Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Seventy Five Percent of Women Admit to Abnormal Behavior Around Food

By Barbara L. Minton, September 16 2008
(NewsTarget) Disordered eating among women in the U.S. may be more widespread than we thought. Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of young American women report experiencing disordered eating behaviors, and ten percent report symptoms of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, or binge eating disorder, according to new study findings published in HealthDay News. These findings resulted from information provided by more than 4,000 women in an online poll conducted by SELF Magazine in...

Research Links Plastics Containing Bisphenol A to Heart Disease and Diabetes

By Sherry Baker, September 16 2008
(NewsTarget) If you live in the U.S. and eat any packaged foods at all, you are probably also consuming the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA. Now, for the first time, scientists have made a startling discovery about the chemical that could help explain the epidemic of heart disease and diabetes in this country. Previous studies have found BPA causes precancerous conditions, kidney and developmental problems in animals. But new research, published in the September 17th edition of the Journal of the...

Financial Hurricane Warning: How to Protect Yourself from the Global Financial Fallout Now Underway

By Mike Adams, September 16 2008
(NaturalNews) This is a special financial alert for NaturalNews readers. For more than two years, I've warned readers to get out of the housing bubble, steer clear of speculative real estate, offload U.S. dollars and get out of debt. In articles published from 2005 - 2007, I warned of hyperinflation and the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar. At the time, such predictions seemed outlandish to many, but what we're witnessing with the cascading bank and investment house failures is now demonstrating...

Running Towards Health - Study Shows Running Also Benefits Older Persons

By Reuben Chow, September 16 2008
(NewsTarget) We have already known for some time that exercise, including running, is good for health. But there have always been fears about what running could do to the bones and joints of older persons. Those doubts may well have been put to bed by the findings of a research team from the Stanford University Medical Center in California. The team recently reported their findings on the health benefits of regular running for elderly runners in the Archives of Internal Medicine. These include...

Ten Easy Ways to Incorporate Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

By Jo Hartley, September 16 2008
(NewsTarget) Many people fear that if they start exercising they will become hungrier and that this will lead to eating more. They reason that they will gain weight because they will be eating more. What these people don't realize is that your blood sugar levels determine when you feel hunger. When your blood sugar drops you feel hungry and it's natural and normal to seek food to increase your blood sugar levels again. Exercising actually helps to normalize and even out any fluctuations in your...

Raw Food Product Review: Chocolate Caramel Bars from Righteously Raw

By Mike Adams, September 15 2008
(NaturalNews) The 2008 Raw Spirit Festival concluded yesterday, wrapping up the third annual gathering of raw foods enthusiasts, vendors, authors and speakers. As always, it served as a launching pad for some of the most amazing and innovative products you'll find in the entire natural products industry. In this series of review articles, I reveal the most exciting new raw foods, raw supplements and raw skin care products that have just hit the market. This is a multi-part article series, so continue...

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Explains Why Some Children Fail

By Barbara L. Minton, September 15 2008
(NewsTarget) Dr. Abraham Maslow synthesized a large body of research resulting in his master creation, the Hierarchy of Needs. This hierarchy, beautiful in its simplicity, describes the stages of human development through which each of us passes on the way to becoming fully functioning, responsible adults ultimately moving toward the pinnacle of achievement attained by humans. There are seven stages in the hierarchy, which Maslow conceptualized as a pyramid. He saw everyone beginning life at the...

Ocean Dead Zones Now Top 400

By Jo Hartley, September 14 2008
(NewsTarget) An ocean "dead zone" can be compared to a living creature because both will waste away when deprived of nutrients and adequate oxygen. Marine life is becoming nonexistent in certain areas in our oceans and these areas are growing steadily. There were 405 dead zones that were accounted for in 2007. This is a 33% increase over a 1995 survey. The number of dead zones has essentially doubled every decade since the 1960s. Environmental hypoxia is not a small, insignificant problem that...

Americans in Jeopardy From Financial System Rescue Plan

By Barbara L. Minton, September 14 2008
(NewsTarget) Earlier this spring Treasury Secretary Paulson in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Corporation announced a plan to police the financial markets to curtail the possibility of future financial disasters such as the sub-prime mortgage meltdown now rocking America. The plan centers on extending and increasing the powers of the Federal Reserve Corporation to supervise mortgage dealers, non-bank financial houses, stock brokers, derivative dealers, insurance companies, private banks and...

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Bailout for the Wealthy Leaves Taxpayers Holding the Bag

By Barbara L. Minton, September 14 2008
(NewsTarget) The decision by the U.S. Treasury Secretary to bail out mortgage guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac effectively doubles the national debt. Last week the amount of indebtedness of the American public was a staggering $10 trillion. This week that amount has effectively increased to $20 trillion, as the government underwrites the entire loans portfolios of the two mortgage giants. Home buyers who were sold mortgages they couldn't afford have been hung out to dry. There is no bailout...

Proposal Could Lead to Growing Crops on Preserved Land

By Jo Hartley, September 13 2008
(NewsTarget) There are approximately 34 million acres of land across the U.S. that the government has paid farmers to stop growing row crops including corn and soybeans on. This land is currently designated as conserved land that is part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The purpose for CRP has been to keep production down and increase commodity prices. This $1.8 billion per year program has become a significant positive effect for conservation because much of the land has been either planted...

Raw Spirit Fesival 2008 Begins Today in Sedona, Arizona

By Mike Adams, September 12 2008
(NaturalNews) The third annual Raw Spirit Festival launches today in Sedona, Arizona. A gathering of raw food and health enthusiasts from all over the world, the event features more than forty top health speakers, hundreds of vendor booths and nearly four thousand participants, all set on an outdoor venue featuring the awe-inspiring natural beauty of Sedona. The event runs through Sunday. Its increasing popularity reflects the fast-growing awareness of raw foods and the astonishing health benefits...

Mindful Wealth Attraction Strategies Revealed in New Health Ranger Email List

By Mike Adams, September 12 2008
(NaturalNews) If you've been wondering why all the planet-destroying, health-crushing, war-promoting evildoers in the world seem to end up with the bulk of the global wealth, don't fret: There are ways that exist right now to ethically and legally redirect wealth into the hands of more conscious, life-protecting individuals. In fact, I say that conscious, mindful citizens have a moral obligation to earn and redistribute more money, and I've started a new email list to help explore ideas that show...

Five Ways to Stay Healthy in the Summer

By Sheryl Walters, September 12 2008
(NewsTarget) Summer is the time to enjoy being outside and feeling revitalized after the winter. Many people find that they feel healthier and more vibrant during this season. There are many things that will ensure that we enjoy good health and wellbeing all summer long. Here are 5 fun ways to keep well. Raw Foods Enjoy as many raw foods as possible. While cooked food tastes nice, especially on a cold winter's day, vital nutrients are damaged and lost. Further, cooking adds chemicals that aren't...

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