Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Studies Prove That Chocolate Is Really Good for You

By Barbara L. Minton, August 22 2008
(NewsTarget) Chocolate lovers, take heart. Reports from recent studies have given you plenty of reasons to keep on eating chocolate without feeling guilty. In fact, the news from several studies released this spring shows that chocolate is quite effective against the number one killer of Americans, heart disease. Another serious threat to our health, environmental pollution, was significantly reduced by eating chocolate. And the news is even better for females. Studies and results Epidemiologic...

Fruits and Vegetables Modulate the Cell Cycle to Prevent Cancer

By Barbara L. Minton, August 21 2008
(NewsTarget) It's amazing that more than 2000 years ago we realized many universal truths, and we did it without the scientific method. One person who really knew what he was talking about was Hippocrates, who said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". We lost our common sense for awhile and fell in love with a disease establishment that claimed science was on its side. Apparently we are now coming to earth again in a new age where science and sense meet. Scientists are now explaining...

Health Ranger Volunteers to be Michael Phelps' Nutritionist to Win More Gold in 2012 Olympics

By Mike Adams, August 21 2008
(NaturalNews) In previous articles here on NaturalNews, I've criticized Olympian Michael Phelps for promoting McDonald's fast food and sugary breakfast cereals to children. I've also reported on Phelps' atrocious diet of processed foods and the astonishing fact that his own mother designed nutrition programs at a middle school in Maryland where she serves as the Principal. But rather than merely criticizing Phelps, I think it's important to educate the young man about a better solution than junk...

Olympian Phelps Serves as "Ambassador" to McDonald's, Introducing Chinese Children to American Junk Food

By Mike Adams, August 21 2008
(NaturalNews) On the heels of Olympian Michael Phelps' deal with Kellogg's to promote sugary breakfast cereals -- a move for which he was widely criticized -- NaturalNews has learned that Phelps is also involved in a deal with McDonald's to introduce Chinese children to American junk food. According to, a mainstream news source in China, Michael Phelps is serving as an ambassador for a program sponsored by McDonald's to bring Chinese children to the Olympics and serve them American...

The Seven Most Common Foods That Cause Food Intolerances

By Sheryl Walters, August 21 2008
(NewsTarget) Many people claim that their health improves tremendously by cutting out various foods. Avoiding food intolerances can be a huge step in minimizing ill health and boosting your wellbeing. Here are the seven most common food intolerances. Sugar If refined sugar was discovered today, it might be classed as a poison. It gives nothing to the body of any value. It causes the energy levels to become imbalanced, and a whole range of other possible symptoms including extreme fatigue. While...

NaturalNews Joins Yahoo Buzz, Posts Breaking News, and Twitters the Editor

By Mike Adams, August 21 2008
(NaturalNews) Here at, we've joined Yahoo Buzz, posting a "Buzz This!" button at the end of each article. Yahoo Buzz is much like Digg, allowing users to vote on an article and push it to the top of a content popularity list at Yahoo. Once there, articles can then be voted up or down by other Yahoo users. The purpose of the technology is to allow popular stories to migrate to the top while allowing the user community to weed out stories that don't belong there. The downside, of...

Investment Powerhouse Goldman Sachs Buying Up Poultry Farms in China

By Barbara L. Minton, August 20 2008
(NewsTarget) Corporate ownership of world food sources may be shifting into high gear. Goldman Sachs, the private equity investment bank of the ultra wealthy and powerful, has announced that it's in the race to scoop up assets related to food production. Its latest investment is $300 million in Chinese chicken farms. U.S. based Goldman recently announced it has acquired full ownership of 10 poultry farms on the mainland of China for $300 million, according to Frederick Yeung, reporter for South...

Drug Companies Routinely Bury Studies Showing Their Drugs Don't Work

By Mike Adams, August 20 2008
(NaturalNews) More than 30 percent of studies conducted on antidepressant drugs go unpublished, apparently because they fail to show that the drug works as advertised, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In addition, published studies often interpret the data as more favorable toward the drug than it actually is. "Not only were positive results more likely to be published, but studies that were not positive, in our opinion, were often published in a way...

Burger King's New 'Healthy' Meal for Kids Is Mostly Hype

By Barbara L. Minton, August 20 2008
(NewsTarget) The media is applauding a recent announcement by Burger King introducing new healthy menu items designed to appeal to kids. Apparently the term 'healthy' is relative. While it may be a baby step in the right direction, one is left thinking, "Gee, Burger King, is this really the best you can do?" The new menu items are part of a pledge to take more action in promoting children's nutrition. In making the pledge to the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Burger King joins 11 other food...

Olympian Michael Phelps Flakes Out with Paid Endorsement of Frosted Flakes Cereal

By Mike Adams, August 20 2008
(NaturalNews) Super-Olympian Michael Phelps, who famously follows a horrendous junk food diet, has now signed a lucrative deal to promote Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes. In doing so, he will leverage his celebrity status to push sugary, processed foods onto a generation of children who already suffer from unprecedented rates of obesity and diabetes. Processed sugar, as you know, promotes both diseases and causes nutritional deficiencies at the same time. The deal has earned Phelps harsh...

Bush Administration Rushes to Change Workplace Toxin Regulations Before End of Term

By Jo Hartley, August 20 2008
(NewsTarget) In the final months of the Bush administration, the Department of Labor is pushing through a rule that will make it harder to regulate workers' on-the-job exposure to chemicals and toxins. Instead of disclosing their proposal (as required) in the public notices of regulatory plans, the Labor Secretary made her plans first known on July 7 when the White House OMB wrote on its website that it was reviewing this proposal. The proposal was identified only by its title. The contents of...

Cardiac Patients Recover Better With Heart Surgery Nutrition

By Jo Hartley, August 20 2008
(NewsTarget) It is called heart surgery nutrition and this is an easy way that cardiac patients can do something effective to improve their medical outcomes. Recent medical research is now showing that heart surgery nutrition is a very important way to protect a patient from damage that can be caused by the oxidative stress that goes along with angioplasty, coronary bypass, thrombolysis (using medication to dissolve blood clots), and the injury that results when oxygen is once again supplied to tissues...

Christina Applegate Maimed by Surgeons with Double Mastectomy Following Breast Cancer Diagnosis

By Mike Adams, August 19 2008
(NaturalNews) Following her diagnosis with breast cancer, actress Christina Applegate decided to have both of her breasts surgically removed, believing that physically removing her breasts would save her from cancer. The double mastectomy procedure is an all-too-frequent choice by women who have been scared into limited treatment options by mostly male doctors who think nothing of physically maiming a woman and cutting away organs that are often closely tied to a woman's self identity. When pushing...

Byetta Diabetes Drug Linked to Patient Deaths; Real Diabetes Cures Ignored

By Mike Adams, August 18 2008
(NaturalNews) Another FDA-approved diabetes drug has now been linked to life-threatening pancreas inflammation that has resulted in at least two deaths. Byetta is the latest FDA-approved diabetes drug to be linked to organ damage and death. Several years ago, Rezulin was being pushed into the diabetic market in the United States by the FDA even though the drug had already been banned in Europe and was linked with severe liver damage of at least 10,000 patients. After keeping the drug on the market...

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