DARK Act to outlaw GMO labeling nationwide… TAKE ACTION! (Audio)

February 26th, 2016, by

The U.S. Congress is pushing hard to pass the DARK Act that would outlaw all mandatory GMO labeling nationwide!

This act of outrageous food secrecy is being pushed by Monsanto and the evil biotech industry. It’s the latest desperate attempt to keep consumers in the dark about all the poisonous GMOs and glyphosate they’re eating!

The DARK Act is a malicious, nefarious law that is intentionally designed to blind consumers from the truth and make sure they keep buying and eating poisons that generate profits for Big Biotech.

CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW via the U.S. capitol switchboard: (202) 224- 3121

Tell them you oppose the DARK Act and demand GMO labeling!

Learn more at http://GMO.news and http://NaturalNews.com

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