Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Antidepressant drugs are murdering babies before they're even born: SSRIs cause birth defects, miscarriages and complications

By Mike Adams, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Big Pharma wants pregnant women to take prescription drugs, vaccine shots and even chemotherapy. It's the latest insanity from an industry that kills more Americans ever year than died in the entire Vietnam War. And the latest science reveals that antidepressant use during pregnancy is causing babies to be born with physical defects -- or sometimes not born at all because they're miscarried. This disturbing new science published in the journal Human Reproduction was authored by Dr...

Northeast crawling back to life following superstorm Sandy

By J. D. Heyes, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) The Northeast is slowly but surely crawling back to life after being body slammed by Hurricane Sandy, the largest storm to hit the U.S. in generations, though it's going to be weeks - and possibly months - before the region's power grid and transportation infrastructure returns to normal. As of midday Wednesday, more than 8.2 million homes and businesses remained without power. Con Edison, the power company for New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, said in the immediate...

Cleanup of Sandy expected to add billions to the national debt

By J. D. Heyes, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Well, it didn't take long after Hurricane Sandy passed into history as the largest storm of its kind in several generations for someone in Washington to call for billions in new federal spending to compensate for its damage - billions that will, of course, be added to the trillions of dollars in debt the nation already owes. Rep. Chaka Fatah, D-Pa., says he will introduce a bill to provide $12 billion in new funding to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to help it deal with...

Study: Roundup and other pesticides directly linked to Parkinson's, neurodegenerative disorders

By Jonathan Benson, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) The dangers associated with pesticide exposure are much more far-reaching than previously thought, as illustrated by a shocking study recently published in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology. It turns out that chronic exposure to Monsanto's Roundup formula, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, as well as too many other common pesticides and herbicides is one of the primary environmental factors responsible for causing neurodegenerative disorders in humans. As originally...

Food is Love: Yes on 37 campaign launches major TV ad with positive message

By Ethan A. Huff, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) With less than one week left before Californians head to the polls to decide the future of food transparency in the Golden State, the Yes on Proposition 37 California Right to Know campaign has launched a new television ad with a simple, yet strikingly positive message that cuts through the lies and deceit of the biotechnology industry -- Food is Love. The 30-second TV spot, which will air in major media markets throughout California in the days leading up to the election on November...

Doctors now hitting patients with extra fees if they ask too many questions

By Jonathan Benson, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) The next time you visit your primary care physician for a physical, you may want to consider inquiring as to whether or not you will be billed extra for asking too many questions during your checkup. This is what happened recently to Susan Krantz of Minnetonka, Minnesota, who was reportedly charged an additional $50 on her medical bill for simply inquiring about a sore hip. It is called a "split charge," and it is increasingly creeping up in the medical billing process for patients...

Radiation Alert - Fukushima updates plus natural solutions

By Jonathan Landsman, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Unfortunately, most people still remain uninformed about the clear and present dangers surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants. There are all types of radiation being released into our atmosphere and the mainstream media refuses to help educate the public on safety precautions. Not to mention, Hurricane Sandy which provides a shocking illustration about how vulnerable our society is to a nuclear catastrophe caused by extreme weather conditions. Don't be poorly educated...

When the lights go out, turn on these food tips

By Ben Meredith, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) With Hurricane Sandy leaving millions of people without power, it raises the question of "what do we do?" Perhaps the most pressing matter for many families is the issue of food. These tips can help those affected by Hurricane Sandy, and it can stand as a useful guideline for families to be prepared for future events. Without power in the house, people must go without use of the refrigerator, freezer, microwave, electric can opener, and other electric appliances. Lack of power to...

Gasoline from air? New technology delivers clean and green fuel of the future

By Carolanne Wright, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) The true cost of fossil fuel reaches far beyond what is paid at the gas pump -- the expense of waging war to protect oil interests, governmental corruption, global warming and environmental destruction all are part of the equation. And don't forget about the health consequences as well. Fortunately, a solution to these troubles might be just around the corner. A team of researchers in the UK have discovered a way to extract carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, converting it into viable...

White House scandals conveniently drowned out by Hurricane Sandy media coverage

By Ethan A. Huff, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Throughout the past week, the media has been focused almost completely on the ongoing developments of Hurricane Sandy, which has already taken the lives of at least 62 people and caused tens of billions of dollars in damage, according to reports. But nonstop coverage of this "perfect storm" has also conveniently diverted attention away from several perfect political storms in the White House, including the infamous Benghazi scandal and the "Fast and Furious" gun-smuggling operation...

Strengthen your immunity this cold and flu season with these vitamins and herbs

By Danna Norek, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) The cold and flu season is right around the corner so it's a good idea to get a head start on improving your immunity before it hits. There are plenty of vitamins and supplements that are currently known for possessing immune-enhancing properties. After all, washing your hands frequently and avoiding contaminated surfaces will only carry you so far in preventing infection. EchinaceaThis is perhaps the most well known herb for enhancing the effectiveness of the immune system. The...

Drive-thru flu vaccines being administered for 'emergency response' purposes

By Ethan A. Huff, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) In the shadow of Halloween, local health departments all across the country are holding creepy new drive-thru flu shot clinics this year as part of a nationwide "emergency preparedness drill" to see how quickly and efficiently large numbers of people can be vaccinated. According to numerous local reports, individuals are being encouraged to bring their family and friends along for the ride as they roll down their windows to get the free jabs, while officials monitor and track how rapidly...

How to open your heart to other people

By Mike Bundrant, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) This week on Mental Health Exposed, I talk about how to open your mind and heart. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, I've been asking the question: What makes human beings open their minds and hearts to each other? Clearly, witnessing suffering opens hearts. When we witness other people suffering, we typically want to help in some way. As we learn more about what people on the east coast of the U.S. are going through, I am hopeful that our thoughts, prayers and actions will support...

Ignorant, abusive cop tases diabetic teen suffering a medical emergency - caught on video

By Ethan A. Huff, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) When they were first being introduced for public acceptance, as many readers will recall, tasers were billed as a law enforcement alternative to actually having to shoot threatening individuals with real firearms. Today; however, tasers are being abusively used by cops in all sorts of non-threatening situations, including recently against a diabetic teenager from Texas who crashed his vehicle during an unexpected hypoglycemic episode. When 19-year-old Ricky Jones of Cleburne, Texas...

Pinhole glasses instantly transform blurred vision into clear vision for astonished wearers who try them

By Mike Adams, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) You're probably familiar with all sorts of mythologies promoted as "truisms" in modern medicine: Flu vaccines prevent the flu (they actually don't), CT scans are harmless (they aren't), chemotherapy works to save lives from cancer (it actually causes cancer), and so on. There are all sorts of falsehoods in dentistry, too: Mercury fillings are safe for you! (They aren't.) Gum health has nothing to do with nutrition! (It does.) Cavities can only be treated by drilling, filling and billing...

Natural News launches Diet Fluoride Soda, an amazing new beverage made with aspartame and hydrofluosilicic acid

By Mike Adams, November 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Exciting news in the beverage industry! Natural News has just launched a new beverage called "Diet Fluoride Soda" containing 1,000 times the fluoride of your tap water, plus a huge dose of genetically modified aspartame to sweeten it up. Click here to watch the video announcement of the new soda on, or see it on YouTube by clicking here. "Diet Fluoride Soda is formulated with hydrofluosilicic acid made in Chinese chemical factories," explained Mike Adams, the...

Wave of looting and theft takes hold in areas hardest hit by superstorm Sandy

By Mike Adams, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) The looting has begun in the wake of hurricane Sandy. Just as Natural News predicted -- much to the derision of critics who insisted there would be no looting whatsoever -- criminals are exploiting the downed power grid and lack of police presence to break into homes and businesses in order to steal valuable property. "Looting Arrests Made" reports the Wall Street Journal. More from that story: New York City Police arrested 13 people for crimes that included looting in Sandy's...

Aspartame is linked to leukemia and lymphoma in new landmark study on humans

By Ethan Evers, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) As few as one diet soda daily may increase the risk for leukemia in men and women, and for multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in men, according to new results from the longest-ever running study on aspartame as a carcinogen in humans. Importantly, this is the most comprehensive, long-term study ever completed on this topic, so it holds more weight than other past studies which appeared to show no risk. And disturbingly, it may also open the door for further similar findings on...

Sandy moving West, leaving behind death and destruction

By J. D. Heyes, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) After making landfall in New Jersey and blowing through New York City, Hurricane Sandy, now defined as a cyclone by the National Weather Service, is moving inland - West - leaving behind death, destruction and chaos in some parts of the country. "Floods and fires, seawater surges and electrical outages, fierce rains and lashing winds continued to pummel parts of the Northeast as Sandy continued its destructive march," the Los Angeles Times reported. Damage and destruction caused...

Individual preparedness, not Big Government 'management,' would have helped those most in Sandy's path

By J. D. Heyes, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) A headline in Tuesday's OP-ED section of The New York Times summed up the mentality of too many Americans these days and all that is wrong with it: "A Big Storm Requires Big Government." If by that headline you deduced that the Times' editors were stumping for a Big Brother (read federal government) response to Hurricane Sandy, you'd be right. But then, that's a common reaction to any incident that you believe is too big for you and that scares you to death; when you're conditioned...

EU nations ban Novartis influenza vaccine after dangerous proteins found

By Jonathan Benson, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) A handful of European Union (EU) member nations have banned several influenza vaccines manufactured by Swiss drug maker Novartis after agglomerations of small, white proteins were discovered floating in batch injections of the flu jabs Agrippal and Fluad, neither of which are sold in the U.S. According to the drug giant, both vaccines are allegedly still safe, but Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and France are not taking any chances, having all recently decided to block...

Chemo 'benefits' wildly over-hyped by oncologists; cancer patients actually believe they will be 'cured' by poison

By Jonathan Benson, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) Mainstream medical researchers are finally starting to admit that toxic chemotherapy drugs do absolutely nothing to cure cancer, and often cause cancer patients to die much more quickly than they otherwise would apart from getting the so-called "treatment." Dr. Deborah Schrag from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and her colleagues let the cat out of the bag in a recent study they published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), which revealed that most cancer patients...

How to avoid GM foods when grocery shopping

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) A new Californian law may require manufacturers in the United States to label genetically modified foods but even if California passes this law now and other states follow suit, it could be a long time before labeling is the norm. As many as 70 to 80 percent of the packaged foods in the supermarket contain GM ingredients and even some non-packaged food could be dangerous. The best way for consumers to protect themselves from genetically modified organisms, GMOs, is to learn which products...

Texas cancer researchers resign in disgust over cancer profiteering, commercialization

By Ethan A. Huff, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) A major rift has formed at the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), one of the largest publicly-funded efforts by a state government to promote conventional cancer research and drug development, after 33 scientists, including the group's chief scientific officer, suddenly resigned from their posts. According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the group's research arm has been clashing with its oversight arm over how funds are to be disbursed, with many raising qualms...

Home remedies from herbal teas and grocery foods dissolve kidney stones and reverse renal failure

By JB Bardot, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) Kidney stones develop from waste matter hardening and becoming attached to the inside wall of the kidney. Most kidney stones remain unnoticed until becoming dislodged, getting caught in a ureter or other passageway, while moving through the body during urination. Most diseases of the kidneys remain unnoticed until the problem is severe. You can make a variety of home remedies using herbs and common foods to alleviate a wide range of kidney disorders, including dissolving stones and...

Discredited Lance Armstrong used foundation money to fund lobbyist efforts to halt investigations against him

By Jonathan Benson, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) The complicated relationship between the now-shamed Lance Armstrong and his charity foundation LIVESTRONG just became a whole lot more sordid, as new details have emerged showing that Armstrong used donor funds from the non-profit cancer organization to lobby Congress for his own personal gain. Despite the fact that he had been making upwards of $7.5 million a year just from the merchandise sales associated with his Nike sponsorship, not to mention his various other sponsorships...

Lobelia gets scientists' attention as an antimicrobial and anti-convulsive for epilepsy

By Brad Chase, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) Traditional herbalists consider lobelia to be one of the most powerful and useful herbs on the planet, and use it in a variety of herbal formulas. Lobelia is an adaptogen, or "thinking" herb, meaning it will take the beneficial phytochemicals in other herbs with it to the places in the body which need healing. Lobelia is one of the best herbs for removing congestion, whether in the respiratory tract or in the central nervous system. It is also an effective detoxifying herb. The...

Bed-ridden hospital patients to be electro-shocked via special pants to prevent bed sores

By Jonathan Benson, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Calgary (UoC) in Canada have come up with an unconventional new method of treating bed sores that they say could help save health systems around the world billions of dollars every year. As reported by BBC News, doctors from the school have devised double-padded underpants that literally shock the buttocks of immobile patients with electricity in order to simulate actual movement and prevent the development of pressure ulcers. Patients with spinal...

Beat systemic lupus naturally

By Dr. David Jockers, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that is known to inflame and damage the heart, lungs, brain, joints, blood vessels, skin and kidneys among other things. Typical medical treatments for lupus include corticosteroids that suppress the immune system and have major side effects. Lupus symptoms are characterized by skin lesions such as a butterfly-shaped rash on the face that covers the cheeks and bridge of nose. Other common symptoms include joint pain and...

Emergency first aid checklist: Herbs, medicines and tools for holistic medical safety in any crisis

By Mike Adams, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of superstorm Sandy, which has devastated many parts of the East coast, we've been receiving a flood of calls and emails asking about emergency preparedness items for first aid and natural medicine. Here, I've put together a quick checklist of things you'll want to acquire (or grow) to add to your emergency medicine collection. Emergency first aid checklist • Aloe Vera - Can be used as a topical antibiotic as well as a treatment for burns and skin issues...

Natural News accused of 'fear mongering' for reporting the weather

By Mike Adams, October 31 2012
(NaturalNews) Superstorm sandy never happened. There was no flooding, no power grid failure and no fatalities. In the aftermath of the storm that never happened, there will be no looting, no property loss, and no economic losses, either. This is the world according to those I call "off-course optimists" -- people who strangely choose to deny reality rather than deal with it. I call them "off-course" because as much as optimism is a valuable approach to living in a complex world, these people take...

Mainstream media, ignorant netizens in a total state of denial about looting following superstorm Sandy

By Mike Adams, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) It's not even nightfall and the looting after superstorm Sandy has already begun. One person in Philadelphia has already been arrested on suspicion of looting, and residents throughout Philly and NYC widely expect a wave of looting to kick off tonight as darkness falls. The New York State Police Department has formed an anti-looting patrol in anticipation of the looting, reports RT News. "People usually don't loot in the middle of a hurricane -- they wait until the end," said SeanMichael...

Now that the storm has passed, the real risk of looting begins tonight (and lasts through the week)

By Mike Adams, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Superstorm Sandy has passed, causing billions of dollars in damage, flooding New York City, shuttering transportation systems and leaving over ten million people without power. While the storm may have passed, the danger of looting has only just begun. As the sun falls this evening, the combination of darkness, ongoing power outages, and emergency services operating in overload provides the perfect cover for looters and violent criminals to start attacking homes and businesses. As...

People devising looting sprees via Twitter in wake of Hurricane Sandy may find armed resistance waiting for them

By J. D. Heyes, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Scores of people are using the social networking site Twitter to plan looting sprees in the wake Hurricane Sandy, though many of them - if they decide to follow through on their threat - could wind up facing the business end of a firearm. In fact, the New York National Guard is already preparing for any eventuality, including civil disobedience and looting, according to reports that say the state is planning on deploying nearly 1,200 soldiers for those, and other, purposes. NY...

Chefs rally nationwide to support GMO labeling, Proposition 37

By J. D. Heyes, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) As the groundswell of support among the general public continues to grow for Proposition 37, the effort to require labeling of genetically modified foods in California, a group of food experts has joined the ranks of backers: Chefs. More than 700 chefs and professional foodies, "from prominent names like David Bouley to up-and-comers like the chef Bryant Terry of Oakland," have lent their voice to supporters of the measure, saying - as all of us who support the effort have said ...

Americans waste $765 billion on unnecessary medical tests

By Sherry Baker, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) When it comes to discussing U.S. healthcare and the economy, most of the debate is about how and if the government should help make sure medical care is available to everyone, regardless of income. And while the enormous cost of medical care is usually a key part of these discussions, what is rarely mentioned is just why healthcare is so extremely expensive. It turns out, according to a new American College of Physicians (ACP) policy paper just published in the Annals of Internal...

CDC brazenly tries to poison all pregnant women with whooping cough vaccines that we know don't even work

By Ethan A. Huff, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which makes formal recommendations to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about vaccine guidelines, recently decided that all pregnant women should be vaccinated for whooping cough (pertussis). Defying up-to-date science showing that the vaccine does not even work, ACIP voted 14-0, with one abstention, to make it official U.S. government policy that pregnant women receive the jab, in order to supposedly pass...

Bank of America engaged in blatant fraud involving home loan scheme, charge federal prosecutors

By Ethan A. Huff, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Just in time for the upcoming closing of the litigatory window for such cases, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a new lawsuit against Bank of America (BofA) alleging that the banking giant fraudulently dumped billions of dollars' worth of bad mortgages into the taxpayer-backed mortgage groups Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the early stages of the economic crisis. According to CNN Money, the DOJ is seeking $1 billion in damages from BofA for making Fannie and Freddie...

Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips

By Carolanne Wright, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Not only bothersome, acne can also indicate toxicity. Encourage radiant skin and cleanse the body by making easy adjustments to the diet and utilizing natural remedies. Exotic or expensive ingredients are unnecessary -- a solution may be no further than the kitchen pantry. We are what we eatIt should come as no surprise that diet is intricately linked with the health of the skin; whether acne, premature wrinkles or general clarity. A spectrum of colorful fruits and vegetables are...

Lance Armstrong implosion vindicates all the whistleblowers who tried to raise the doping alarm over the past decades

By J. D. Heyes, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) For years, professional cycling experts and insiders said Lance Armstrong was cheating. They said he was doping. They said he was guilty. No one believed them. They were shunned by an adoring public, written off as crackpots or even worse. Now, all of those voices who pointed an accusing finger at the sport's once most famous, now most infamous competitor have been vindicated. "Eleven years of bullying and threats," Kathy LeMond, the wife of cyclist Greg LeMond, one of Armstrong's...

Plant-based diet helps prevent more than 60 percent of chronic disease deaths

By John Phillip, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Chronic illnesses including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity account for nearly 65 percent of all deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization. Over the course of modern human history, forward thinking scientists have known that a diet largely consisting of plants, fruits, nuts and seeds promote optimal health, and when coupled with a healthy lifestyle, can prevent, and in many cases treat a wide variety of chronic diseases that kill millions every...

Criminals planted electronic bugs in Barnes & Noble credit card readers; elaborate scam may have swiped thousands of cards

By J. D. Heyes, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Advances in financial technology have become a double-edged sword in the 21st century, as it is being used more and more often against the very consumers it was developed to serve. The latest example originates from major bookseller Barnes & Noble, which warned its customers recently to check their credit and debit card statements after finding out that criminals tampered with the chain's card readers in 63 stores around the country, according to CBS New York. The report said...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away (and makes you svelte, smart and strong too)

By Carolanne Wright, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) We have all heard the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," but new research has shown that apples have many more benefits than previously thought. Want to improve memory, endurance or weight loss? Eat an apple. How about boosting physical health? Apples can help. Threatening diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, asthma and cancer are also diminished by this seemingly ordinary fruit. A tasty daily habit that prevents major diseaseResearchers have discovered...

Eating a high-carb diet increases your chances of Alzheimer's, study finds

By J. D. Heyes, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) There are a number of reasons why a high-carb diet is not wise, but new research has added yet another reason why you cut down on the pasta: You are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. A new study that was recently released found that older adults who load up on carbs have close to four times the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment. Researchers also said that sugars played a role in the development of MCI, which very often serves as a precursor to Alzheimer's...

Nutritional needs for children

By Dr. David Jockers, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) The food we eat provides the raw materials for healthy cells in our body. Children need high quality nutrition to function and perform at their peak. Our society trains children to devalue the importance of high quality food choices. Raising healthy children takes determination and great meal planning on the part of the parents. Most government provided school lunches are packed full of toxic genetically modified, highly processed foods that offer no real nutritional content other...

New study finds boys joining girls in early development

By Ben Meredith, October 30 2012
(NaturalNews) Studies have been done in recent years focusing on the development of girls, and the results have shown that girls are developing at a younger age these days than they used to. However, new data shows that boys are demonstrating this same pattern of growth. The study took place between 2005 and 2010, and in comparison to medical textbook standards, it found that boys are physically maturing anywhere from six months to two years sooner. The research results specified that African...

'Looting gangs' target victims of Hurricane Sandy with theft and violence: Here's how to stop them cold

By Mike Adams, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) The most despicable thing yet to emerge from the approaching "Frankenstorm" Hurricane Sandy is a growing trend of Twitter users recruiting "looting gangs." The intention, of course, is to use the storm as cover to commit violent crimes against individuals, private property and commercial property. Credit for this story goes to Paul Watson of who has collected a series of absolutely shocking tweets from real Twitter accounts, where users are actively recruiting others to...

Hurricane Sandy could leave people 'fighting in the streets' for basic necessities like food, gas

By J. D. Heyes, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) Monster Hurricane Sandy made landfall along the South Jersey coast, as forecasters had predicted, on Monday evening with gale-force winds of 90 miles per hour and bringing with it the promise of "historic" damage that could lead to scores of unprepared Americans "fighting in the streets" for basic goods like food, gasoline and fresh water, local residents are warning. As the so-called perfect storm slams the upper Northeast United States, the National Weather Service issued a dire...

TSA pulls naked body scanners out of key airports; still refuses to submit to third-party safety testing

By J. D. Heyes, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) After months of complaints, negative feedback, bad press and no small amount of controversy, the Transportation Security Administration has announced it will begin removing its naked body scanners out of key airports around the country. Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security - which oversees the TSA - made the decision in recent days to pull the scanners from New York City's LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy International airports. The question is why. Why did...

Canadian officials deny science, declare BPA chemical 'safe' after first claiming it to be 'toxic'

By Ethan A. Huff, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) Keeping up with the latest science regarding chemical safety is apparently of little or no concern to the Canadian government, which recently declared the highly-toxic plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) to be safe just two years after declaring it to be a toxin. In a report issued by Health Canada's Food Directorate, the agency has iterated its unfounded position that exposure to BPA in food packaging "is not expected to pose a health risk to the general population, including newborns...

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