All posts tagged with artificial sweeteners
-(Natural News) Are you living in a chemical matrix? Do you think the commercials on television for medications are real? Are you one of those people who believes cancer can be cured with a pill, a vaccine or a volatile chemical concoction that’s “dripped” into your blood? Are you that person who always says, “Everything […]
-(Natural News) If you had been walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells all day, and a doctor told you to take some aspirin for the pain, would you go out the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and walk on those same rocks and shells, expecting the aspirin […]
-(Natural News) A recent study has added more weight (pun intended) to the argument that artificial sweeteners do not help people in controlling their weight – in fact, the consumption of diet drinks actually contributes to obesity. This latest investigation on the subject was conducted by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institutes […]
-(Natural News) If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably started drinking diet soda because it was “healthier” than having all of that sugar. While sugar still isn’t good for you, evidence continues to demonstrate that sugar substitutes aren’t any better. In fact, according to Sharon Fowler, MPH and authority on the subject, “Diet soda […]
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