Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Doctor urges fast food restaurants to hand out pharma drugs like ketchup packets (opinion)

By Mike Adams, August 13 2010
(NaturalNews) It sounds like an April Fool's joke, but it isn't: A doctor from Imperial College London whose study was published in the American Journal of Cardiology has proclaimed that people who eat burgers and milkshakes at fast food restaurants should be given free statin drugs (like ketchup packets) to counteract the cholesterol effects of eating burgers. "Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of charge," says Dr. Darrel Francis, lead author of study, who goes on to complain...

Healthy living video site launches: NaturalNews.TV hosts green living, natural health and healthy foods videos

By Mike Adams, August 12 2010
(NaturalNews) A new video sharing site, NaturalNews.TV, officially launched this week. The site serves up videos covering natural health, green living, exercise and fitness, holistic living, food and nutrition, environmental protection and other similar topics. Co-founded by Mike Adams, the editor of, the video site has grown to over 7,000 members in its pre-launch phase, and it is expected to serve tens of millions of video views this year. As with other video sites, NaturalNews...

Learn how to eliminate cancer on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

By Mike Adams, August 12 2010
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Cancer, Fraud and the FDA - Part 3 of its series, "American Heroes - Cancer Experts Speak Out" - with our special guests Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, Ph.D. and Eric Merola, Director of Burzynski - the movie. This show will reveal the untold truth about cancer, the cancer industry, and a revolutionary way to eliminate cancer from the body. "The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and...

Sen. Harry Reid key player in Big Pharma's control over Washington

By Mike Adams, August 12 2010
(NaturalNews) Corruption in Washington is nothing new. Lobbyists for special interests have been padding the pockets of amoral politicians for longer than most of us have been alive, and they've been doing so with the help of a controlled media that rarely presents the facts without shrouding them in terms of "left" or "right" in order to confuse people. But as you'll see in this story, the corruption goes far deeper than most people realize, and a perfect example of this is the dishonorable legacy...

WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers

By Mike Adams, August 11 2010
(NaturalNews) After months of stalling, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally revealed the names of key pandemic advisors who influenced its decision to declare a phase six pandemic last year -- a decision that resulted in a financial windfall for vaccine manufacturers. As you'll see here, that list includes at least five expert advisors received money from vaccine companies. Here's who received money from Big Pharma and then influenced the WHO decision to declare a pandemic: Arnold...

US almond growers achieve court victory in fight against mandatory fumigation

By Mike Adams, August 11 2010
(NaturalNews) Three years after the USDA destroyed the U.S. raw almond business by forcing almond producers to fumigate or pasteurize their nuts, a significant victory has been achieved that could overturn that onerous regulation. A federal appeals court has ruled that California almond farmers may now challenge the USDA regulation in the courts. Why is this a victory? Because for years, a federal district court has ruled that almond growers could not even challenge the rule. The USDA's power...

Vitaminwater revealed as non-healthy beverage by Coca-Cola's own lawyers (opinion)

By Mike Adams, August 10 2010
(NaturalNews) Do you ever wonder things like "Who is actually gullible enough to think that Vitaminwater is healthy?" Although that question may seem demeaning or even arrogant, it turns out that the Coca-Cola company (which owns the Vitaminwater brand) is essentially asking that exact question. How so? In response to a recent lawsuit against Coca-Cola filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), Coke's attorneys replied in court briefings that, " consumer could reasonably...

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