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Death-loving dentist kills Cecil the Lion after luring national icon from conservation area - sign the petition to extradite Dr. Palmer to Zimbabwe!

Cecil the Lion

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(NaturalNews) The worldwide outcry over the death of Zimbabwe's famous Cecil the Lion has pushed the Internet news wheel into overdrive, with countless news sites releasing updates of where the hunters are now and what will happen next. Walter Palmer is the American dentist responsible for killing Cecil the Lion after it was lured from the safety of its refuge in the Hwange National Park. At the time of this writing, a petition with nearly 150,000 signatures had already been filed to extradite Palmer back to Zimbabwe in order to charge the poacher for killing one of the most famous creatures in the country. You can add your name to the petition at Petitions.WhiteHouse.gov.

Thirteen-year-old Cecil attracted so much attention to the park partly due to his gentle nature and the way people said he seemed to enjoy human contact. Palmer and his two local guides lured Cecil out of his sanctuary park by putting a dead animal on the top of their vehicle. Cecil was drawn in by the bait, and was then shot by Palmer with a crossbow. Cecil suffered a slow death, according to the Zimbabwe Conversation Task Force. It took 40 hours, nearly two more days, for the poachers to track down Cecil and put him out of his misery with a bullet. Cecil was then beheaded and skinned.

Cecil leaves behind six cubs which will now be killed. According to the BBC, the "six cubs of Cecil will now be killed, as a new male lion in the pride will not allow them to live in order to encourage the lionesses to mate with him."


The poachers must have realized they killed a protected animal when they found a GPS collar on Cecil that showed he was part of a research project backed by Oxford University. Palmer released a statement on Tuesday attempting to assuage his guilt over the illegal killing of Cecil: "I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt."

Palmer has traveled to Africa previously to hunt big game, and online photos show him posing with an array of big game hunted all over the world: e.g., a ram, a rhino, an elk, a leopard and even a Nevada California bighorn sheep.


Palmer regularly posted on a hunting blog called Trophy Hunt America, where he posed with his other big game "prizes." He boasted about his hunting prowess, and the blog even quipped at one point that he needed "only one more animal... and he will have achieved a long difficult quest of harvesting every species of North Americian [sic] big game."


African safari hunting is big business, and wealthy foreigners have been traveling to hunt big game on privately owned ranches for many years. Palmer himself paid at least $50,000 for the hunt on which he killed Cecil.

The death of Cecil the Lion is genuinely heartbreaking, and there's no doubt that the malice towards Walter Palmer will not abate any time soon. Natural News's own Health Ranger Mike Adams has called for a lifetime boycott of Dr. Palmer's practice.

Still, it is interesting to note the disparity between the reaction over Cecil's death and the near total radio silence surrounding stories that show Planned Parenthood's senior officials discussing how they haggle over the body parts of aborted fetuses. In fact, the Media Research Center estimates that, in only one day, the news networks covered the story of Cecil the Lion more thoroughly than the Planned Parenthood scandal, which has been breaking news on some sites for over two weeks.

Why the silence, one wonders?

The message repeatedly sent by the mainstream media is that they are the ones who decide what is important and newsworthy — "all the news that's fit to print." But if the media is so interested in protecting life (Cecil's, for instance) then why is there so little discussion about the human lives that are routinely terminated and sold for a profit? Or have we reached the point where animals that are brutally killed for sport are more worthwhile — certainly newsworthy — than innocent humans killed and mined for their body parts and tissue?

The political point being made by the media is that, regardless of how gruesome Planned Parenthood acts, it is important to maintain their image because of their interest in protecting the abortion facility. In essence, the media sends the message that it is kosher to butcher and sell the parts of babies but not of lions. Their inconsistency on the issue of protecting life is worth noting. How, then, would the media feel if Cecil were a baby cub? Would that make his murder perfectly acceptable?

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