Mercury fillings lead to kidney damage, study shows

December 2nd, 2015, by

Despite all the claims saying that mercury amalgams are safe, a 2005 peer-reviewed study shows that mercury in dental fillings leads to a whole host of other ailments. Nephrotoxicity or kidney poisoning, neurobehavioral changes, autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases are just some of the potential negative effects of having mercury amalgams in your teeth.

The authors of the study also found that removing the fillings led to marked improvements in the majority of patients’ conditions.

So, if mercury amalgams cause all sorts of problems, how on earth does it remain legal? Well, the reason lies with the classification of these amalgams. Amalgams are considered to be devices, not substances. It’s a wonderful little legal loophole that benefits manufacturers. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulatory processes for devices are far less stringent than for those of substances.

Once the mercury amalgam is implanted into your mouth, it begins to wreak havoc on your system. It prevents your body from detoxifying itself properly and soon creates a buildup of damaging toxins and inflammation. This is what leads to so much illness. Always keep in mind: Mercury is a toxic metal, no matter what form it’s in, no matter how small the amount — and, as much as possible, it should be avoided at all costs.


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