Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

The Best Natural Skin Cream on the Planet

By Sheryl Walters, October 8 2008
(NewsTarget) Nature provides everything that we need. Most people now recognize that there is absolutely nothing that man can do to our food without ruining it. The best food on the planet is that which has grown naturally for thousands of years. The very same goes for what we put onto our skin. Coconut oil is perhaps nature's most perfect moisturizer, and has been used since the beginning of time for its beautifying properties. Women in countries where coconuts grow have been lavishing their...

$850 Billion Bailout Fails to Ease Global Financial Crisis

By Mike Adams, October 7 2008
(NaturalNews) Today the world was rocked by serious financial events that have driven the global finance system to the brink of real disaster. The scary part in all this? The bailout failed to ease fears. That's right: The $850 billion bailout didn't work. At least not yet. And world markets were crashing today, sending investors running for cover. The Fed, for its part, created a whopping $900 billion in new money on Monday and shoveled it into the banking system, desperately hoping to create...

White Sugar Now Coming From Genetically-Modified Sugar Beets

By Mike Adams, October 7 2008
(NaturalNews) This year saw the first commercial planting of genetically modified (GM) sugar beets in the United States, with that sugar to hit the food supply soon after. Farmers across the country will soon be planting Monsanto's Roundup Ready sugar beet, genetically engineered for resistance to Monsanto's herbicide glyphosate (marketed as Roundup). John Schorr, agriculture manager for Amalgamated Sugar, estimates that 95 percent of the sugar beet crop in Idaho will be of the new GM variety...

Choosing Products That Promote Beauty and Well Being

By Barbara L. Minton, October 7 2008
(NewsTarget) Millions of Americans are adversely affected each year by a silent from of chemical warfare that's taking place every day within the comforts of our own homes. While we worry about the chemical weaponry of terrorists and lead-contaminated imported toys, we are literally poisoning our immune systems with thousands of toxic chemicals that are known carcinogens, hormone disrupters, and cancer-causing agents. It starts with your morning routine. If you are a man, you will probably use...

The Foods That Are Most Affected by Pesticides

By Sheryl Walters, October 6 2008
(NewsTarget) By now most of us know that buying organic is absolutely essential if we want to put the best food possible into our bodies. It is just plain and simply better for our health and better for the environment, which are inextricably linked anyway.s Study after study show that organic food has a higher nutritional content than conventionally raised food. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, for example, found that organic foods are more likely to help you fight...

Interview with Sergei Zimin About Modifilan brown seaweed extract

By Mike Adams, October 3 2008
(NaturalNews) Mike: Many of you reading this may have heard about some of the benefits of plants from the ocean and, in particular, brown seaweed. You may have seen some of the recent news stories about the specific constituents of brown seaweed helping get rid of excess body fat, or you may have read about them helping to eliminate radiation poisoning from the body, or perhaps even about some of the anti-cancer effects of various seaweeds. Many of you are probably also familiar with the greatly...

Propaganda Campaign Against Estrogen Benefits Pharmaceutical Companies

By Barbara L. Minton, October 3 2008
(NewsTarget) Estrogen Boosts Risk of Breast Cancer is becoming an all too frequent media hot button story. The steady drumbeat smacks of propaganda and is an affront to basic common sense. Is it really possible that a woman's hormones are out to get her? Would nature have embraced such a design? Would the laws of natural selection have chosen the female with the built-in time bomb to be the prototype to mother the next generation? As with any media promotion, it is best to look behind the headlines...

Bailout, or Blowout? Financial "Rescue" Plan Turns into Mad Spending Spree

By Mike Adams, October 3 2008
(NaturalNews) As the United States of America stands on the verge of irrecoverable bankruptcy, U.S. Senators have decided to orchestrate a final "blowout" spending spree by dressing up the financial bailout plan with so much bloated pork that no lawmaker can resist its lure. The so-called "rescue plan" (renamed from "bailout plan" by Washington language police) has now ballooned into a 450-page overstuffed pork sandwich, featuring layer upon layer of outlandish expenditures tied to the bill like...

Beautiful Hair and Skin Require Optimal Thyroid Functioning

By Barbara L. Minton, October 2 2008
(NewsTarget) Whether your hair turns gray and falls out or stays a thick mane of vibrant color is dependent on your body having proper levels of thyroid hormones. New ground breaking research has documented that human hair follicles are direct targets of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 which modulate hair biology parameters from cycling to pigmentation. The August 26th Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism reports a study to assess the impact of the two central thyroid hormones of the body, T3...

Eight Proven and Easy Ways to Cope With Stress

By Sheryl Walters, October 2 2008
(NewsTarget) Living in modern times means that we all have to deal with stress. Sometimes stress can be a positive force in our lives. It can motivate and get us going. However, sometimes stress can really get us down. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools out there to help us cope and deal with stress. 1. When people get stressed they naturally touch their forehead. This is because touching the forehead does actually relieve stress. Put two fingers on the boniest part above the eyebrows and...

Word Games: "Bail Out" Magically Transforms Into "Rescue" Overnight as MSM Follows Language Police

By Mike Adams, October 2 2008
(NaturalNews) Welcome to the Orewellian world of Newspeak, where words are used to control thoughts. Yesterday, at the bidding of the White House, mainstream news sources across the world magically replaced the term "bail out" with the much more palatable word "rescue." The Washington Post jumped on board (, then Reuters, the Associated Press and Bloomberg all fell into step within minutes...

In Cancer Scare Story, Medical Researchers Admit Vitamin C Protects Cells from Free Radical Damage

By Mike Adams, October 1 2008
(NaturalNews) In headlines around the world, Vitamin C is once again under attack. The vitamin is extremely dangerous, researchers now say, because it might "interfere with the toxic effects of chemotherapy." These mainstream media articles, of course, are attempting to convince cancer patients to stop taking vitamins that support health and, instead, allow chemotherapy to poison their body's cells without any protection whatsoever for healthy cells. But in stating that Vitamin C prevents chemotherapy...

The 4 Most Common Excuses for Not Getting Fit

By Sheryl Walters, October 1 2008
(NewsTarget) Despite the many benefits of exercise, statistics show that most people's exercise consists of walking from desk to bathroom or changing the channel on the TV. Most people are desperate for the physical and mental pleasures that exercise will give them. Increased energy, better mood, fewer aches and pains, and prevention of illness are just some of the benefits to having a regular workout routine. However, a great percentage of people are just plain unmotivated about getting off the...

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