Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Moisturize Your Skin With Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps

By Aria Milan, October 17 2008
(NewsTarget) Clear skin is a priority for many people since the condition of the skin reveals a lot about the health of the person; and therefore, beautiful skin is naturally attractive. Because health is revealed on the outside, having skin problems can really affect a person`s self image; hence the term "feeling comfortable in one`s own skin". As the fall and winter months approach, skin can become dry and flaky. This condition is exacerbated through the use of soaps made with synthetic chemicals...

Herb Officially Recognized In England as A Cure for Colds

By Sherry Baker, October 17 2008
(NewsTarget) There is no cure for the common cold, right? Wrong. The Zulus of Africa have insisted for centuries that there's a remedy created from geraniums that zaps colds and flu, halting sniffles and coughs almost immediately. Now 21st century research has backed up these claims -- just in time for the beginning of cold and flu season. In fact, the British government's department of health just announced the same kind of herbal remedy used by the Zulus for centuries has been granted an official...

Cell Phones May be Wiping out Bees and Affecting Health of Humans

By Sheryl Walters, October 17 2008
(NewsTarget) Bee colonies are disappearing in worrying numbers across the globe. Beekeepers in America, the UK, Scotland, Germany Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Greece are all seeing their hives vanish in worrying numbers. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is when a hive's inhabitants suddenly disappear, leaving only queens, eggs and a few immature workers. Usually there is an obvious reason for the collapse, such as sickness or a predator attack. However, in this current epidemic, there doesn't...

Use of Oral Contraceptives Reduces Peak Bone Mass, May Lead to Osteoporosis

By Barbara L. Minton, October 17 2008
(NewsTarget) Mother Nature rewards those who get on board with her agenda. In many cases, the attempt to resist her design results in life altering consequences, such as those revealed about the use of contraceptives. A new study has shown that contraceptive use during adolescence prevents peak bone mass acquisition, leading to significantly increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures later in life. As reported in the September, 2008 journal Contraception, researchers designed a four year follow...

Summary of Book on Astaxanthin Now Available as Free Download from

By Mike Adams, October 17 2008
(NaturalNews), the downloadable health book summary service created by Mike Adams and Kevin Gianni, has just released its summary of the book Astaxanthin: King of the Carotenoids by Bob Capelli. The downloadable summary is available now at Astaxanthin: King of the Carotenoids is a fascinating book that provides an in-depth look into the wide-ranging health benefits of astaxanthin, the red microalgae known to reduce arthritis inflammation, protect...

Ten Steps to Creating Real Change on the Planet

By Sheryl Walters, October 17 2008
(NewsTarget) Are we capable of living in a society that is free of money? Imagine...if this is possible? Actually, it is inevitable. A society based on one person having more than another is an outdated, highly flawed system that must go. It is incredibly difficult for any of us to fathom a society free of money because our whole way of life revolves around it. It is difficult to imagine how things could be distributed fairly when we have never seen it as a possibility. Yet we also have to remember...

Article removed

By Mike Adams, October 16 2008
(NaturalNews) Article removed.

Article removed

By Mike Adams, October 16 2008
(NaturalNews) Article removed.

Lung Disease Medication Linked To Cardiac Deaths

By Sherry Baker, October 16 2008
(NewsTarget) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a medical term that actually encompasses two lung diseases, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Both are characterized by partial obstruction of the airways that allow you to breathe. The result for those with COPD is a feeling of shortness of breath and, in severe cases, extreme impairment in the ability to breathe at all. COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the direct...

Mainstream Media Lies about Vitamin D Deficiency and Parkinson's with Deceptive Headlines

By Mike Adams, October 15 2008
(NaturalNews) Following the release of a new study strongly correlating vitamin D deficiency with Parkinson's disease, the mainstream media (MSM) has once again gone out of its way to intentionally distort the findings of the study and mislead readers about vitamin D. The study was conducted by Emory University, the same university that has just had $9.3 million in NIH grants frozen because of undisclosed ties between its researchers and the drug companies (

Four Inexpensive Whole Food Supplements

By Barbara L. Minton, October 15 2008
(NewsTarget) There is no denying that times are tough for everyone. Some people may be considering cutting back on the amount they spend for supplements, thinking that they really aren't seeing any results, so why keep buying them. This may be a good time to find out that all the nutrients needed for complete and perfect health can be found in some very low cost forms that provide perfect synergy between the nutrients, and extremely high bio-availability. Isolated compounds vs. whole food supplements Supplements...

Dr. Crescence Allen Reveals Why She Chose Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments

By Barbara L. Minton, October 15 2008
(NewsTarget) At the close of the White Rose Symposium on contemporary health issues, leading psychologist, health advocate and life coach Crescence Allen agreed to be interviewed about her bout with breast cancer and her decision to forgo the "standard of care" in favor of pursuing alternative treatments. Crescence's expertise includes child development, learning theory, and stress management. She is the author of Adaptive Coping Strategies of High Mastery Caregivers. She is also an herbalist and...

The EPA Refuses to Remove Rocket Fuel From Drinking Water

By Jo Hartley, October 15 2008
(NewsTarget) The EPA has apparently decided that it is not necessary to remove from our drinking water a toxic rocket fuel ingredient that has been found in public water supplies in the United States. The EPA reached this conclusion in a draft regulatory document that has not yet been released to the public. The ingredient is called perchlorate and has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states. The levels it is being found at could interfere with thyroid function and might also pose developmental...

What You Can Do to End the Tyranny of the Federal Reserve

By Barbara L. Minton, October 14 2008
(NewsTarget) The bailout opposed by so many Americans was nevertheless negotiated by the Federal Reserve with the help of Congress and the Administration. The final bill for the hotly debated rescue of the rich is over 1 trillion dollars including the ear marks and special interests sops that were included. But this is small change compared to the money that is being pumped into the monetary system by the Federal Reserve without any debate or consent. New money is being printed at record rates, insuring...

Boku Superfood Launches Enhanced Superfood Formula; Earns Editor's Choice Recommendation

By Mike Adams, October 13 2008
(NaturalNews) Since its introduction last year, Boku Superfood has remained at the very top of my list of recommended superfood powder products. The formulation is simply outstanding, the value of the product is unbeatable, and the taste will win you over. It has become the most frequently used superfood product in my own kitchen, where I blend it into smoothies and raw juices twice each day. Now, Boku Superfood has a new, enhanced formulation that adds a hint of organic raw cacao, a touch of...

Why We Need Probiotics and The Benefits of Kefir

By Barbara L. Minton, October 13 2008
(NewsTarget) Do you cringe when someone mentions probiotics because you really don't want to think about those zillions of bacteria living in your gut? Swallowing down some more to add to the pile may not sound like an appealing thought, but the truth is that taking probiotics is probably one of the best interventions you can do to stay healthy or regain your health. That's because those four pounds of little critters in your gut are to a very large degree your immune system. They hold the keys to...

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