Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Researchers Discover How Niacin Ups HDL, Lowers Heart Attack Risk

By Sherry Baker, August 18 2008
(NewsTarget) Have high cholesterol? Worried about suffering from the nation's number one killer, cardiovascular disease? If you discuss your concerns with a doctor who doesn't practice nutrition based medicine, odds are you will leave the doc's office with a prescription of a statin drug to help lower your cholesterol level. With names like Lipitor, Zocor and Crestor, these medications are a huge $13 billion business in the U.S. where they are prescribed for some 13 million of us. Not only are...

Merck Delayed Release of Clinical Study Revealing Failure of Vytorin Cholesterol Drug

By Mike Adams, August 18 2008
(NaturalNews) The long-awaited release of the results from a clinical trial of Merck and Schering-Plough's cholesterol drug Vytorin has renewed allegations that the companies deliberately delayed in making the study data public. "It is easy to conclude that Merck and Schering-Plough intentionally sought to delay the release of this data," said U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, who is involved in a Congressional inquiry into the study. The drug trial, called ENHANCE, compared the effects of...

Why Standing on Your Head May Improve Your Health

By Sheryl Walters, August 17 2008
(NewsTarget) It is very rare that we are able to see the world upside down, and regularly viewing the world from this angle can bring a variety of amazing benefits to our life. Turning ourselves upside down is not only an amazing practice for health... but for beauty as well. Headstand and Yoga for Skin Care A headstand can reduce facial wrinkles, and if practiced regularly, is a natural 'face-lift'. This is because it reverses the effects of gravity and allows the skin to rest in the other...

Interview with Steve Adler, Creator of "Sacred Chocolate" from

By Mike Adams, August 16 2008
The following is an interview with Steve Adler, creator of Sacred Chocolate. It was conducted at the Raw Spirit Festival, where Steve presents his chocolates each year. Mike: I'm here today with Steve Adler of Naturaw ( Thanks for joining us today Steve. Steve: Thank you Mike. Mike: Tell people a little bit about what you're into because you're well known in the raw foods movement and in the chocolate enthusiasts' circles. What is it exactly that you do? Steve: I do a...

5 Ways to Stay Healthy in the Summer

By Sheryl Walters, August 16 2008
(NewsTarget) Summer is the time to enjoy being outside and feeling revitalized after the winter. Many people find that they feel healthier and more vibrant during this season. There are many things that will ensure that we enjoy good health and wellbeing all summer long. Here are 5 fun ways to keep well. Raw Foods Enjoy as many raw foods as possible. While cooked food tastes nice, especially on a cold winter’s day, vital nutrients are damaged and lost. Further, cooking adds chemicals that aren’t...

Mortgage Meltdown Shows Americans Are Unable to Benefit From Experience

By Barbara L. Minton, August 16 2008
(NewsTarget) As many victims of the mortgage crisis continue their fancy footwork to stay one step ahead of foreclosure, others who owe more than their houses are worth have just given up and mailed the keys back to their lenders. Although mainstream media's guestimates as to when the crisis will end are fairly optimistic, nobody really has a clue as to how long foreclosures will rise and housing values will continue to plummet. And nobody knows how long it will take to clear the huge glut of houses...

A Healthy Heart Equals a Healthy Sex Life

By Sheryl Walters, August 16 2008
(NewsTarget) Research has shown that there is a significant link between having a healthy heart (with the absence of cardiovascular disease), and having an active and fulfilling sex life. If we want to enjoy our sexuality to its fullest then taking care of our heart is essential. Obviously taking care of our hearts on an emotional level is vital for a good sex life, but the health of the physical organ is also essential. After all, for our genitals to function optimally, they require a healthy...

Bernie Mac - Death by Medicine?

By Mike Adams, August 15 2008
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

Presenting a Nutritionally Dense Smoothie Recipe

By Sheryl Walters, August 15 2008
(NewsTarget) Most people enjoy drinking smoothies, as they are one of the easiest ways to pack your diet with health enhancing nutrients, in a delicious way. You can put anything in to improve your health and wellbeing. There are many smoothie products on the market that claim to be 100% fruity goodness. However, be aware that most of these have been pasteurized, meaning they have been heated. Heating fruit and superfoods generally means a loss in the vital nutrients that they provide. Luckily...

The Internet As You Know It Is Slated for Death by 2012

By Barbara L. Minton, August 15 2008
(NewsTarget) It's probably safe to say that many of you reading this article right now came upon the website while you were roaming around on the internet looking for empowering information to help get healthy or to protect the good health you have. Can you imagine what it would mean to you to lose your freedom to search for free, unlimited and uncensored information on the internet? You may soon find out as the communications giants put into place their new plans to alter and control...

Indian Frankincense Herb Shown to Relieve Osteoarthritis Symptoms

By Sherry Baker, August 14 2008
(NewsTarget) An herb known as the "Indian Frankincense" can dramatically improve the symptoms of the most common form of arthritis –- osteoarthritis. What's even more amazing is the treatment appears to provide relief within just one week. That's the good news from University of California at Davis scientists who published their research conclusions about this herbal therapy recently in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy. They specifically tested an extract dubbed AKBA (3-O-acetyl-11-keto...

Marine Phytoplankton is Next Revolutionary Superfood for Disease Prevention and Extraordinary Health

By Mike Adams, August 14 2008
(NaturalNews) In previous articles and product reviews here on NaturalNews, we've covered some astonishing superfoods. The most impressive of those have been derived from microalgae: Astaxanthin, Chlorella, Spirulina and Blue-Green Algae. Now, a new microalgae product has emerged in the natural products market that joins the ranks of these high-potency superfoods: Marine Phytoplankton. And unlike most of the other microalgae products on the market that are freeze dried into powders, tablets or...

NaturalNews Publishes Audio Interviews with Dr. Brian O'Leary, Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Byron Richards

By Mike Adams, August 12 2008
(NaturalNews) Pioneering physicist and former astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary is interviewed by the Health Ranger in a podcast available now from In the interview, Dr. O'Leary discusses the future of human civilization and how he transcended the world of conventional physics to embrace a more holistic view of the universe. The exclusive interview is available now as a downloadable MP3 file from: Dr. Brian O'Leary also talks about sustainable...

The Many Environmental and Health Benefits of Hemp

By Sheryl Walters, August 12 2008
(NewsTarget) It seems as though hemp is not only an answer to our global health problems, both for people who don't have enough to eat and for people in the western world who are malnourished from eating the wrong foods, but also an answer to our environmental crisis. The healing properties of hemp Hemp seeds are perhaps the purest, most nutritionally dense food on our planet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are also the only edible seeds with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is...

Codex Designates GMOs as Contaminants in Food

By Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., August 12 2008
(NewsTarget) The latest Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting held in Geneva recently concluded with some interesting outcomes. Some long simmering acrimony has begun to surface as the U.S. continues to force the biased agendas of Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Agra and the like forward without considering the input of many other countries. Typically if the U.S. does not want a country's input, the host country simply denies their official delegates visas to the meeting. Several countries have recently...

SunWarrior Challenges NaturalNews Community to Build a Better Protein Bar

By Mike Adams, August 11 2008
(NaturalNews) Following my previous review of SunWarrior protein (, I've kept in touch with SunWarrior founder Brent Hauver. Recently, he called and explained he was considering formulating a SunWarrior Protein Bar, using only 100% natural, mostly raw, mostly organic, vegan-friendly ingredients. When he asked what I thought should go into the bar, I mentioned that NaturalNews readers would be the best people to ask, because they are the most well-informed, discerning...

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