Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

The Many Causes of Acne

By Sheryl Walters, September 12 2008
(NewsTarget) You finally meet someone that you can really see yourself being with. You are having visions of the future already. Yet on the day of your big date, you wake up to find a large red bump on your face with a massive white lump in the middle. Sorry to paint this disturbing picture and to sound a bit cliché, but if you have ever suffered from acne, you certainly know this feeling. Unfortunately, as with most skin complaints including eczema and psoriasis, treating the root cause of...

Pentagon Is Fighting the EPA About Pollution Clean Up Efforts

By Jo Hartley, September 12 2008
(NewsTarget) Any guesses who the U.S.'s largest polluter is? Would it surprise you to hear that it is the Defense Department? Probably not that surprising if you think it through. How about this, though. The Defense Department is currently resisting EPA orders to clean up Fort Meade and two other bases where they have allegedly dumped chemicals that pose "imminent and substantial" danger to both the public health and the environment. The Pentagon is also refusing to sign agreements that cover...

Green Tea and IP6: Effective Pancreatic Cancer Preventative and Treatment

By Barbara L. Minton, September 11 2008
(NewsTarget) Substances found in green tea and high fiber foods have been found effective in the treatment and prevention of pancreatic cancer, an extremely virulent form of disease with few effective treatments. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., so any indication of an effective preventative and treatment is very good news. A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer generally comes only in its late stages since there are few noticeable symptoms during the early...

Doubts Surfacing About Flu Vaccine's Effectiveness for Elderly

By Jo Hartley, September 11 2008
(NewsTarget) The annual influenza vaccine has been recommended for people over age 65 for over forty years as a way to protect this segment of the population from serious winter illness and death. There is growing concern about its effectiveness in protecting the elderly from the influenza virus, however. A significant number of experts are now sharing the belief that the vaccine does not work well for people over the age of 70. This age group accounts for approximately three-quarters of all influenza...

Seven Foods for a Good Night's Sleep

By Sheryl Walters, September 11 2008
(NewsTarget) Sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. It allows our body to rejuvenate and restore itself. Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of aging. Tiredness can also affect your mood and how you feel. Chronic tiredness can increase your risk of depression and anxiety. It can also affect the way that you respond and react to the people around you. It can also affect your cognitive ability and your ability to use your brain. This can cause you to be less constructive and...

Study Shows That Impotency May Be a Sign of Heart Disease

By Sheryl Walters, September 10 2008
(NewsTarget) A recent study suggests that men who have diabetes and are having erectile dysfunction may have an increased risk of heart disease. It was discovered that diabetic men who had difficulty keeping an erection were twice as likely to develop heart disease as other men with diabetes. The researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong believe that the root cause of both the erectile problems and the heart disease could be down to blood vessel damage caused by high blood sugar levels...

Celery Works Great for Inflammation, Gout, Cancer, and High Blood Pressure

By Barbara L. Minton, September 10 2008
(NewsTarget) A nutrient found in celery has been shown highly effective against inflammation and cancer. Luteolin is a bioflavonoid also found in smaller amounts in peppers, parsley, thyme, basil and peppermint. And like all bioflavonoids, luteolin has high antioxidant properties, producing a dose-dependent reduction in oxidative DNA damage that is double the amount produced by vitamin C. In a study reported in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Science U.S.A., May 27, 2008, researchers...

Almond Growers Sue USDA to Halt Mandatory Chemical Fumigation of Raw Almonds

By Mike Adams, September 10 2008
(NaturalNews) After having their organic almond businesses devastated by the USDA's bizarre decision requiring mandatory chemical fumigation of almonds, the almond industry is fighting back. Fifteen American almond growers have filed a lawsuit against the USDA in an attempt to repeal the requirements that all almonds grown in California be fumigated or pasteurized. (Virtually all almonds sold in the United States are grown in California.) Since the USDA's ruling in 2007, organic almond growers...

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

By Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., September 10 2008
(NewsTarget) Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, is a very misunderstood organization that most people (including nearly all U.S. congressmen) have never heard of, never mind understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organization. From the official Codex website ( the altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination...

10 Steps to Personal Power in Trying Times

By Barbara L. Minton, September 10 2008
(NewsTarget) This is a really rough time for Americans. We are living through an unparalleled time of social division, watching a few become really rich while many sink into poverty. We work everyday to support a government we believe has betrayed us. Our health care system doesn't keep us healthy. We are facing financial collapse, and life as we know it seems to be imploding. We feel frustrated, stressed and powerless. We can choose to stick our heads in the sand until the misery blows over, or...

Curcumin Tempers Arsenic Toxicity Through DNA Repair

By Barbara L. Minton, September 10 2008
(NewsTarget) Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric is effective against the harmful impact of arsenic according to a recent study reported in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. Arsenic is a poison that can be fatal to humans. The study investigated whether curcumin could counteract the DNA damage caused by arsenic using peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy donors. Researchers found that DNA damage could be effectively reduced by curcumin, and the effect was...

Seven Superfoods for a Healthy Sex Life

By Sheryl Walters, September 10 2008
(NewsTarget) The food that we put into our bodies is perhaps the most important factor in libido. If we put in lots of dead food that makes our bodies work hard to digest and process, we aren't going to have the energy for spicing up our sex life. On the other hand, if we nourish our bodies with sex-drive promoting nutrients, we are ensuring an enjoyable and long lasting sex life. Read more about food for libido. There are a number of well known foods to help the libido. Here are 7 superfoods...

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