Set your SOUL free from the shocking cigarette chemicals and “crawl” to freedom!

March 14th, 2016, by

Put it this way, if you had to manufacture a cigarette, you would never smoke it. You probably never would have even tried one in the first place. Here’s some advice: Never do this. We repeat … NEVER do this:

To manufacture a commercial cigarette, first you would take a small piece of natural, brown paper and soak it in bleach until it turns white. Let dry.

Next, pick some tobacco from a field and spray it with toxic weed killer (herbicide) and chemical-based insecticide (to kill the hornworms and goliath worms). Do not rinse.

worm green

Step three: Cook the tobacco with ammonia to freebase the nicotine, which turns it into a vapor-ready form and makes the nicotine 35 times stronger than what most people “vape” these days with electronic cigarettes (e-cigs).

Step four: Take some super-tiny plastic particles, such as cellulose acetate, commonly used for photo film and highly flammable, and weave those particles carefully into the bleached paper so that you make rings (also called rungs or “speed bumps” as denoted in diagram below portions #24 and #18) – about ten or twelve rings from the lighting end all the way near the butt (filter). This will ensure the cigarette burns over 1,000 degrees F and doesn’t burn up one side fast (called canoeing), and that way you get the most BANG for your buck and the wind doesn’t blow out your commercial and home-manufactured cancer stick.

cig parts map

Step five: Get some fiberglass insulation from your attic, just a pinch, or from around your hot water heater, and that can be stuffed into what will serve as the filter, just like they do with REAL commercial cigarettes. Yep. That link is just in case you missed last week’s blog about filters that was shared by 50,000 people and counting. Thanks for all the traffic at, the hottest new blog site for avid readers getting ready to quit cigarettes for good.

Step six: Use some common carpet glue like you buy at Home Depot or Lowe’s, and paint the speed bumps (“fire safety” rings) with it, so that if you leave the cigarette unattended, the glue will put the fire out. Don’t worry about the chemicals commonly found in that glue, because this is just a safety feature. (as denoted in diagram above, see portion #28)

Step seven: Don’t smoke it! Just stand there at look at it. Sniff it. Remember what you just did. You sprayed insecticide that kills worms on it. You sprayed herbicide that kills weeds on it. You laced it with ammonia. You rolled it in bleached paper that contains plastic chemicals. You coated the “speed bumps” with commercial glue. Stare at this “commercial cigarette” that you just put together (as you only imagined we hope), and consider what you will now quit doing forever. You’ve been hoodwinked by Big Tobacco. Now, all together now, let’s get out of this trap, this maze, this nightmare … once and for all!

This is YOUR cigarette escape plan.

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Additional sources for the blog above:


Have confidence without cigarettes!

Check out the smoker’s workout! Get a great laugh (at yourself)

There’s fiberglass in cigarette filters – unbelievably shocking photos

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Stop Smoking King (himself)

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