#4) We learned how to spot and avoid 70,000 food chemicals the FDA allows in food by using the "Fooducate" iPhone app and reading the book Don't Eat Cancer
by S.D. Wells
One in three Americans get cancer at some point in their lifetime, and only half of those survive. What's the cure? We're not allowed to say, or the FTC and the evil FDA will come shut us down. The cure lives in its prevention. When you stop consuming chemicals, cancer has no fuel and it dies. It's that simple.

Don't make it complicated. Stop eating chemicals. Stop drinking chemicals. Stop putting chemicals on your skin. Two identification methods are easy to find and utilize, and we don't have to be an "expert" in chemical-food warfare.

We can just scan the barcodes of any food products we are considering buying or that we have questions about using a FREE smart phone app called Fooducate, which identifies GMOs, MSG, gluten, toxic pesticides, toxic additives and preservatives, and even rates food so you can be a good judge of quality!

Also, a wonderful book called Don't Eat Cancer -- printed in English, but now being published in Chinese, is on the shelves as paperback and e-books, and explains in laymen's terms what food ingredients cause cancer to develop in our bodies.

This includes major food choices like gluten, tap water, diet foods and more. It's health basics 101, but it's written by a food expert. Get the book and also the free iPhone app Fooducate and get with the organic food program.

It's time you swallowed the truth about food.



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