Eat these 10 foods to fight aging

October 7th, 2015, by

Everyone loves being told they look great for their age. After all, who doesn’t want to look young forever? With these 10 foods, you can help your skin maintain its youthful radiance and mature gracefully. And as a bonus, you’ll feel as good as you look!

  1. Avocado – Rich in skin healing vitamins E, B and C
  2. Berries – Full of antioxidants and promote cell regeneration
  3. Salmon – Rich in omega-3s and vitamin D, to preserve and protect
  4. Raw honey – Full of antioxidants and naturally hydrating
  5. Natural yogurt – Probiotics to nourish the body from the inside out
  6. Nuts – Filled with good fats, vitamins and minerals for healthy skin and hair
  7. Green tea – Detoxifying and antioxidant-rich to cleanse away impurities
  8. Tomatoes – Excellent for promoting circulation
  9. Buckwheat – Great source of amino acids and protein to keep skin tight
  10. Carrots – Vitamin C and beta-carotene help protect skin from sun damage

A simple way to take anti-aging products everyday is to simply take a few drops of anti-aging spices like concentrated turmeric.

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