Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

An Analysis of Burger King's New 'Healthy' Meal for Kids

By Barbara L. Minton, October 1 2008
(NewsTarget) The media is applauding a recent announcement by Burger King introducing new healthy menu items designed to appeal to kids. Apparently the term 'healthy' is relative. While it may be a baby step in the right direction, one is left thinking, "Gee, Burger King, is this really the best you can do?" The new menu items are part of a pledge to take more action in promoting children's nutrition. In making the pledge to the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Burger King joins 11 other food...

RAWkathon Event Broadcasts 14 Free Video Interviews with Leading Raw Foods Visionaries

By Mike Adams, September 30 2008
(NaturalNews) The raw food movement is sweeping the world, helping millions of people lose weight, reverse cancer, eliminate heart disease and restore vitality and enthusiasm to their lives. People are jumping onto to the raw food movement for all the right reasons: For health, beauty, simplicity and sustainability. Whether they're 50% raw, 70% raw or even 95% raw, they're all experiencing tremendous benefits from the raw foods diet (I'm 80% raw right now, by the way). Now, one of the greatest...

Lignans Shown to Provide Great Benefits for Breast Health

By Barbara L. Minton, September 30 2008
(NewsTarget) Most women who worry about the health of their breasts have a yearly mammogram and hope for the best. That's about all they can do since the traditional medical model offers nothing in the way of preemptive strategy. And it's readily apparent that mammograms were designed to recruit patients into the lucrative cancer treatment machine, not to actually help women. After all, as many of us learned when we were kids, radiation causes cancer. On the other hand, the world of natural health...

Chemicals Found in Cosmetics Linked to Future Infertility

By Sheryl Walters, September 30 2008
(NewsTarget) The first three months of pregnancy have a significant impact on a baby boy's future fertility. Chemicals found in cosmetics could create infertility problems later in life. Researchers at Edinburgh University have shown that exposure to chemicals in the first 12 weeks in the womb can affect sperm production in manhood. Many of these products are routinely used by a majority of women. Although the evidence is not conclusive, it is a step in the right direction to show women how vital...

Top Five (Virtually Unknown) Reasons You May Need More Vitamin C

By Sherry Baker, September 30 2008
(NewsTarget) Back in the late l950s and l960s, Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling turned his attention to studying and documenting how vitamin C could improve health status and help the human body resist and heal from disease. His reward? By the time of his death in l994, he had been branded a "quack" by a large part of the medical community. Now, almost 25 years after his passing, not only is his research being taken more seriously but other scientists are documenting how vitamin C can be the key...

Protect Your Skin Naturally With Badger Sunscreen (Product Review)

By Aria Milan, September 29 2008
(NewsTarget) Many parts of the country are starting to feel the chill bite of Autumn approaching. But there are many people in this country and around the globe who are still enjoying the outdoors in the hot sun. Particularly those who live near the Equator. For those still enjoying the sun, it's important to get sunlight exposure on your skin without any sunscreen for a little while every day so that you get adequate amounts of Vitamin D, which is known to slash the risk of many different types...

Why the Institutions of Western Finance and Western Medicine are Both Doomed to Fail

By Mike Adams, September 29 2008
(NaturalNews) Here at NaturalNews, we've been publicly predicting the fall of Western Medicine for nearly five years. During that time, we've also covered the increasingly precarious financial situation, warning readers in 2005 and 2006 about the impending housing bubble crash and the implications for the entire financial system. In covering these two topics (western medicine and western finance), I've come to recognize many strong parallels between the two. This article explores the common threads...

Farmers' Almanac Predicts Cold Winter Ahead

By Jo Hartley, September 29 2008
(NewsTarget) In the current economic situation with high fuel expenses and costs, American households have another worry to add to their increasing list of worries. The Farmers' Almanac is predicting below-average temperatures for the upcoming winter for most of the United States. This will create even higher heating expenses to add to other rising household expenses. The publication (which is almost two hundred years old) claims an accuracy of 80 to 85 percent for such forecasts. The forecasts...

Transportation Worker Identification Credential Is Step Toward Implementing Real ID Act

By Barbara L. Minton, September 29 2008
(NewsTarget) The Department of Homeland Security has recently announced that the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) compliance and enforcement date for the Coast Guard's Lower Mississippi River Captain of the Port Zone will be Dec. 30, 2008. If you don't know what TWIC is, it's not surprising, since efforts have been made to keep you in the dark unless you need access to port facilities. This is because TWIC is the baby step that if successful will eventually lead to full implementation...

Raw Food Review: Sproutein Powder is Raw Protein Made from Freeze Dried Sprouts

By Mike Adams, September 27 2008
(NaturalNews) Continuing our article series on new raw foods, today we take a look at an exciting new raw, sprouted protein product from Sprout Living ( It's called Sproutein, and it's a (relatively) high-protein powder made almost entirely from freeze-dried sprouts. The raw protein supplement market is simply exploding with consumer demand. As people learn about the benefits of plant-based proteins and raw foods, they're increasingly looking for raw, plant-based protein...

Financial Bailout will Lead to Demise of the Dollar as Hyperinflation Saps Savings

By Mike Adams, September 27 2008
(NaturalNews) This is an important analysis and update on the financial bailout situation. It was posted first to our Mindful Wealth Email List (see below). ANALYSIS and PREDICTIONS*: * See financial disclaimer at the end of this article... 1. The financial bailout will be approved Lawmakers are privately being warned that if they do not pass this bill, the entire global financial system will collapse. Publicly, they only say we "might have a recession," but behind closed doors, they realize...

Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part I)

By Barbara L. Minton, September 27 2008
(NewsTarget) This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business at its worst. You or someone you love may have been diagnosed with cancer, and you are very much afraid. You have been taught by the disease establishment that you have a life threatening...

Get Luscious Lips With Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers (Product Review)

By Aria Milan, September 26 2008
(NewsTarget) Some women say they like to leave the house after applying a little bit of mascara, for others it may be a quick sweep of blush across the cheeks. For me, the one make-up "accessory" that I reach for is lipstick. Now I'm not saying this is something I can't live without, as this would never pass the "desert island survival" test (unless one plans to charm their way off the island). But even for those who like to go au naturale, sometimes a little bit of lipstick can be applied to enhance...

Eight Superfoods for Health and Beauty From Your Local Grocery Store

By Barbara L. Minton, September 26 2008
(NewsTarget) What you have in your mind when you go to the grocery store will pretty much determine whether you live a long life of vibrant good health with feelings of well being, or a shortened life riddled with obesity and degenerative disease. Will you be a person with energy and enthusiasm for life, a person who others seek out and want to be around? Or will be you a lifeless, cranky and unattractive person? The answer largely depends on what you choose to put in your grocery cart. If you...

Poor Sleep and Lack of Sleep Can Cause Elevated Blood Pressure in Adolescents

By Reuben Chow, September 26 2008
(NewsTarget) Think that hypertension is a condition which strikes only adults and those more advanced in their years? Think again. Recent research conducted at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, has suggested that lack of sleep as well as poor sleep quality can cause elevated blood pressure levels in healthy adolescents. These associations could not be explained by being overweight, socioeconomic status, sleep apnea, or known comorbidities. About Blood Pressure, Hypertension...

How to Protect Your Assets as the Financial Crisis Worsens

By Barbara L. Minton, September 25 2008
(NewsTarget) The Humpty-Dumpty U.S. economy that has for so long sat perched on a wall has finally had a great fall and is completely broken. Scramble as they may, all the president's men won't be able to put the pieces back together again. Financial Armageddon is finally upon us. The magnitude of this financial crisis makes it seem like a drama you would see on TV, something that is not real, and something that will not touch you. But it is real and it is now. Mike Adams is trying to alert you...

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