Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Eleven Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

By Sheryl Walters, January 1 2009
(NewsTarget) The season of delicious food and parties has rolled around once again. It's the season for building fires, getting cosy, enjoying family and friends, and eating so much that all your hard work to stay fit and healthy gets flushed away. It's the same story every year. So perhaps this is the year to give yourself the best gift possible... having a good time while enjoying optimum wellbeing. Imagine getting to January still feeling and looking your best. Here are some ways that you can...

Pediatricians Demand Annual Flu Shots for Infants as Vaccine-Pushing Doctors Descend into Extremist Quackery

By Mike Adams, December 30 2008
(NaturalNews) Vaccinations are modern medicine's most-favored form of quackery. Even while the bulk of the evidence shows vaccines and flu shots ultimately harm more people than they help, they continue to be pushed by doctors, drug companies and state health authorities. Now you can add pediatricians to that list. The American Academy of Pediatrics, a group of drug-pushing doctors that claim to care for children, is now demanding that parents get their children injected with an annual flu shot...

The Top 10 Health Breakthroughs of 2008

By Mike Adams, December 30 2008
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

Processed Foods Linked to Lung Cancer

By Sherry Baker, December 30 2008
(NewsTarget) Why do some people get lung cancer – even if they never smoke? New research suggests eating a lot of processed foods containing inorganic phosphates could be the explanation. What's more, the study also suggests that dietary changes to avoid these chemical additives may play an important role in lung cancer treatment. In research just published in the January issue of American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, published by the American Thoracic Society, scientists...

SAM-E: A Better Alternative for Depression than St. John’s Wort

By Jo Hartley, December 30 2008
(NewsTarget) The herbal supplement St. John's Wort has long been promoted as an effective alternative for treating depression. Unfortunately, St. John's Wort has proven ineffective for people suffering severe clinical depression. In fact, the results of a recent study revealed that St. John's Wort is completely ineffective at treating severe depression. There is another effective natural alternative, however, and it is called SAM-E (S-adenosylmethionine). Symptoms of Depression: •Feelings of...

Excessive Weight Gain during Pregnancy Leads to Heavier Teenagers

By Reuben Chow, December 30 2008
(NewsTarget) Women, of course, gain weight during pregnancy, though some gain more than others. And, according to a study at the Harvard Medical School, these women may not only have heavier babies, but bigger teenagers, too. Using data of almost 12,000 children and teenagers, the study found that those whose mothers had put on more than the recommended amount of weight while going through pregnancy had a 42% higher chance of being obese. And this increased likelihood of being heavier was independent...

Vitamin B1 Reverses Kidney Damage in Diabetics, So Why Won't Doctors Recommend It?

By Mike Adams, December 29 2008
(NaturalNews) New research shows that the low-cost vitamin Thiamine (vitamin B1) reverses kidney damage in diabetics, restoring the ability of the kidneys to function without allowing proteins to spill over into the urine. The finding proves that a very low-cost treatment is highly effective and could serve as a low-cost nutritional therapy for diabetics, ultimately saving tens of millions of dollars a year in medical treatment costs in the U.S. alone. The research was conducted at Warwick...

Acetyl L-Carnitine and Alpha-Lipoic Acid may be Fountain of Youth for the Brain

By Barbara L. Minton, December 29 2008
(NewsTarget) Throughout human history aging people have yearned for a magic elixir to help them turn back the clock and restore youth. It could be that this dream is about to come true. In a recent landmark study, old lab rats taking a mixture of acetyl L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid regained so much of their youth and vigor they "got up to do the Macarena", according to study director Bruce Ames. The free radical theory of aging Scientists studying aging have decided that we age because...

Lack of Vitamin D Raises Hypertension Risk

By Reuben Chow, December 29 2008
(NewsTarget) The trail of vitamin D's health benefits just keeps getting longer and longer. In the past few months alone, numerous studies have been published suggesting vitamin D has protective and beneficial effects against bone disease, heart problems, Parkinson's disease and overall mortality. Recently, another study published in the journal Hypertension has linked low levels of vitamin D in the blood with a higher risk of getting hypertension, or high blood pressure. Details and Findings...

Use Saunas to Detoxify the Body

By Jo Hartley, December 29 2008
(NewsTarget) Sweat is a very effective and important way that the body eliminates toxins from the system. Toxic chemicals are unavoidable in today's society and most people are exposed to toxins every day. The skin is considered a major eliminative organ, but it does so in a relatively passive manner. For this reason, the use of saunas can help encourage toxin elimination through the skin. Viruses, cells tainted by toxins, and even tumors are not as strong as normal cells. When these tissues are...

Barley Grass: One of Nature's Most Nourishing Foods

By Sheryl Walters, December 29 2008
(NewsTarget) Organic Green Barley juice powder contains all of the vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary for the human diet. This potent super food has a tremendous ability to deeply absorb nutrients from the soil. It contains: •A natural balance of beta-carotene, proteins, minerals, amino acids, active enzymes and vitamins E, B1, B2, B3 and B6, and B12 among others. •seven times more Vitamin C than oranges •five times more iron than spinach •Ten times more calcium than milk, and...

Celebrities are Smarter than "Skeptical Scientists" When it Comes to Health Literacy

By Mike Adams, December 28 2008
(NaturalNews) The science "skeptics" are at it again, attacking the credibility of celebrities who they say demonstrate astonishing levels of scientific illiteracy. Barack Obama, Oprah, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Kate Moss and Julianne Moore have all been labeled scientifically illiterate by the UK non-profit Sense About Science, which you'll learn more on below. What, exactly, did these celebrities say that earned them the distinction of being labeled scientifically illiterate? Julianne Moore...

Scullcap is an Effective Calming Herb

By Jo Hartley, December 28 2008
(NewsTarget) Scullcap is a traditional herb that can be taken internally to treat nervousness, irritability, insomnia, and neuralgia. Scullcap has a sedating effect and is also able to calm spasms, reduce fever, stimulate the kidneys, and also has cleansing effects. Scullcap is very effective for treating anxiety and tension headaches as well and the Chinese consider it a powerful remedy that is used to calm the mind and also to prepare for meditation. Scullcap can also be an excellent natural...

EFT More Effective than Medication in Treating Anxiety

By Sheryl Walters, December 28 2008
(NewsTarget) EFT, or The Emotional Freedom Technique is a technique based on acupuncture points that helps people to experience emotional harmony. Emotional stress has a tremendous impact on physical health, causing it to go into its primal state of fight or flight, with hormones being released, the digestive system turning off and muscles tightening. While diet and exercise are essential for health and wellbeing, emotional health is equally vital. When the mind is at peace, the body is able to function...

Childhood Constipation: A Bigger Health Problem Than We Think

By Reuben Chow, December 28 2008
(NewsTarget) Is your child constipated, or showing signs of constipation? If so, you may want to do something about it, especially in view of the findings of recent research conducted at Nationwide Children's Hospital. The study found that the negative impact on children suffering from constipation as well as the costs associated with the ailment are roughly as significant as those for asthma and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Details of Study The study team, comprising gastroenterologists...

Beans: Fabulous Health Benefits, Weight Management and Nutrition at Very Low Cost

By Barbara L. Minton, December 28 2008
(NewsTarget) What if there were a delicious, versatile, meatless, high protein food that could almost magically bring you good health, help prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and keep your weight in check? You wouldd be willing to travel a way to get this food and pay a lot of money for it, wouldn't you? Actually, you probably already have some of this hiding in the back of your pantry, and if not it is available at the nearest grocery story at a very low price. This food is the mighty bean...

Psych Doctor Nemeroff Barred from Emory University Chairmanship after Revelation of Secret Financial Ties to Big Pharma

By Mike Adams, December 26 2008
(NaturalNews) A prominent psychiatric doctor who promoted antidepressant drugs has been stripped of his chairmanship at Emory University (again!) after investigators from Senator Charles Grassley's office uncovered secret financial ties to Big Pharma. Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff received $800,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, but failed to accurately report the income, say investigators from Grassley's office. When Emory University learned of the lapse in professional ethics, it stripped Nemeroff of his valuable...

Thermograms are a Much Safer Alternative to Mammograms

By Barbara L. Minton, December 26 2008
(NewsTarget) After a lifetime of mind indoctrination and brainwashing by the disease establishment, it is often next to impossible to break away. We have been taught throughout our lives that the answer to our physical problems resides in our doctor's office. We've been made to believe that science reveals all answers and our own innate common sense is worth nothing. It is just this type of mind control that compels women to line up for mammograms, even though their common sense tells them that radiation...

Improve Prostate Health Naturally

By Jo Hartley, December 26 2008
(NewsTarget) The prostate is a small gland that is about as big as a walnut. It is below the bladder and is an important part of the male reproductive system. The prostate has two periods of growth in the course of a man's life. The first period is in early puberty and the second period occurs during the mid twenties. Prostate problems affect nearly 12% of men at some point in their lives, but the good news is that there are several very effective and natural ways to improve the condition of the...

Hairspray Exposure in Pregnant Women Increases Risk of Common Birth Defect in Boys

By Reuben Chow, December 26 2008
(NewsTarget) In a groundbreaking study, research recently published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has revealed that pregnant women who are exposed to hairspray while at work have more than double the risk of giving birth to a son with hypospadias, a common genital birth defect. About Hypospadias Hypospadias, a condition whereby there is displacement of the urinary opening to the underside of the penis, is one of the most common birth defects to affect the male genitals. It...

Swap Your Coffee for Green Tea

By Sheryl Walters, December 26 2008
(NewsTarget) Perhaps one thing that gives the Japanese their relative good health and longevity is green tea. Research has linked an increased consumption of this infusion with a reduced risk of conditions such as cancer and heart disease. This lovely cup of tea will not only keep you cosy this winter, but may increase your health as well. A Strong Antioxidant Researchers seeking an explanation for green tea's apparent health-giving qualities believe they have found it in the form of substances...

Myth Busted: Hitler Was Not a Vegetarian

By Mike Adams, December 24 2008
(NaturalNews) It's common knowledge that Hitler was a vegetarian. Just ask anybody: They'll tell you so. Trouble is, the assumption is false. Hitler wasn't a vegetarian at all. Consider the historical facts: • Biographers who wrote about Hitler (and who knew him quite well on a personal basis) openly describe his love for Bavarian sausages and game pie ("game" meaning wild meat from birds and other creatures). • Hitler's own chef openly talked about Hitler's love for stuffed pigeon...

New Study Shows Natural Treatment Effective for Advanced Prostate Cancer

By Sherry Baker, December 24 2008
(NewsTarget) Could a natural substance effectively treat advanced prostate cancer? And could clinical trials of that potential cure be thwarted because drug companies know they can't make money out of a treatment that can't be patented? The answer to both those questions is "yes". A study just published in the December issue of the European medical journal Anticancer Research demonstrates for the first time a naturally-occurring substance used as a cough suppressant for over fifty years may be...

The Risks Associated with Biopsies

By Jo Hartley, December 24 2008
(NewsTarget) If you or someone you care about is facing a situation where a biopsy is necessary, the first and most important step to take is to be as informed as possible about possible negative consequences from having a biopsy. A biopsy is a procedure whereby a sample of tissue from the body is removed for examination. Most people are not concerned about possible dangers connected with biopsies, but there is mounting evidence that a biopsy may actually be dangerous to one's health. Some...

Deflationary Spiral Signals More Stock Market Declines Ahead

By Barbara L. Minton, December 24 2008
(NewsTarget) Everybody in America is excited about the new president. We tend to think that as soon as he is inaugurated things will get better and a new era of prosperity will begin. We are so excited that we are even putting money into the stock market again, buying at what we think is a bottom. Yet the recent action by the Federal Reserve is sending a signal that some time around inauguration day, the stock market may begin to head south at a rapid rate. Signs the U.S. has entered a major deflationary...

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