Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Try This Berry for Beautiful Skin

By Sheryl Walters, December 23 2008
(NewsTarget) Organic Sanddorn, or Sea Buckthorn is a vibrant orange coloured berry that has been known to be an incredibly nutritious fruit for centuries. It is one of the most perfect vegetable oils in the world. The Sanddorn berry is grown throughout Russia and Asia in continental weather systems of cold winters and short, dry, hot summers. This has created a unique and rugged fruit. Since the ancient Tibetans began using it thousands of years ago, thousands of recipes have been developed and carried...

Taurine has Many Important Benefits for the Body

By Jo Hartley, December 23 2008
(NewsTarget) Taurine, while not an actual part of the human body's structural proteins, is one of the highest numbering amino-acids. Taurine is found in the heart, the skeletal muscles, white blood cells, and the nervous system. When the body engages in extreme physical activity, it no longer will be able to produce the necessary amounts of Taurine. This may lead to a Taurine deficiency under certain conditions. In adults, Taurine can be manufactured from methionine in the body and from cysteine...

Saturated Fats Also Linked to Small Intestine Cancer

By Reuben Chow, December 23 2008
(NewsTarget) Saturated fats, often also referred to as bad fats or unhealthy fats, have unfortunately become a significant part of the average modern day diet. And a study recently published in Cancer Research has added to their long list of negative health effects. It revealed that a high intake of saturated fats increases one's risk of developing cancer of the small intestines. Details of Study Even though the small intestines make up the majority of the entire digestive tract, the development...

Consumer Wellness Center Announces First $1000 Nutritional Grant Award for Education of Expectant Mothers

By Mike Adams, December 22 2008
(NaturalNews) On November 4th, we announced the Consumer Wellness Center Nutritional Grant Program, offering $1,000 grants to individuals or institutions that proposed creative ways to use the money for enhancing the health and nutrition of schoolchildren or expectant mothers. The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit where I serve as the Executive Director. It is a non-paid position, so I derive no financial benefit from the CWC. In response to our grant program announcement...

Replication of Milgram's Shocking Experiments Proves 70 Percent of People will Torture Others if Ordered

By Mike Adams, December 22 2008
(NaturalNews) The Milgram experiments from the early 1960's are classic (but shocking) studies that demonstrated the "sheeple-ness" of people everywhere. In the experiments -- which have been replicated numerous times across multiple cultures, races and age ranges -- subjects willingly engaged in administering extremely painful electric shocks to other human beings for no reason other than the fact they were ordered to do so by an apparent authority figure. These studies have long demonstrated...

New Berry-Based Natural Sweetener "Brazzein" to Hit the Market in 2009

By Mike Adams, December 22 2008
(NaturalNews) We've all heard about stevia, agave nectar, brown rice syrup and other natural sweeteners, but now a new sweetener derived from a West African berry has been successfully synthesized in a form compatible with mass production, and the company Natur Research Ingredients expects to make it commercially available between late 2008 and mid-2009. The sweetener brazzein, to be marketed under the brand name Cweet, is a protein derived from the berry of the west African plant oubli (Pentadiplandra...

JAMA Anti-Vitamins Studies Flawed

By Sherry Baker, December 22 2008
(NewsTarget) Scientific research isn't as simple as portrayed in movies or fiction – and the results certainly are rarely as simple as what is reported by the mainstream (and, too often, lazy) media. A case in point: the news that two studies just published in the December 9 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) "prove" vitamins C and E do nothing to prevent heart disease or cancer, and selenium and vitamin E are also worthless against prostate cancer. At first glance...

Caring for Spouse Lengthens Life

By Reuben Chow, December 22 2008
(NewsTarget) Wise men throughout the ages have taught us the value of giving and sharing. And, on our wedding day, we vow to take care of our spouses "in sickness and in heath, till death do us part". Now, a recent study has given us a piece of empirical evidence in support of the wisdom of the seemingly paradoxical phrase, "when you give, you receive". The interesting study, conducted at the University of Michigan, found that older people who spent at least 14 hours each week taking care of a disabled...

Prevent Cavities Naturally

By Jo Hartley, December 22 2008
(NewsTarget) Daily, careful brushing and flossing are important for preventing cavities and gum disease. Heredity has also been shown to play a part in how healthy a person's mouth is as well. However, an often overlooked way to improve the health of one's mouth is to avoid sugar and processed foods. Cavities are technically called dental caries. Cavities are caused by bacteria called Streptococcus mutans. This bacterium lives in the mouth and grows from sugar and other carbohydrates. When carbohydrates...

Get Moving, Avoid Pain and Amputation: Exercise Can Beat Peripheral Arterial Disease

By Sherry Baker, December 19 2008
(NewsTarget) According to the American Heart Association (AHA), about 8 million Americans have the most common form of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) known as peripheral arterial disease, or PAD. The risk of PAD increases as we get older and, by age 65, some 12 to 20 percent of the population has the condition. PAD is caused by deposits of fatty plaques in arteries that interrupts blood flow to the legs. You may have no symptoms of PAD or you can experience sometimes excruciating leg pain that...

Knowledge for a Revolution: Five Ways to Change the World

By Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., December 19 2008
(NewsTarget) Much of western society has been inherently taught through the establishment of educational institutions that knowledge of the world, people and events solely emanates from textbooks, scholars and the media. Historically, the mass education of children has facilitated in the suppression of independent thought, self-efficacy and personal responsibility leading to conformity, lack of awareness, little respect for differences and a systematic fear of change leaving individuals devoid of...

Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Heal and Stay Healthy

By Jo Hartley, December 19 2008
(NewsTarget) Hydrogen peroxide has helped many people fight off flu and colds and when drops are placed in the ear it seems to be effective four out of five times used. This is especially true if this is done promptly upon onset of symptoms. The belief is that colds and flu viruses typically enter the body through the ear canal. This is contrary to popular belief that viruses are usually caught through the eyes, mouth, or nose. One way to greatly reduce the chance of becoming ill with colds and...

The Failing U.S. Economy is Not a Financial Problem, It's a Health Problem

By Mike Adams, December 18 2008
(NaturalNews) The shutdown of the American economy has begun. Today Chrysler announced it would shutter 100% of its factories for one month as it seeks bailout money from the Federal Reserve. The Fed, meanwhile, slashes its interest rates to zero, even while promising to print unlimited trillions of new dollars in order to "save" the U.S. economy. Meanwhile, the state of California has announced it would halt all infrastructure projects (, meaning...

Genital Herpes May be Reversed with Natural Medicine

By Sheryl Walters, December 18 2008
(NewsTarget) Many doctors claim that 1 in 10 people are carrying the virus for genital herpes. Yet genital herpes is rarely discussed in society and often leaves those infected feeling isolated and doomed. Fortunately, hope exists. With the right combination of herbs and nutrition at the right dose, genital herpes can be reversible. Genital herpes is transmitted through sexual intercourse and sometimes oral sex. The first outbreak of herpes is called the Primary infection. It lasts for 10-14 days...

Ten Steps to a Top Notch Immune System

By Barbara L. Minton, December 18 2008
(NewsTarget) This is the time of year when people want a fully functioning immune system to keep away colds and flu and see them through the winter in good health. How they go about achieving this goal can determine whether it becomes a reality. There are so many products on the market that claim they can protect people from germs that consumers wonder which magic bullet to choose. But the reality is that having a healthy immune system doesn't mean just buying products. It means having a healthy...

Chicken-Carrying Trucks Leave Trail of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

By Reuben Chow, December 18 2008
(NewsTarget) Chickens which are raised commercially for meat are nowadays fed antibiotics to fend off infections and illnesses. This is a practice which is criticized in many quarters because it can encourage bacteria to mutate and become drug-resistant. In the long run, this could pose a health risk to human beings. And a recent study conducted by the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has found that trucks carrying chickens to processing facilities could be releasing more than just...

Tips for Restoring Optimal Health with a Body Cleanse

By Jo Hartley, December 18 2008
(NewsTarget) Many people are tired of not feeling their best and have a sense that they could feel better. It may be worth considering a body cleanse to restore good health and well-being. Americans have become accustomed to not feeling their best but the good news is there is something that can be done to feel better! One thing that is a good idea is to eat seasonally. This means incorporating the seasonal changes into one`s diet. During the winter it is natural to eat heavier winter foods like...

Are Statins Causing Rising Rates of Heart Failure?

By Mike Adams, December 17 2008
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

Low Thyroid Increases Risk of Death from Heart Attack by Seventy Percent

By Barbara L. Minton, December 17 2008
(NewsTarget) By taking natural thyroid hormone tablets to reduce the level of thyroid stimulating hormone to the low end of the normal range, men and women can reduce death from cardiovascular disease by 70 percent. This earthshaking finding far exceeds results from any drug intervention. The 70 percent is not a statistical manipulation based on relative numbers. It represents an absolute decrease in death. It has become more apparent that hormonal health and balance is the bedrock of good health...

Fatty Liver Disease Totally Reversible with Weight Loss

By Sherry Baker, December 17 2008
(NewsTarget) For years, people who are pear-shaped with extra fat deposited in their thighs and backsides have been designated at lower risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes than those who are rounder and apple-shaped with excess fat stored around their middles. But two studies from nutrition researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, published in the journals Obesity and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, conclude body shapes don't tell the whole...

Important Drug Information Often Missing from Wikipedia

By Reuben Chow, December 17 2008
(NewsTarget) Go to, key in terms such as "aspirin", "panadol", "beta blockers", "warfarin" or "statin", and a Wikipedia page will be somewhere near the top of the first page of search results. With many people searching online for health-related information, and a significant proportion of them looking up pharmaceutical drugs, it is important that the information provided on Wikipedia is unbiased, accurate and complete. However, a study which was published in the December 2008 issue of...

Detox Your Body with Chlorella

By Sheryl Walters, December 17 2008
(NewsTarget) Chlorella is one of Nature's perfect foods. NASA has chosen chlorella to be one of the first foods grown on the space station, and chlorella is the number one supplement taken for vibrant health in Japan. It is estimated that 5 million people take chlorella every day. This freshwater green algae has been widely studied more than any other algae, and researchers agree that it is one of the most powerful super foods we can nourish our bodies with. Chlorella is a rich source of protein...

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