Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Pumpkin Seeds Shown to Boost Sex Drive

By Sheryl Walters, August 11 2008
(NewsTarget) Research shows that pumpkin seeds are a great libido booster. Pumpkin seeds are one of nature's most perfect foods. They taste delicious, make great snacks, and add nutrient rich flavor and texture to salads and many other dishes. They contain many libido vitamins including the B vitamins, and vitamins E, C, D, and K. They also contain essential sex drive minerals like calcium, potassium, niacin, and phosphorous. Most importantly, pumpkin seeds contain high loads of zinc, which is...

Bernie Mac Another Casualty of Conventional Medicine?

By Mike Adams, August 9 2008
(NaturalNews) The number of famous people dying at the hands of conventional medical doctors is increasing at an alarming rate. Today comedian Bernie Mac (best known for appearing in Oceans Eleven and The Bernie Mac Show) died following hospitalization and treatment for pneumonia. At the young age of 50, Bernie Mac joins an increasing roster of other notable celebrities who have died while being treated with conventional pharmaceuticals or chemotherapy: Heath Ledger, Peter Jennings, Tim Russert and...

Conventional Infertility Treatments "Useless" Even As Fertility Rates Plummet for Mainstream Toxic Consumers

By Mike Adams, August 7 2008
(NaturalNews) Research on conventional infertility treatments that monitored the results of 580 couples found such treatments to have absolutely no benefit. Conducted in Scotland, the research involved five hospitals providing artificial insemination and the prescription drug clomid -- a drug commonly used for treating infertility in the United States, Canada and other western nations. The research reveals that couples attempting to conceive naturally experienced a 17% success rate (becoming pregnant...

Scientists Discover Exactly How Cranberry Juice Fights Infections

By Sherry Baker, August 7 2008
(NewsTarget) For decades, the idea that drinking cranberry juice could prevent or treat urinary tract infections was greeted with doubt and sometimes even sarcasm by doctors who considered this an "old wives' tale". But in recent years, studies have shown that cranberry juice does exactly what countless grandmas and herbalists said it does. It wards off infections. But how? Now comes word that researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) have the answer. Cranberry juice creates what the...

The Healing Properties of Purple Corn

By Sheryl Walters, August 7 2008
(NewsTarget) Purple corn is a Peruvian super food cultivated in coastal areas, as well as in mountains of almost ten thousand feet. There are very few purple plants found in nature, and so for people who are looking to eat a true rainbow diet, purple corn extract is a fantastic addition. Packed with Phytonutrients and Antioxidants Purple corn contains a variety of phytonutrients (plant nutrients) including massive amounts of phenolics and anthocyanins. Research shows that crops with the highest...

Menstruation is a Disease (And Other Ridiculous Myths Believed by Mainstream Consumers)

By Mike Adams, August 5 2008
(NaturalNews) As I was horrified to discover upon turning on the TV in a hotel room recently, drug companies are now pushing pills that promise women a significant reduction in the frequency of menstruation. The implication, of course, is that menstruation is a disease that needs to be treated with pharmaceuticals, and that chemically interfering with your own natural hormone cycles is not merely healthy, but even hip! These ads promise putting you "back in control" of your life, but they say...

Is Your Shower Curtain Making You Sick?

By Sherry Baker, August 5 2008
(NewsTarget) Ever buy a vinyl shower curtain and hang it up only to feel like you've been hit in the face by a wave of noxious fumes? It turns out, according to new research, that's exactly what happens. The problem is these curtains, which sold at major retailers across the country, don't only smell horrible, but scientists have documented they are out-gassing toxic chemicals linked to serious and even deadly health problems. "This smell can make you feel sick, give you a headache, make you feel...

Media Censorship at Olympics in China Mirrors FDA Censorship of Health Product Claims in America

By Mike Adams, August 4 2008
(NaturalNews) The U.S. media is loudly protesting the censorship of their reporters at the Olympics in Beijing. Betraying its promise to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), China has blocked reporters' access to "sensitive" websites, including those that mention human rights violations, the suppression of the Falun Gong religious group, the Tiananman Square uprising and other similar topics the Chinese government would like to imagine never happened. In response to these restrictions, U.S...

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