans “racist, misogynist, money-grubbing people” that “have so much power over the rest of us and want things to go back not to 1955, but to 1855.”

“There are a lot of people out there that do not want black people to vote, do not want Latinos to vote,” Terry told his class, adding that “generally, people like you are liberal.” (Related: America’s universities have become training camps for violent left-wing extremism.)

The fact that the majority of our teachers and professors are openly biased against conservatives is not something that we should just sweep under the rug. This is a problem, and unless we take the steps necessary to ensure that students are being told the truth, then America will undoubtedly move further and further to the left for decades to come.

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