Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Froot Loops contaminated with 2-methylnaphthalene chemical (opinion)

By Mike Adams, August 6 2010
(NaturalNews) As cereal lovers sat down to enjoy their bowls of Froot Loops, Honey Smacks, Apple Jacks and Corn Pops, they had no idea they were about to eat a petrochemical called 2-methylnaphthalene. This chemical is "a constituent of petroleum, automobile exhaust, ... waste water from coal gasification, coke and shale oil production..." and other similarly bizarre sources. So what was 2-methylnaphthalene doing in boxes of Kellogg cereals? It turns out this chemical was most likely released...

How to Reverse Cancer Naturally on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

By Mike Adams, August 5 2010
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Talk Hour continues its series, "American Heroes - Cancer Experts Speak Out" - a 5-week series of shows that reveals the untold truth about cancer, the cancer industry, and highly-successful (natural) cancer treatment options. Our next show, "Reversing Cancer – A Natural Approach" with our special guest, Nicholas Gonzalez, MD will remove your fears about cancer and inspire you to take control of your own health. Learn how to successfully reverse cancer with all-natural...

Feds now admits to storing naked body images from full body X-ray scanners

By Mike Adams, August 5 2010
(NaturalNews) A few months ago, I first wrote about the TSA's naked body scanners and how it could allow Big Brother to view and store pictures of your naked body (plus the naked bodies of your children, too). At that time, my story was met with a reaction of derision from a few people outside the usual NaturalNews readership who said my story was nothing but "paranoia" and that the government had promised it would never record or store full body scan images. The very equipment used to view the body...

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