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Is your dentist mercury-safe, or just mercury-free?

Inquiring minds in the holistic dentistry community have a burning question: What’s the difference between mercury-free and mercury-safe dentistry? And it’s a great question, as they are two very different things. Dr. Tom McGuire explains that “mercury-free” simply means that a given dentist doesn’t use mercury amalgam or “silver” fillings in their patients’ teeth. The Read More


Mercury fillings lead to kidney damage, study shows

Despite all the claims saying that mercury amalgams are safe, a 2005 peer-reviewed study shows that mercury in dental fillings leads to a whole host of other ailments. Nephrotoxicity or kidney poisoning, neurobehavioral changes, autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases are just some of the potential negative effects of having mercury amalgams in your teeth. The authors Read More


The real cause of rising medical costs

Amalgam dental fillings are one of the biggest culprits behind rising medical costs, but no one wants to talk about it. Mercury has long been recognized as a serious toxin. There is no legal “acceptable limit” of mercury declared by any health organization, because in even the tiniest amounts – mercury is still incredibly toxic. Read More


Modern dentistry may be the source of your pain

We all hate going to the dentist, and perhaps it’s time to stop going to your traditional office. Though they’d never admit it, modern dentistry is quite possibly the cause of many degenerative diseases, birth defects and much more. To learn more about the oral health secrets that modern dentistry won’t tell you, sign up Read More