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Quit smoking before you finish reading this news!

It’s a mental quit first. Get your mind in gear. Get it ready. Get it wrapped around the notion that you will not ever be a smoker again–then start the process of weeding out chemicals and infusing high grade superfood nutrition. The news is in: Cigarettes contain ammonia, bleach, fiberglass, plastic, insecticides! yes … we Read More

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Carpet glue “speed bumps” make smoking even MORE toxic and LESS safe!

Firesafe? Fire safe?? Really? Fire safe cigarettes create even MORE lung damage. The real rationale for the creation of fire safe cigarettes wasn’t so much for consumer protection, but was meant more for the manufacturers’ defense against lawsuits if and when a smoker accidentally burns their house down. Yep. Prior to the introduction of the Read More

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SCAM ALERT? The “Zonnic” Nicotine Gum Scam – the Parent Company of the manufacturer is Reynolds American!

Have you tried this new scam, Zonnic nicotine gum? Guess who it’s made by? Yep, Reynolds American Inc is the parent company of Niconovum, who “respects the privacy of adult consumers” – you mean the privacy to stay addicted to cigarettes because the gum doesn’t work? Why would one of the biggest and oldest manufacturers Read More

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There’s no cigarette news … except QUADRUPLE the damage

So we looked for news on cigarettes lately–nothing. Of course, just Google the word cigarette and e-cigs populates everywhere. Electronic cigarettes, vaping, e-juice, and bad rumors about how dangerous it all is. That’s all purported by the cigarette industry because thousands of people are quitting smoking thanks to e-cigs. But … that’s another topic for Read More


Nicotine is MORE addictive than cocaine, morphine, heroin or alcohol

Nicotine is MORE addictive than cocaine, morphine, heroin or alcohol – affecting BOTH sides of your brain. You see, on the right side of your brain, you’ve got the ability and functions for art, creativity, imagination, intuition, insight, holistic thoughts, music awareness, and of course, left hand control. Then, on the left side of your Read More

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Cigarettes burning up your money? When stress hits, we have many, many solutions …

No problem is too small for a cigarette, when you’re addicted. Oh the stress, it weighs so heavy at times. It could be mental, physical, or worse, both. It’s usually both. Then the emotions kick in, either right after the cigarette or when in DIRE need of one. Electricity bill just came and it’s too Read More

soul cig escape

Set your SOUL free from the shocking cigarette chemicals and “crawl” to freedom!

Put it this way, if you had to manufacture a cigarette, you would never smoke it. You probably never would have even tried one in the first place. Here’s some advice: Never do this. We repeat … NEVER do this: To manufacture a commercial cigarette, first you would take a small piece of natural, brown Read More

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Everything you eat, drink, smoke, or put on your skin that’s not natural does your body harm

It’s time to turn this whole health thing about face! If you try to detoxify your body from harmful chemicals, synthetic foods, heavy metal toxins, and so on, but you just ate gluten with the last 5 meals, you may be waiting quite a while for some results, especially the ones you can feel. That’s Read More

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In the news: Cigarettes have attached themselves to you!

Get your health out of the gutter in three months. We know who you are. You’re “hard core” because you, well, you are a smoker. You take chances every day. You live “on the edge” because it’s your M.O. – part of your method of operation. It’s how you “get by.” You don’t have patience Read More

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Top 25 cigarette fast facts that will make you QUIT for good!

This is not to scare anyone into quitting smoking, because that never works. Yet, knowledge is power, so instead of being afraid, you become empowered to drop the fear. Once you drop the fear of quitting, you will drop the habit for good, because you will know what you always wished you knew, since the Read More