One great way to convince people they need shots and medications is by scaring them. Most of us take our health very seriously and would do anything in our power to avoid suffering a disease unnecessarily, so when we hear about those scary disease outbreaks on the news, our first question is how we can avoid becoming victims ourselves. In many cases, this entails taking some medication or getting a vaccine. Where none exist, governments and other agencies are compelled to fork out more funding so they can be created.
With disease outbreaks being such a win-win scenario for Big Pharma, it’s not a stretch to imagine that they are staging some of them while exaggerating their prevalence and danger for the purposes of boosting business. The mainstream media, as we already know, is all too willing to serve as their mouthpiece, whether they’re showing frightening images of mass burials in remote African villages to scare us into getting shots or “helpfully” providing us with lists of local centers where we can line up with other nervous individuals to get injected with more chemicals that will supposedly keep us healthy.
Take the flu for example. The CDC has a habit of overstating the dangers of the flu virus, exaggerating death counts so that people will get shots while completely ignoring the fact that many flu shots have a poor record when it comes to efficacy and are also dangerous. It has been proven that getting repeated flu shots year after year actually reduces your ability to fight the virus in the future, which will just give them even higher numbers of flu cases to use to scare others into getting shots and help secure more funding for Big Pharma to research new vaccines in a never-ending cycle where pharmaceutical companies win and people everywhere lose.
Consider also the Disneyland measles outbreak, which spurred calls for the public to get vaccinated against the disease, even though it often affects people who have been vaccinated and can even be caused by the vaccine itself. It also carries the risk of autism, but don’t worry, Big Pharma will then be able to sell you medications to deal with those symptoms, too!
As discussed by Mike Adams in his thought-provoking video lecture, The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks, many people in the vaccine industry believe that the strains of Ebola behind the recent outbreak in Africa were allowed to escape there so their epidemiological impact could be studied while creating a panic to generate billions of dollars in new pharma funding (which President Obama quickly approved).
The next time a disease outbreak takes over the mainstream media, take a moment to ask yourself who is going to profit from this, then seek out natural ways to protect yourself.
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