All posts categorized with Politics
-(Natural News) The increasingly tedious “fake news” sideshow aims to delegitimize the incoming Donald Trump presidential administration. Obviously, bad info from random actors circulates on the web, but most of the fake news comes from the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN. Without any subsequent accountability, the Times and the Post, […]
-(Natural News), with a massive reader base of 45 million fans, has just announced a massive boycott of all Kellogg’s brands. It’s not over GMOs, however. doesn’t focus on food, herbicides or genetic engineering. Their focus is politics, and over the last two years, they’ve risen to become the No. 1 most credible […]
-(Natural News) More and more information from the now infamous Podesta email leaks continues to leave a trail of unearthed deceit tied to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. At the time of this writing, the total amount was just shy of 19,000 emails. Wikileaks claims that there are a total of 50,000 emails, the remaining 30,000 […]