Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Air Pollution Raises Blood Pressure According to New Study

By Sherry Baker, September 9 2008
(NewsTarget) It seems like a healthy thing to do: getting outside. Maybe you like to go for walks or spend an hour gardening or riding your bike. Unfortunately, if you live where the air is polluted, you could be hurting your health by simply breathing the not-so-fresh air. That's the conclusion of a new Ohio State University Medical Center study –- the first ever to report a direct link between air pollution and high blood pressure, or hypertension. The results of the study are set to be published...

NaturalNews Releases Free Report on The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth by Mike Adams

By Mike Adams, September 9 2008
(NaturalNews) Consumer health advocate and author Mike Adams (the "Health Ranger") has released a new special report describing a breakthrouguh philosophy on attracting what he calls "mindful wealth." The report teaches readers how to let go of unconscious limitations to personal wealth and embrace a conscious wealth attraction philosophy that's aligned with natural living principles. The report is available at no charge: The 7 Principles...

Natural Newsbeat: Bisphenol A, Fire Retardants and Needle-Dumping Dentists

By Mike Adams, September 8 2008
(NaturalNews) The truth is finally coming out about Bisphenol A in plastics: New research shows it disrupts neurological function in primates even when consumed at doses currently labeled "safe" by the EPA. What kind of neurological problems does it cause? The ones children are being medicated for with dangerous psych drugs, of course. This new evidence directly contradicts the FDA's ridiculous stance on BPA, which claims the chemical is so safe that even babies and infants can drink it. See...

Lose Weight Without Feeling Constantly Hungry

By Sheryl Walters, September 8 2008
(NewsTarget) There are so many different fad diets and different opinions on how to lose weight. Most people experience constant hunger when they go on a diet. Here are some of the best ways to lose weight without going hungry. 1. Stop Focusing solely on Calories While there is much wisdom in the calorie principle, you can get caught up in calorie counting. Many people who count calories stop eating when their calories are up, resulting in hunger. Feeling hungry is never healthy, and causes...

Despite the Hype, Statin Drugs Found Medically Useless in Preventing Alzheimer's

By Mike Adams, September 8 2008
(NaturalNews) Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs do not provide any protection against Alzheimer's disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and published in Neurology, the journal of the American Academy of Neurology. "This study adds to the growing evidence that statins don't lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease," lead researcher Zoe Arvanitakis said. "The study also found no association between taking statins and a slower cognitive...

Brazil's Oil Independence May Not Be a Model Worth Emulating

By Barbara L. Minton, September 6 2008
(NewsTarget) Brazil is having another banner year. It has reached energy equilibrium, exporting as much oil as it imports. Its production of domestic oil is at an all time high, as is the production of sugar based ethanol. At the service stations, ethanol is for sale right along side of the gas pumps. Brazil is also the destination of U.S. lawmakers and venture capitalists looking for America's future. As the by products of Brazil's quest for energy independence become known, it may be time to question...

Natural Newsbeat: HPV Vaccines, Cloned Meat and the Vytorin Cancer Scare

By Mike Adams, September 5 2008
(NaturalNews) Anaphalactic shock can kill you, and it turns out that HPV vaccines invoke this potentially lethal allergic reaction in 500% - 2000% more young women than any other vaccine. Get this shot and you could die right there in the clinic. Maybe that's why so many deaths are already being reported in young women receiving the HPV vaccine shots. See: FDA Admits Cloned Meat, Milk May Have Already Entered Food SupplyIsn't...

The Health Ranger Answers Common Questions About Nutritional Supplements (transcript)

By Mike Adams, September 4 2008
(NaturalNews) The following is a transcript of a broadcast of The Health Ranger Show. You can find the downloadable audio of this program here: What is the biggest myth about nutritional supplements? You've often wondered about that haven't you? There is a lot of hype about supplements out there. There's also a lot of effort to discredit certain supplements like vitamin E. We will talk about vitamin E in a future show. This natural vitamin can be...

Liver-Damaging Effects of Cholesterol Drug Zetia Hidden by Merck, FDA Documents Reveal

By Mike Adams, September 4 2008
(NaturalNews) Documents on the FDA Web site reveal that pharmaceutical companies Merck and Schering-Plough conducted numerous safety studies on the popular cholesterol drug Zetia but did not publish the results, which suggested that the drug may cause liver damage when mixed with statins. Zetia is a trade name for the drug ezetimibe, also marketed under the names Ezetrol and Ezemibe. It is a major seller for Merck and Schering, and is estimated to have earned them $5 billion in 2007. The drug...

Vytorin Linked to Cancer; Prominent Medical Journal Reverses Stance

By Mike Adams, September 3 2008
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

Culture Shock: The USA vs. South America; Fiction vs. Reality

By Mike Adams, September 3 2008
(NaturalNews) I recently spent a month in Ecuador, and when I returned, I couldn't get over the culture shock. Not the culture shock of being in Ecuador, mind you, but the shock of returning to the United States! In this article, I'll reveal the mind-warping weirdness of the United States of America that only becomes apparent when you go somewhere else for a while, then come back. And we'll start with the Department of Homeland Security, of course. Upon returning to the U.S., I arrived at the...

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