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Medical Mafia, insurance racket and Obamacare collaborate to control health, public ignorance and profits

Monday, March 10, 2014 by: PF Louis
Tags: Obamacare, Medical Mafia, insurance racket

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(NaturalNews) Disclosure: This writer is not for or against Obamacare or any politician. He considers the whole for-profit medical industry to be an obscene racket, and the term Medical Mafia is appropriate for this deathly monopoly.

And the insurance racket is part of the Medical Mafia, because it won't cover any effective, safe and much less expensive alternative treatments.

The Obamacare situation is becoming more of a scandal than the boondoggle it was from the start. Now that Americans for Prosperity (AFP), considered a Koch brothers-funded right-wing front group, has sponsored at least one TV commercial in Michigan, where cancer patient Julie Boonstra claimed to have lost her insurance due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Her short AFP-funded ad hit all the talking points: Obama lied (nothing new there), she lost her good plan and couldn't find a comparable replacement, and now she's concerned about living or dying since she can't afford the new plan.

She also publicly blasted her congressional representative, now running for senator, Gary Peters, for voting in approval of Obamacare and "threatening her health." Julie came across as a decent, earnest soccer-mom type with leukemia.

Good emotional ad, but the devil's in the details, and Julie missed a couple, which unfortunately left her and the AFP wide open for attack from hardcore Democrats.

One source criticizes the ad without the usual oppositional party rancor. "The Fact Checker," a Washington Post column, did a thorough analysis to determine that, if Julie had really tried hard and were more thorough, there was indeed a plan that would have worked to handle all needs.

The columnist recognized her angst as a cancer patient trying to figure out a complicated system, so he gave her story a "two Pinocchios" rating. He's given Obama four Pinocchios, the highest lie ranking, on more than one occasion. So he's not just a party man.

Both political sides have sponsored ads, with the Democrats showing happy new Obamacare customers and Republicans showing disgruntled Obamacare castoffs. And both have had factual reasons to attack the other side's TV ad campaigns. But they're totally missing the point out of ignorance and denial.

Obamacare only supports a system that harms instead of heals, creates financial hardships and brutally eliminates other valid and viable medical options. Obamacare is part of the Medical Mafia.

The elephant in the room is the Medical Mafia

So many are ignorant of other less expensive and more effective remedies without side effects for many diseases, including cancers of all types. Instead, they rush to their chemo and radiation and run up huge bills that only insurance companies can cover.

How many know that oncologists who perform in-office chemo treatments are making a profit off each bag of IV chemo chemicals sold? How many know that chemo is WWI mustard gas-inspired, designed to kill all cells in its path?

How many realize that these chemicals, despite all the testing costs and fees paid to the FDA for approval, are still not expensive enough to justify the 20K to 40K monthly chemotherapy bills?

Obviously, Julie is ignorant of how Alan Smith of New Zealand was cured from both terminal double pneumonia and leukemia with mega-dose vitamin C treatments, both IV and oral liposomal.

Alan Smith's family had to fight the New Zealand hospital system to get those treatments to him, because that's the way the Medical Mafia survives and grows, thriving on blood money. The Medical Mafia is a cancer.

In England, where homeopathic clinics and hospitals exist within their government-supported medical system, the allopathic Medical Mafia bunch have been ganging up to destroy homeopathy. They want all that medical budget for themselves.

Yet, homeopathy is the bargain basement of medicine. And so are Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda and other suppressed alternatives. No incredible arrays of expensive sophisticated machinery to lease and add to the overhead, and no expensive toxic pharmaceuticals.

The Medical Mafia's hubris knows no limits, especially while they have control over maintaining health and healing ignorance through a complicit media that feeds on Medical Mafia advertising money.

Sources for this article include




"The Fact Checker" article:

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