DARK Act to outlaw GMO labeling nationwide… TAKE ACTION! (Audio)

The U.S. Congress is pushing hard to pass the DARK Act that would outlaw all mandatory GMO labeling nationwide! This act of outrageous food secrecy is being pushed by Monsanto and the evil biotech industry. It’s the latest desperate attempt to keep consumers in the dark about all the poisonous GMOs and glyphosate they’re eating! Read More


Dirty little secrets of dietary supplement companies (Audio)

If you think that only the processed food giants want to hide food composition facts from consumers (i.e. GMOs), think again: Many players in the dietary supplement industry also want to hide certain things from consumers. For example, did you know that many ORGANIC proteins and superfoods contain alarming levels of toxic heavy metals like Read More


Global revolt underway for food transparency (Audio)

A global revolt is under way right now for clean food and food transparency. Everywhere across the globe, consumers are demanding to know more details about what’s in their food, how it was produced and where it comes from. Standing in the way of this revolution is the corrupt, criminally-run food and agricultural industries that Read More