Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Eliminate restless leg syndrome with home remedies and natural treatments

By JB Bardot, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) Restless leg syndrome (RLS) affects approximately 10 percent of the populace, with onset commonly occurring among woman in their 50s. RLS involves moving the legs constantly -- seeking relief from pains, twitching, burning, crawling, tingling and unease -- all made worse when you're lying still in bed. There is no known conventional treatment for restless leg syndrome; however, certain home remedies and alternative treatments often provide relief. Homeopathic remediesRhus tox...

PTSD successfully treated with integrative treatments: Healing touch and guided imagery

By J. D. Heyes, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) A newly released study has found that healing touch, in combination with guided imagery (HT+GI) provides dramatic clinical reductions in post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, symptoms for military personnel who have been exposed to combat. The results of the study, published in the September issue of Military Medicine, described "healing touch" as an energy-based treatment that is non-invasive and aims to restore and balance the human "biofield" to help decrease pain and produce...

Sugar consumption a 'public health crisis' aggravated by GM sugar beets

By Carolanne Wright, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) Sugar is exceptionally toxic and leads to heart disease, metabolic syndrome and cancer -- it can even be equated with addictive drugs like cocaine, according to prominent medical experts. Add to this the fact that genetically modified (GM) sugar beets now dominate the U.S. market, a healthy future certainly looks bleak. Not only are Americans dealing with the negative effects of consuming elephantine amounts of sugar, but now the health dangers of genetically modified organisms through...

Research find flaxseed can help prevent, treat hormone-associated cancers

By Jonathan Benson, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) There may be more benefits to eating flaxseed than simply its tendency to promote regularity and prevent the onset of Type-2 diabetes. An index of research compiled by Sayer Ji over at reveals that flaxseed is also rich in hormone-modulating factors such as phytoestrogens, which can actually help reduce harmful estrogen activity in the body, particularly as such activity is related to spurring the growth and spread of cancer cells. Ji explains that, based on the...

Discover the many health benefits of Moringa, the ultimate survival 'superfood'

By Ethan A. Huff, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) Often referred to as the "miracle tree" because of its uniquely diverse array of nutritional, medicinal, and purifying properties, Moringa oleifera is a little-known, and highly undervalued, "superfood" treasure with incredible potential to greatly improve health and eliminate hunger around the world. This whole food plant contains high amounts of protein, all eight essential amino acids, a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and a plethora of phytonutrients and other powerful disease...

High on food - New studies show that diet alters brain functions

By Raw Michelle, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) It may come as no surprise that what we eat affects the brain, and this is most obvious when looking at dietary disorders like obesity, compulsive overeating, and diabetes. The annual conference of the Society for Neuroscience took place between October 13 and October 17, and featured several new studies that investigate the relationship between brain function and food. Bad dietary choices cast your brain into a vicious circleOne study showed that obesity influences brain function...

Why are men and women smoking cigarettes while serving in the military?

By S. D. Wells, October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) The following is a recent interview with retired Navy Commander Donald E. Minnich, who smoked during service for 20 years, and who served in three wars, including WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Reporter: "So you were in WWII and you smoked? When did you actually start smoking?" CDR Minnich: "I served in WWII, at the end, aboard the U.S.S. Pine Island (AV12) in Antarctica, in 1946. I started smoking before I joined the Navy at age 17. At enlistment, I was up to about half a pack a day...

Tired of that extra body fat?

By Kelly Pepper, D.C., October 29 2012
(NaturalNews) When we want to lean down and melt away some extra body fat, most of us know the general drill: restrict simple, refined carbs, burn more calories with exercise and physical activity, and monitor our caloric intake. But what about when this approach feels futile and depressing as the body fat still sticks, or worse yet, body fat proliferates? What are some pitfalls that we might be overlooking that are sabotaging our honest efforts to slim down? Stressed out keeps fat onOne of the...

Join Natural News in offering prayers to all those about to be impacted by the 'Frankenstorm' Hurricane Sandy

By Mike Adams, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) The time for preparedness is over. Now those who are in the path of Hurricane Sandy and the converging "superstorm" must hunker down, ride out the storm and stay focused on safety and survival. They need the blessings of all of us who are not in harm's way, so today Natural News urges all our readers to say a prayer for those who are about to find themselves at ground zero. The National Weather Service has issued a public warning describing the storm as "...AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS...

Could GM alfalfa take down the entire Canadian organic farming industry?

By Jonathan Benson, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Organic farmers throughout the Canadian province of Ontario are counting the days until they officially lose their organic certifications as a result of potential commercial plantings of genetically-modified (GM) alfalfa. Like in the U.S., government officials in Canada recently approved plantings of GM alfalfa, even though the crop is wholly unnecessary, and will forever taint the integrity of non-GM and organic varieties of alfalfa, as well as other crops. As reported by Global...

Court ruling: Mobile and cordless phones cause brain tumors

By Ethan A. Huff, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) For the very first time, a supreme court has ruled that using mobile or cordless phones is directly linked to causing brain tumors, affirming what many scientists have been saying for years now about the dangers of cell phone radiation. The U.K.'s Telegraph reports that 60-year-old Innocente Marcolini, who developed a tumor in his trigeminal nerve, was ruled to have suffered this fate as a result of using his mobile handset for up to six hours every day for 12 years. According to...

Big Pharma wants to run medical experiments on your babies

By Sherry Baker, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a new drug, pharmaceutical companies have to demonstrate through drug trials on humans that their drugs are, supposedly, safe. Unfortunately, many of these tested-on-human-guinea-pigs medications turn out to have serious side effects that aren't discovered until countless people have taken these meds for many years after FDA approval. Even more worrisome is deliberate and illegal covering-up of potentially deadly side effects...

Vaccinating our children - Making an informed decision

By Luella May, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) When opting to vaccinate children, it is important to make an educated and informed decision. Too many parents are unaware of the risks that vaccines pose, not realizing that they can lead to serious or even life-threatening health conditions. In addition to possible fatal reactions, immunizing children may contribute to such health conditions as asthma, allergies, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, ADD/ADHD and more. Safety and effectiveness of vaccinesNumerous published medical...

Former Goldman Sachs employee blows the whistle on unethical business practices

By John McKiernan, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Greg Smith, a Goldman Sachs mid level vice president, resigned in the spring of 2012. Upon his resignation, he decided to write a "tell all" book regarding his experience with the firm and why he left. Most of us are aware that there is some level of deception and corruption on Wall Street. After all, it's where people go to make big money. But why would an employee making half a million dollars a year decide to call it quits after spending 12 years with the company? For Greg it...

Thousands of U.K. doctors are putting patients on 'death lists' and denying them treatment

By J. D. Heyes, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) The face of government-run socialized medicine just keeps getting uglier in Britain, where as many as 3,000 doctors are set to place many thousands more patients on so-called "death registers" where they are ultimately denied treatment - all to save a buck. Or in this case, a pound. Being placed on the registers means those patients have been singled out "to be allowed to die in comfort rather than be given life-saving treatment in hospital," Britain's Daily Mail reported. Some...

Chemistry Council trying to lobby Washington to cut off funding for research on carcinogens

By Ethan A. Huff, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Every two years, the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which operates under the banner of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), releases a congressionally-mandated report entitled the "Report on Carcinogens" (RoC) that identifies various agents, substances, mixtures, or exposures that are known to cause cancer. But the American Chemical Society (ACS), which represents many of the biggest names in the cancer-causing chemical industry, is currently trying to lobby Congress...

Cross contamination a risk for Celiacs even when ordering food from gluten-free menus

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Approximately three million people in the United States have been diagnosed with Celiac disease and another 18 million may be gluten sensitive. The growing number of people who choose to avoid gluten is causing restaurants to make changes. Large restaurant chains now include gluten-free items on their menus in response to customer demand. However, the term "gluten-free" is somewhat ambiguous, at least the way that restaurants are using it. Items marked gluten-free may make people with...

Blood pressure meds are totally worthless

By Craig Stellpflug, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) There are some 68 million people in the U.S. who are diagnosed with either high blood pressure or mild - stage 1 hypertension. The blood pressure numbers used to diagnose these two conditions are systolic (top number) value of 140-159 and diastolic (bottom number) value of 90-99. This latest review conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration, which provides independent analyses of medical data, suggests that many patients with stage 1 hypertension are over-treated and subjected to the possible...

California survival company selling underground 'doomsday bunkers' with kitchens, flat-screen televisions, and free land

By Ethan A. Huff, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) A Florida-based Army Navy store has taken survivalism to a whole new level with a 32-foot-long yellow pipe it recently began selling as a type of "doomsday bunker." WKMG Local 6 News in Orlando reports that Al's Army Navy Store in Altamonte Springs is now selling the pipe, which is designed to be buried 20 feet underground for protection from tornadoes, hurricanes, and other disasters, for the price of $59,900, which does not include installation. The shelter, which measures 32 feet...

Eating tomatoes helps prevent strokes

By Jonathan Benson, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) You might just want to slice up a few extra organic tomatoes every day and throw them in your meals for added heart health, based on the findings of a new study published in the journal Neurology. Researchers out of Finland recently discovered that lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant prominently found in red fruits and vegetables, and particularly in tomatoes, may help to dramatically reduce stroke risk in a way never before recognized. The study initially began as an investigation...

Halt infectious disease, cancer and much more with $3 remedy

By Carolanne Wright, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an extraordinary natural remedy. This economical and common powder has a wide range of healing possibilities: acne, cancer, colds, influenza, acid reflux -- the list goes on and on. And don't forget about all the great uses around the house as well. Priced around $3 for a large box, baking soda just might be that readily available and cost effective miracle everyone has been looking for. The connection between fungus and cancerThe groundbreaking...

The Common Cold: Friend or Foe? (Opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) The common cold is probably the most poorly understood health complaint. Most of us look at a cold as an irritating pain in the okole (Hawaiian for butt), caused by some "virus" going around. So what do we do? We direct all of our efforts to eliminate by any means possible and in as short a time a time as possible, the various uncomfortable symptoms. The first thing that's done is to visit a drug store with their unbelievable arsenal of weapons to wipe out this enemy, the common...

Extended 'grid down' survival scenario about to be unleashed across Eastern seaboard as storm of the century approaches

By Mike Adams, October 28 2012
(NaturalNews) Millions of U.S. residents along the Eastern seaboard are expected to experience a "grid down" survival scenario beginning as early as Monday night. The "Frankenstorm" Hurricane Sandy is a convergence of multiple weather events rarely seen in human history. Most people living in the region have never seen a storm like this in their lifetime. According to, the storm brings together five weather events: • A Northbound hurricane • A winter storm front &bull...

Emergency preparedness checklist for perfect storm Hurricane Sandy - Here's what you need to get NOW

By Mike Adams, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) Called a "monster storm," Hurricane Sandy is much more than a hurricane. It's a hybrid monster storm system that weather experts are now warning could cause $1 billion in damage when it strikes the U.S. eastern seaboard early Tuesday morning. If you're living anywhere near Philadelphia, Boston, Delaware or surrounding states, you have a very limited window of opportunity to get ready with everything you'll need to ride out this storm. That's the purpose of this article: To give you...

Blog better! The nine most common writing errors you can easily avoid starting right now

By Mike Adams, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) As the editor of NaturalNews, I read a large number of articles contributed by writers, and in those articles, I see the same common writing mistakes made over and over again. I don't claim to be a perfect writer myself -- and there are even some grammatical rules I have purposely abandoned (see below) -- but the common mistakes I'm listing below are glaring errors I see repeated everywhere. If you're a writer, blogger or journalist, pay close attention to this list so that you can...

Victories against fluoride becoming more frequent as citizens get informed, empowered

By Jonathan Benson, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) Roughly 85,000 fewer people living in North America will be forced to drink and bathe in fluoridated water, thanks to four recent community victories preventing or overturning water fluoridation mandates. The towns of O'Fallon, Missouri; Rosetown, Saskatchewan; Lake View, Iowa; and Cassadaga, New York are all now officially fluoride-free, proving that individuals really do have the power to step up and protect themselves against one of the most ridiculous folklores of the past century...

Banana Boat sunscreen may ignite on your skin: Flammable chemicals pose health risk

By PF Louis, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) From the mid-1950s throughout the reminder of the 20th century, UFO stories were the bizarre news scoops that were common in magazines and newspapers. The UFO sightings overshadowed even more bizarre incidents of spontaneous human combustion (SHC) that arose during that same period and usually appeared in less prominent magazines and tabloids. Around 200 were reported. Just like the UFO sightings, most of them were explained away by rational explanations that often fell short...

The health benefits of eating fall fruits

By Catrell Cooney, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) The fall season brings, not only cooler temperatures and beautiful autumn colors, but also an abundance of nutrient dense fruits. Consuming produce when it's ripe and in season yields the best nutritional value. A few of the superfood fruits of fall include apples, cranberries, kumquats, persimmons, and starfruit. ApplesApples are the perfect grab and go fruit. They make a great addition to any lunch box, book bag, briefcase, or purse. Did you know that one serving of apple provides...

Eating beans and lentils daily balances blood sugar and prevents complications in diabetics

By Jonathan Benson, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) More evidence has emerged debunking the appropriateness of a whole grain-based diet for diabetics, which mainstream health authorities often recommend as beneficial for managing the disease. A new study out of Canada reveals that regularly eating beans, lentils, and other legumes instead of grains can help effectively promote and sustain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels, suggesting that diet alone may be all that is needed for many diabetics to properly manage and even cure...

Is red meat giving you cancer?

By Sarah Abbott, DC, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) Red meats have long been associated with an increased risk of cancer- specifically colorectal, breast and prostate cancer. There has been little conclusive evidence definitively indicating red meats play a role in endometrial cancer (a.k.a. cancer of the uterus). There is no known cause of this disease. It affects women as early as 40 years old, but most often occurs for women between the ages of 60 and 70. It is likely that levels of hormones (estrogen) play a large role, but the influence...

My doctor told me to eat fecal matter, and it cured me of a C. diff infection!

By J. D. Heyes, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) No, you did not read the headline wrong. And yes, as gross as it sounds, the headline is accurate. Using human fecal matter to treat deadly and contagious C. diff infectionS is safe and highly effective. So-called "fecal transplants," as they are known, are made from healthy people to those who are infected with the extremely difficult to treat Clostridium difficile bacteria, which causes severe, watery diarrhea. Researchers in a recent study at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit...

Hospital health care quality plummets: Risk of severe complications during hospital childbirth up 75 percent from decade ago

By Jonathan Benson, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) New data released as part of a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study on pregnant women has found that delivery complications are on the rise among women who give birth at American hospitals. According to the figures, the number of women who experience heart attacks, strokes, severe bleeding, kidney failure, or death during or following hospital childbirth is up 75 percent, which suggests that either human health or hospital safety -- or both -- are on the decline...

Baking soda: A lot more than just a baking staple

By Danna Norek, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) Baking soda has long been heralded as a multipurpose wonder. Even with this sort of reputation, there are still several ways most people haven't even thought of that it can be used as a natural and inexpensive alternative to so many of the necessities we rely on every day. It is prudent to choose a brand of baking soda which states it is aluminum free. Some brands may be contaminated with aluminum. Although some have the opinion that it is only baking powder that contains aluminum...

Can conventional cancer treatments heal cancer?

By Dr. Keith Nemec, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) Conventional cancer treatment has limited long term success with the cancers that claim the most lives. Curing cancer is quite different than healing cancer. To heal cancer, the physical as well as mental, emotional and spiritual aspects must be addressed. Taking into account these components of health and healing may actually be more important for long term healing than the physical. Standard cancer treatment looks at cancer as a foreign invader instead of realizing that it is that...

Coca-Cola partners with drug maker Sanofi to make sketchy 'beauty-enhancing' beverage

By Ethan A. Huff, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) The clear distinction between what defines a food versus a drug appears to be blurring, as beverage giant Coca-Cola has announced that it is teaming up with French drug maker Sanofi to release a new beauty-enhancing drink line known as "Beautific Oenobiol." According to reports, the nutritional product will initially be sold only in a handful of French pharmacies, with the potential to later be sold in stores and other retail outlets. The 50-50 partnership between the two companies...

Utilizing the power of the breath

By Joe Jennings, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) This article will look at how people can use the breath to actively change their day-to-day experience of reality with simple tools and how, with more in-depth exploration of the breath, they can recognize and release the subconscious 'junk' that keeps us trapped in old patterns and paradigms of existence and experience. We are now getting an understanding of how important correct breathing is. How it directly influences our physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual state...

Mice can sing in harmony, scientists discover

By PF Louis, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) Recent research at Tulane University disclosed the discovery that mice can manipulate the pitch of sounds they create as part of their communication process. Though it's been known that mice have mating calls, the scientists were surprised to discover that mice could actually learn sound pitches and adjust them in order to socialize better with each other. "We are claiming that mice have limited versions of the brain and behavior traits for vocal learning that are found in humans...

Focus on the good to eliminate the bad

By Angelika (Angie) Stehle, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) This could be rephrased as "think health, not illness," or "think future, not past," or "choose purpose focus over problem focus." In any case, the question is how to re-focus successfully. Everybody is experiencing problems in life, health-related or otherwise. Unfortunately, only some situations can be changed. It is therefore important to analyze the benefit of focusing, to identify your purpose in life, and to put energy into pursuing it. AnalyzeIn order to "think purpose, not...

The war against imagination

By Jon Rappoport, October 27 2012
(NaturalNews) I could begin by saying that the compulsion to vote for one of the two major presidential candidates is a failure of imagination, a failure to see clearly other long-range possibilities for the transformation of American politics...and that would be true. But it's only a tiny corner of the overall war against imagination. And that war is being waged by propaganda experts, yes, in a massive way, but the true war is being waged by individuals in their own minds. This is the basic...

Are biotech GMO corporations plotting to steal the election on Proposition 37?

By Mike Adams, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) I'm hearing grumblings through the grapevine that an effort may be underway to steal the election against Proposition 37. So far, these are just rumors, but knowing how these evil corporations trying to defeat the ballot measure really operate, there is NOTHING they won't do to protect their dirty little (agricultural) secrets. Including stealing the election. Stealing elections is only really possible in close elections, but that's exactly where Proposition 37 is right now. It's...

Monsanto-funded 'No on 37' campaign fabricates FDA quote, engages in criminal misconduct

By Ethan A. Huff, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) The No on 37 campaign trying to prevent Californians from knowing whether or not the foods they eat contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) has sunk to a new moral and ethical low, having recently forged a quote from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in supposed opposition to the labeling law. According to the California Right to Know campaign working towards mandatory GMO labeling in the Golden State, No on 37 deliberately fabricated a quote insinuating that the...

Do highly-caffeinated drinks like Monster Energy pose a death risk to people who drink them?

By Ethan A. Huff, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) They continue to be all the rage today, particularly among the masses of chronically-fatigued individuals and young people seeking a rapid energy boost. But highly-caffeinated beverages like Monster Energy and Red Bull are increasingly finding themselves implicated in wrongful death accusations, as the drinks typically contain caffeine levels up to 14 times higher than a normal cup of coffee, which some allege can lead to potentially-fatal health problems. The U.S. Food and Drug...

Seven changes for a happier, healthier you

By Victoria Moore, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) These days everyone is looking for a quick fix to improve their overall quality of life. You can take control and make seven simple changes to your lifestyle to increase health and exuberance. Drink more waterWater is perhaps nature's ultimate miracle; providing life for all living things. Dehydration can be responsible for many common afflictions such as headaches, fatigue and constipation. Increasing your water intake helps our bodies to function properly, improves our immune system...

Thyme out for cold, flu, and other organisms

By Willow Tohi, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) Another member of the labiatae, or mint, family, thyme is an herb native to the Mediterranean basin and comes in many varieties. There is only one plant, thymus vulgaris, but the composition of the oil distilled from the plant shows variations in chemical components based on the location or region the plant grows in, despite being botanically identical. The microbial power of thyme is so powerful that some oils are safe to use in all situations, and some are not. Thymus vularis ct....

Seven reasons to eat less meat and more plant-based foods

By PF Louis, October 15 2012
(NaturalNews) Not all of us have the same genetic composition or body type. But even so, most of us do well as vegetarians. Not everyone does well with grains, and some of us need or want dairy while others need or want some meat. Ayurvedic practitioners are usually experts at determining what foods you should eat, and some western health practitioners, whether physicians, chiropractors, or naturopaths have devised methods of their own to determine just what type of diet you should have. Not...

Monster energy drinks possibly the cause of five deaths

By Ben Meredith, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) Monster energy drinks are a popular choice for a caffeine fix among teens and young adults, but can drinking too many of them be fatal? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now investigating five deaths within the past year, the victims of which had consumed Monster drinks before their deaths. Monster drinks are made by Monster Beverage Corp. They come in a 24-ounce can that contains 240 milligrams of caffeine, which is seven times the amount of caffeine in a 12-ounce cola....

Research shows that spending time with nature has extensive mental health benefits

By Ben Hirshberg, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) Intuitively, many people understand nature's role in human health. Whether it is walking on the beach, swimming in the ocean, or hiking in the mountains, interaction with nature seems to have a positive effect on humans. The sounds, smells, and sights of the great outdoors appear to have an amazing stress-reducing capacity. Research backs up this folk wisdom, showing that spending time with nature can decrease feelings of depression, increase self-esteem, decrease tense feelings, help...

Tiger Milk mushrooms hold powerful cancer treatment secret

By J. D. Heyes, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) Increasingly, researchers believe the next big scientific breakthrough in terms of treating a number of existing diseases will come from natural ingredients, and as such they are focusing their efforts in that direction. Along those lines, scientists from the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyTechnic University in Hong Kong think they have discovered a breakthrough in terms of cancer treatment using Tiger Milk mushrooms from Africa. According to researchers...

Rappoport exposes medical conspiracy to 6 million non-English speakers

By Jon Rappoport, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) Daniel Estulin, the host of a new show for Russia Today, interviewed me on the subject of Medical Conspiracy. He fulfilled a long-time goal of mine to expose this information to non-English-speaking audiences. Daniel's show, Desde La Sombre, has a potential Central and South American audience of six million people. Our video interview, which was translated into Spanish, and narrated by Daniel in Spanish, covered the birth of Rockefeller medicine, cradle-to-grave slavery in the...

Exercise not only boosts immunity, it protects you from cancer: study

By J. D. Heyes, October 26 2012
(NaturalNews) We all know that regular exercise can certainly improve overall health in often immeasurable ways, but a new study suggests that it could also enhance your immune system and maybe even help protect against cancer. The small study, conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehabilitation Institute, found that a large number of the immune T cells in cancer survivors managed to improve their ability to fight disease...

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