#5) Alternative media upstages mainstream (lamestream) media with real news and coverage of major events worldwide
by S.D. Wells
If you like being lied to, like the American public was during Vietnam, then watch CNN for "breaking news" and the "Situation Room" -- where the script from the tyrannical government is passed down to quell the American masses and keep everyone in the dark regarding what's most important.

If you like TRUTH news and finding out how politics DOES play into our daily lives, regarding what we eat, how we interpret the Constitution and live by it, and how we help farmers feed us wholesome, nutritious food, then tune into Natural Health News and Alternative Media that report what's really going on around us.

Remember, if the commercials and advertisements on any news media outlet contain ads about Big Pharma's dangerous, side-effect-laden pharmaceuticals, then the news caters to that brand of living. If the commercials are about junk science food, then the shows cater to that lifestyle, of eating "anything" anytime and waiting for the consequences to settle in, only using medicine to quell and cover up the pain of developing diseases and disorders.

If you want to be health, happy, safe and self-reliant, turn to Natural News for your skills that pay the bills, and your news that feeds prosperity and sustainability! This is the future. This is the way of 2015, to stay informed and make informed choices about everything you buy, support and represent.




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