All posts categorized with National Security
-(Natural News) There are more than just a few secrets being kept from the public by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where major incidents involving the release of deadly pathogens are being kept under tight wraps. Laboratory incident reports recently obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by USA Today […]
-(Natural News) The Obama administration, the Democratic Party and all the Left-wing power brokers in America are working overtime in their maniacal bid to defy the will of the people by denying President-elect Donald J. Trump the White House. They want to install their puppet, the wholly corrupt and compromised Hillary Clinton, despite the fact […]
-(Natural News) In recent days, the country where the next first lady, Melania Trump, calls home did something to protect its citizens: The government of Slovenia amended its constitution to protect its vast supply of clean water from corporate greed. Here’s some background. In 2013, as reported by Natural Blaze, then-CEO of Nestle, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, […]
-(Natural News) Russian police and security services are set to test special “designer dogs” that have been cloned in South Korea for the purpose of sniffing out drugs and explosives – and, some believe, for military purposes. To date, three dogs – Belgian Malinois – were cloned by Prof. Hwang Woo Suk, Ph.D, who gave […]