Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Get Healthy, Supple Lips With Eco-Lips Lip Balm

By Aria Milan, October 22 2008
(NewsTarget) The lips are a very sensual part of the body. When it comes to skin care, many people take this area for granted and don't apply a lip moisturizer until problems, such as chapping, occur. Once this happens, getting the moisture on the lips back into balance is harder than preventing healthy lips from becoming dry in the first place. A good thing to have handy that can be applied throughout the day is a natural lip balm that is free of synthetic chemicals as the lips are one of the most...

How to Get Your Vitamin D in the Winter

By Sheryl Walters, October 22 2008
(NewsTarget) Over the last year, the evidence has been mounting that getting enough vitamin D is absolutely essential for our health and wellbeing. Without question, the best source of vitamin D comes from sunshine, the source of all life. This is contrary to the advice that has been given in the past, and is still given, by many doctors and other health practitioners which say the sun is dangerous and we need to avoid it as much as possible. But what do we do if we live in a place where there is...

Improve Your Sex Life with Yoga

By Sheryl Walters, October 22 2008
(NewsTarget) Most of us know that yoga is beneficial to our overall health and wellbeing. It puts the body into balance and can improve everything from blood sugar levels to depression and anxiety. But one of the other incredible benefits of yoga is its power to transform your sex life! Yoga allows people to get in touch with their bodies and their sexuality on a deeper level. Of course all forms of exercise result in a greater sex life than a couch potato routine. Exercise ensures there are no...

Get Vibrant Youthful Skin With GHC's Parfait Visage Face Cream (Product Review)

By Aria Milan, October 21 2008
(NewsTarget) The epitome of natural beauty is having a vibrant and youthful face. Great care should be taken when deciding on facial skin care products to use on a daily basis, as the face is part of the countenance one shows to the world. Radiant skin is a reflection of a person`s healthful state on the inside; therefore, natural and chemical-free products should be the first thing to consider. A facial cream that really stands out in excellence is Parfait Visage made by GHC (Global Healing Center...

FDA Running Extortion Racket: Natural Supplement Companies Threatened with Arrest if They Don't Pay Up

By Mike Adams, October 21 2008
(NaturalNews) NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity because each company targeted by the scam feels isolated and alone, unable to face the astronomical legal bills of going to court and battling the FDA. So one by one, they agree to "settle...

Iodine May Be the Critical Mineral for Weight Loss, Energy and Beauty

By Barbara L. Minton, October 21 2008
(NewsTarget) Iodine may just be the most overlooked mineral, yet its importance to overall health and well being cannot be overstated. Iodine is critical for the formation of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. People who have difficulty losing weight even though they eat small portions of health promoting foods may be short on iodine. Iodine deficiency can lead to dull and brittle hair, balding, lack of skin tone, low energy levels, difficulty dealing with environmental temperature change, poor...

Eat These Twenty Foods for A Long Life, Says British Scientist

By Sherry Baker, October 21 2008
(NewsTarget) British scientist Gary Williamson, professor of "functional foods" at Leeds University, has released a list of the top foodstuffs that he believes can lead to longevity. What makes these foods so special, he contends, is that they are rich in naturally occurring phytochemicals including tannins, lignins and flavonoids, that research has shown have a host of health benefits, including offering protection from cardiovascular disease by boosting the function of cells that line the inside...

The Fabulous Five: Compounds Found Most Effective Against Cancer

By Barbara L. Minton, October 21 2008
(NewsTarget) Research is rapidly identifying the compounds from plants that are most effective against cancer. Among those that are proving to be the front line of defense against an initial diagnosis of cancer and to prevent recurrence are DIM, curcumin, EGCG, genistein, and I3C. Each has its own unique actions, and when taken together in small amounts they are much more powerful than taking a large amount of only one or two. Each is readily available in supplement form. The fabulous five are...

How to Have a Heart Attack: Keep Eating the Western Diet

By Sherry Baker, October 21 2008
(NewsTarget) A multi-national study just published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association concludes about 30 percent of heart attack risk comes from one thing - diet. Is it your family history? Your age? Just plain bad luck? No. Instead, according to the research, the cause is something people in 52 countries are doing to themselves -- eating the so-called typical Western diet loaded with fried foods, meat and salty junk food snacks. However, the scientists found that...

Announcing the Best Weekend Ever Event, Anaheim, CA, November 14 - 16, 2008

By Mike Adams, October 20 2008
(NaturalNews) If you live anywhere near Anaheim, California, here's an event you won't want to miss: The Best Weekend Ever 3 is taking place November 14 - 16 in Anaheim. It features David Wolfe, Daniel Vitalis, Truth Calkins, the Elements for Life team (Chad, Adam and others) and a whole host of pioneers and visionaries in the world of cutting-edge nutritional healing. Get more details for the event at I've been a speaker at the previous two events...

Links between Noise Pollution and Ill-Health

By Sheryl Walters, October 20 2008
(NewsTarget) If you have ever lived or worked somewhere that was noisy, you know that it can have a seriously negative impact on your life. While we move ahead with our technological society, there are all sorts of pollution that we didn't have to deal with 50 years, and it is increasingly getting worse. Flights, machines, TV, radio…how often do really get a moment's peace. Studies are beginning to reveal that noise-related stress can negatively affect our health and wellbeing, sometimes significantly...

Balance Sodium with Potassium for Good Health

By Barbara L. Minton, October 20 2008
(NewsTarget) Nature is all about balance. The human body, being naturally created, reflects this principle in every small aspect as well as in its main orchestration, the constant search for homeostasis. Yet mainstream doctors tend to overlook the primal theme of balance. They like to view each body part or system in isolation. They don't hear the symphony because they have chosen to examine only one note of the music. This approach produces some strange conclusions, one of which is that sodium is...

Exposed: 10 Facts about the Breast Cancer Industry You're Not Supposed to Know (opinion)

By Mike Adams, October 19 2008
(NaturalNews) With Breast Cancer Awareness month fully upon us once again, retail stores have been invaded with everything pink, including "pink ribbon" candies and personal care products made with blatantly cancer-causing ingredients. Retail grocery stores like Safeway even hit up customers for donations at the cash register, promising to raise funds to find "the cure for cancer." Consumers of course, have virtually no idea where the funds they donate actually go, nor do they know the truths...

Tune Up Your Immune System for Cold and Flu Season

By Barbara L. Minton, October 18 2008
(NewsTarget) It's almost cold and flu season again. This is the time to make sure your immune system is up to the task of killing off invading germs, viruses and bacteria. A healthy, well-tuned immune system also vanquishes abnormal or degenerating cells before they can do any damage. One of the best ways to make sure your immune system is first rate is through the use of adaptogens, a group of substances that have nonspecific actions in the body and create minimal disruption while they normalize...

Macadamia Nuts Taste Great And Keep You Heart Healthy

By Barbara L. Minton, October 18 2008
(NewsTarget) Think of the creamy rich taste of a macadamia nut. Consider its crunch. Many believe the macadamia to be the world's finest nut. This may all sound really dreamy, but macadamias are full of fat, so they're probably not good for you, right? Well, recent studies are finding that a diet rich in macadamia nuts reduces total cholesterol, including LDL-cholesterol, and favorably modulates risk factors for coronary disease in patients with high cholesterol levels. In a study from the April...

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