Though it can be frustrating that these media outlets continue to demonize the American people by blaming them for all of the world's problems, it's nice to know that this behavior has cost them in the most drastic way. By telling Middle America that they are all racist, uneducated bigots, the Regressive Left secured a victory for Donald J. Trump. The monster that they were all afraid of ended up being victorious due to their own incompetence.
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell stated, "Despite the overwhelming and persistent bias of this cycle in particular, I am heartened by the fact that, according to our poll, the American people didn’t let it sway their vote. If this isn’t a wakeup call for the left-wing media to stay out of politics, I don’t know what is."
Considering the likes of Huffington Post and Salon used fear-mongering in order to scare impressionable young people that actually read those ultra-leftist publications, it's nice to know that people who are a little older and a little less impressionable have more sanity. Even those who are subjected to the likes of CNN broadcasts don't believe what they are being told -- which is excellent news since CNN has been proven to have lied in favor of Hillary Clinton.
After months and months of telling average Americans that they were all racist, bigoted homophobes, the mainstream media finally paid for their sins when those same people went to their local polling places and voted for Donald Trump. Meanwhile, all of the crybaby leftists refused to actually go out in public. All of the people that places like CNN were polling didn't even go out and vote. Everyone they -- like the federal government -- have spent the past eight years ignoring reminded them that they were still here.
Everyone who has fought back against the establishment is still here and is still going to call out the mainstream media for the ridiculous lies that they try to shove down our throats. We have taken back our country on a federal level and now the media outlets that said we had no chance have been proven to be liars. America is still free -- and we are still free to point our corruption and deception when we see it.